Apache Groovy 2.5.6 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Apache Groovy 2.5.6 发布了,Groovy 是一种功能强大的可选类型和动态的语言,具有静态类型和静态编译功能,适用于 Java 平台,旨在通过简洁、熟悉且易于学习的语法提高开发人员的工作效率。 Sub-task [GROOVY-2...

Apache Groovy 2.5.6 发布了,Groovy 是一种功能强大的可选类型和动态的语言,具有静态类型和静态编译功能,适用于 Java 平台,旨在通过简洁、熟悉且易于学习的语法提高开发人员的工作效率。


  • [GROOVY-2773] - Strange behaviour when passing chained methods (methodA().methodB().etc()) as parameters

  • [GROOVY-3446] - Method call resolves to statically imported method instead of equally named local method

  • [GROOVY-4287] - CLONE - import of static nested classes in external groovy files is broken

  • [GROOVY-5852] - Static import on demand resolves capitalised reference


  • [GROOVY-7160] - NoSuchMethodError for varargs when type parameter extends interface

  • [GROOVY-7687] - Bug with @CompileStatic and nested closures

  • [GROOVY-7812] - Static inner classes cannot be accessed from other files when running by 'groovy' command

  • [GROOVY-7996] - Using with method with a closure that references a protected property produces ClassCastException

  • [GROOVY-8073] - Map delegate within @CompileStatic

  • [GROOVY-8238] - multiple-catch statement behaves strangely

  • [GROOVY-8272] - Extending trait can't execute static method

  • [GROOVY-8873] - Fails at runtime with @CompileStatic and two nested with

  • [GROOVY-8951] - Traits defining getter conflicts with generated getter (improvements for pre-compiled case)

  • [GROOVY-8954] - VerifyError due to incorrect bytecode produced when a trait super property call also comes from an interface

  • [GROOVY-8959] - NPE in StaticVerifier

  • [GROOVY-8964] - MissingMethodException when trying to resolve overload with variable arguments

  • [GROOVY-8967] - @Immutable not handling property default values from map constructor

  • [GROOVY-8969] - Parameter name data is erased when applying traits regardless of --parameters setting

  • [GROOVY-8970] - Fix typo in MANIFEST.MF: Main-class


  • [GROOVY-8535] - FieldNode constructor appears to call setType incorrectly

  • [GROOVY-8719] - Add DelegatesTo annotation to CompilerCustomizationBuilder.withConfig

  • [GROOVY-8971] - The VMPlugin configureClassNode method should retain parameter name information when available


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Apache Groovy 2.5.6 发布》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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