内容简介:activate-power-mode for IDEA.根据Atom的插件activate-power-mode的效果移植到IDEA上设置窗口在这里:
activate-power-mode for IDEA.
Atom Material Icons
Replace Jetbrains' icons with Atom File Icons and Material Design Icons! This is a both a port of the Atom File Icons ( https://github.com/file-icons... and the Material Theme Icons ( https://github.com/ChrisRM/ma... for Jetbrains products.
它好像会随着Material Theme UI一起安装。
Material Theme UI
This will add the Material Theme look to your IDE.
Rainbow Brackets
Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ based IDEs
Supported languages:
Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Haskell, Agda, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Ruby, Elixir, ObjectiveC, PHP, HTML, XML, SQL, Apex language, C#, Dart ...
With Material Theme UI
Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.
- Inside your IDE, select Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories....
- Search for wakatime.
- Click the green Install Plugin button and confirm the installation.
- Re-launch your IDE.
- Enter your api key, then click Save.
- Use your IDE like you normally do and your time will be tracked for you automatically.
- Visit https://wakatime.com to see your logged time.
Source Code: https://github.com/wakatime/j...
Android Studio
Android WiFi ADB
Provides an action which allow you quickly connect your Android device over WiFi to install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected by pressing one button.
Connect your device using a USB cable and press the Android WiFi ADB button. Once the device be connected over WiFi you'll see an IntelliJ/Android Studio notification. Now you can disconnect your USB cable and enjoy deploying, running and debugging your applications over WiFi.
The version 2.0 enables a window to check which of your devices are connected or not and connect/disconnect it manually if needed.
Database Navigator
Database development, scripting and navigation tool
This product adds extensive database development and maintenance capabilities to the IntelliJ IDEA development environment and related products. Along with a qualified and IDE-compliant SQL and PL/SQL editor, it provides advanced database connection management, script execution support, database objects browsing, data and code editor, support for database compiler operations, method execution and debugging, database objects factory, as well as various navigation capabilities between all its components.
See features overview on the support page.
Supported Databases:
This tool is free for personal and commercial usage.
Donations are very welcome though.
JSON To Kotlin Class (JsonToKotlinClass)
Plugin for Kotlin to convert Json String into Kotlin data class code quickly
Fast use it with short cut key ALT + K on Windows or Option + K on Mac
Generating Kotlin data class from any legal JSON string or any URLs that returns a JSON string as response
Generating Kotlin data class from any legal JSON text when right click on directory and select New -> Kotlin data class File from JSON
Supporting (almostly) all kinds of JSON libs' annotation(Gson, Jackson, Fastjson, MoShi and LoganSquare, kotlinx.serialization(default custom value))
Customizing your own annotations
Initializing properties with default values
Allowing properties to be nullable(?)
Determining property nullability automatically
Renaming property names to be camelCase style when selecting a target JSON lib annotation.
Generating Kotlin data class as individual classes
Generating Kotlin data class as inner classes
Formatting any legal JSON string
Generating Map Type when json key is primitive type
Only create annotation when needed
Custom define data class parent class
Sort property order by Alphabetical
Make keyword property valid
Support Loading JSON From Paster/Local File/Http URL
Support customize your own plugin by Extension Module
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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