内容简介:A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked 'Start' in the diagram below).The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. The robot is trying to reach the bottom-right corner of the grid (marked 'Finish' in the diag
A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked 'Start' in the diagram below).
The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. The robot is trying to reach the bottom-right corner of the grid (marked 'Finish' in the diagram below).
How many possible unique paths are there?
above is a 7 x 3 grid. How many possible unique paths are there?
Note: m and n will be at most 100.
Example 1:
Input: m = 3, n = 2 Output: 3 Explanation: From the top-left corner, there are a total of 3 ways to reach the bottom-right corner: 1. Right -> Right -> Down 2. Right -> Down -> Right 3. Down -> Right -> Right
Example 2:
Input: m = 7, n = 3 Output: 28
在m * n 的格子左上角放置一个机器人,机器人在任何时候只能向右或向下移动,机器人尝试移动到格子的最右下角。有多少种可能的走法?
思路:动态规划,grid[m][n] = grid[m - 1][n] + grid[m][n - 1]
Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Unique Paths.
Memory Usage: 23.6 MB, less than 41.57% of Java online submissions for Unique Paths.
class Solution { public int uniquePaths(int m, int n) { int[][] grid = new int[m][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { grid[0][i] = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { grid[i][0] = 1; } for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) { grid[i][j] = grid[i - 1][j] + grid[i][j - 1]; } } return grid[m - 1][n - 1]; } }
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拉兹洛·博克 / 宋伟 / 中信出版集团 / 2015-12-1 / CNY 56.00
谷歌首席人才官拉斯洛•博克权威力作,谷歌公开认可的谷歌高层作品,首度揭秘谷歌颠覆工业时代模式的人才和团队管理的核心法则,《纽约时报》畅销榜第一名,Business Insider 2015最佳商业书籍,谷歌的创造力就在于此! 编辑推荐! 1、 谷歌人才官首次公开谷歌人才和团队管理的核心秘籍 在谷歌执掌人事多年的拉斯洛•博克是人才和团队管理的顶级专家。他加入谷歌后,谷歌的员工数从六......一起来看看 《重新定义团队:谷歌如何工作》 这本书的介绍吧!