内容简介:A flex gradle plugin for publish your library to maven repository become easy.for Gradle version >= 2.1:for Gradle version < 2.1 or where dynamic configuration is required:
A flex gradle plugin for publish your library to maven repository become easy.
- support publish multi-library, such as Java、Android、Kotlin
- support for api / implementation dependencies in new Gradle
- supports also @aar and transitive: false.
- generate Kotlin doc with dokka
- support upload sources Jar (configurable, default true)
- sign a library including sources, Javadoc, and a customized POM (configurable, default false, and require Gradle Version >= 4.8)
for Gradle version >= 2.1:
plugins { id "com.whl.gradle-publish-plugin" version "0.1.16-SNAPSHOT" } 复制代码
for Gradle version < 2.1 or where dynamic configuration is required:
buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" } } dependencies { classpath "com.whl:gradle-publish-plugin:0.1.16-SNAPSHOT" } } apply plugin: "com.whl.gradle-publish-plugin" 复制代码
Also see it inGradle plugins
"com.whl.gradle-publish-plugin" should be after apply "java-library" or "com.android.library"
then, configuration in your build.gradle,such as:
simple example:
group 'com.example' version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' gradlePublish { releaseRepository { url = "http://your repository.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases" userName = "your release account" password = "your release account" } } 复制代码
complete example:
group 'com.example' version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' gradlePublish { sourceJarEnabled = true javaDocEnabled = true signEnabled = false releaseRepository { url = "http://your repository.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases" userName = "your release account" password = "your release account" } snapshotRepository { url = "http://your repository.com/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots" userName = "your snapshot account" password = "your snapshot account" } } 复制代码
last, execute ./gradlew publish
task to publish your library to specified maven repository
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