下一部分包含 Java 程序来检查链表是否包含循环,这是上述算法的精确实现。该算法也被称为Floyd的循环查找算法,通常被称为Tortoise and Hare算法,用于查找链表中的循环。
这个Java程序使用LinkedList(不Java.UTI.LIKEDLIST)和链表的前一个节点类,修改了添加ToStTrn()方法和AppEntoTead()方法。另外,链表的iscyclic()方法用于实现逻辑,以确定链表是否包含循环。随后is cyclic()如果链表是循环的,则返回true,否则返回false。
<font><i>/* * Java class to represent linked list data structure. */</i></font><font> <b>public</b> <b>class</b> LinkedList { <b>private</b> Node head; <b>public</b> LinkedList() { <b>this</b>.head = <b>new</b> Node(</font><font>"head"</font><font>); } <b>public</b> Node head() { <b>return</b> head;} <b>public</b> <b>void</b> appendIntoTail(Node node) { Node current = head; </font><font><i>//find last element of LinkedList i.e. tail</i></font><font> <b>while</b>(current.next() != <b>null</b>){ current = current.next(); } </font><font><i>//appending new node to tail in LinkedList</i></font><font> current.setNext(node); } </font><font><i>/* * If singly LinkedList contains Cycle then following would be true * 1) slow and fast will point to same node i.e. they meet * On the other hand if fast will point to null or next node of * fast will point to null then LinkedList does not contains cycle. */</i></font><font> <b>public</b> <b>boolean</b> isCyclic(){ Node fast = head; Node slow = head; <b>while</b>(fast!= <b>null</b> && fast.next != <b>null</b>){ fast = fast.next.next; slow = slow.next; </font><font><i>//if fast and slow pointers are meeting then LinkedList is cyclic</i></font><font> <b>if</b>(fast == slow ){ <b>return</b> <b>true</b>; } } <b>return</b> false; } @Override <b>public</b> String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = <b>new</b> StringBuilder(); Node current = head.next(); <b>while</b>(current != <b>null</b>){ sb.append(current).append(</font><font>"-->"</font><font>); current = current.next(); } sb.delete(sb.length() - 3, sb.length()); </font><font><i>// to remove --> from last node</i></font><font> <b>return</b> sb.toString(); } <b>public</b> <b>static</b> <b>class</b> Node { <b>private</b> Node next; <b>private</b> String data; <b>public</b> Node(String data) { <b>this</b>.data = data; } <b>public</b> String data() { <b>return</b> data; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setData(String data) { <b>this</b>.data = data;} <b>public</b> Node next() { <b>return</b> next; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setNext(Node next) { <b>this</b>.next = next; } @Override <b>public</b> String toString() { <b>return</b> <b>this</b>.data; } } } </font>
在本节中,我们将使用带有两个链表的Java main方法测试,一个包含循环而另一个不循环。 您甚至可以为isCyclic()方法编写JUnit测试用例,以测试不同位置的循环的不同链表。 这是链表不包含任何循环的第一个测试。
<font><i>/** * * Java program to find if LinkedList contains loop or cycle or not. * This example uses two pointer approach to detect cycle in linked list. * Fast pointer moves two node at a time while slow pointer moves one node. * If linked list contains any cycle or loop then both pointer will meet some time. * * @author Javin Paul */</i></font><font> <b>public</b> <b>class</b> LinkedListTest { <b>public</b> <b>static</b> <b>void</b> main(String args[]) { </font><font><i>//creating LinkedList with 5 elements including head</i></font><font> LinkedList linkedList = <b>new</b> LinkedList(); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"101"</font><font>)); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"201"</font><font>)); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"301"</font><font>)); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"401"</font><font>)); System.out.println(</font><font>"Linked List : "</font><font> + linkedList); <b>if</b>(linkedList.isCyclic()){ System.out.println(</font><font>"Linked List is cyclic as it contains cycles or loop"</font><font>); }<b>else</b>{ System.out.println(</font><font>"LinkedList is not cyclic, no loop or cycle found"</font><font>); } } } Output: Linked List : 101-->201-->301-->401 LinkedList is not cyclic, no loop or cycle found </font>
<font><i>//creating LinkedList with 5 elements including head</i></font><font> LinkedList linkedList = <b>new</b> LinkedList(); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"101"</font><font>)); LinkedList.Node cycle = <b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"201"</font><font>); linkedList.appendIntoTail(cycle); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"301"</font><font>)); linkedList.appendIntoTail(<b>new</b> LinkedList.Node(</font><font>"401"</font><font>)); linkedList.appendIntoTail(cycle); </font><font><i>//don't call toString method in case of cyclic linked list, it will throw OutOfMemoryError</i></font><font> </font><font><i>//System.out.println("Linked List : " + linkedList);</i></font><font> <b>if</b>(linkedList.isCyclic()){ System.out.println(</font><font>"Linked List is cyclic as it contains cycles or loop"</font><font>); }<b>else</b>{ System.out.println(</font><font>"LinkedList is not cyclic, no loop or cycle found"</font><font>); } Output: Linked List is cyclic as it contains cycles or loop </font>
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《如何用JAVA程序来查找链接列表是否包含循环》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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本书提出了一个框架,用于分析程序设计语言的语法、操作和语义性质,该框架基于称为类型化λ演算的数学系统。λ演算的主要特色是对于函数和其他可计算的值的一种记法,以及一个等式逻辑和用于表达式求值的一组规则。本书中最简单的系统是称为泛代数的一个等式系统,它可以用来公理化和分析通常用于程序设计的许多数据类型。可作为理论计算机科学、软件系统和数学专业的大学本科高年级或者研究生初始学习阶段的教材,同时也适合用于......一起来看看 《程序设计语言理论基础》 这本书的介绍吧!