内容简介:不知道大家有無遇過在啟動新的專案後,需要從舊的專案複製設定到新專案,或者是在大家可以看到上面總共快 80 行,如果要再支援 ARM 64,這時候就需要重新複製再貼上,並且把相關設定改掉,有沒有覺得這樣非常難維護
不知道大家有無遇過在啟動新的專案後,需要從舊的專案複製設定到新專案,或者是在 .drone.yml
內有非常多重複性的設定,假設 Go 語言 的開源專案需要將執行檔包成 ARM64 及 AMD64 的映像檔,並且上傳到 Docker Hub ,底下是 AMD64 的設定檔範例
--- kind: pipeline name: linux-arm64 platform: os: linux arch: arm64 steps: - name: build-push pull: always image: golang:1.11 commands: - "go build -v -ldflags \"-X main.build=${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}\" -a -o release/linux/arm64/drone-discord" environment: CGO_ENABLED: 0 GO111MODULE: on when: event: - push - pull_request - name: build-tag pull: always image: golang:1.11 commands: - "go build -v -ldflags \"-X main.version=${DRONE_TAG##v} -X main.build=${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}\" -a -o release/linux/arm64/drone-discord" environment: CGO_ENABLED: 0 GO111MODULE: on when: event: - tag - name: executable pull: always image: golang:1.11 commands: - ./release/linux/arm64/drone-discord --help - name: dryrun pull: always image: plugins/docker:linux-arm64 settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.linux.arm64 dry_run: true password: from_secret: docker_password repo: appleboy/drone-discord tags: linux-arm64 username: from_secret: docker_username when: event: - pull_request - name: publish pull: always image: plugins/docker:linux-arm64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: linux-arm64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.linux.arm64 password: from_secret: docker_password repo: appleboy/drone-discord username: from_secret: docker_username when: event: - push - tag trigger: branch: - master
大家可以看到上面總共快 80 行,如果要再支援 ARM 64,這時候就需要重新複製再貼上,並且把相關設定改掉,有沒有覺得這樣非常難維護 .drone.yml
。Drone 的作者聽到大家的聲音了,在 1.0 版本整合了 jsonnet 這套 Data Templating Language,讓您可以寫一次代碼並產生出好幾種環境。底下簡單看一個例子:
// A function that returns an object. local Person(name='Alice') = { name: name, welcome: 'Hello ' + name + '!', }; { person1: Person(), person2: Person('Bob'), }
透過 jsonnet 指令可以轉換如下:
{ "person1": { "name": "Alice", "welcome": "Hello Alice!" }, "person2": { "name": "Bob", "welcome": "Hello Bob!" } }
那該如何改 drone 設定檔方便未來多個專案一起維護呢?
安裝 drone CLI 執行檔
請直接參考 官方文件 就可以了,這邊不再詳細介紹,底下是 Mac 範例:
$ curl -L https://github.com/drone/drone-cli/releases/download/v1.0.4/drone_darwin_amd64.tar.gz | tar zx $ sudo cp drone /usr/local/bin
安裝完成後,還需要設定 環境變數 ,才可以跟您的 Drone 服務溝通。
$ drone NAME: drone - command line utility USAGE: drone [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 1.0.5 COMMANDS: build manage builds cron manage cron jobs log manage logs encrypt encrypt a secret exec execute a local build info show information about the current user repo manage repositories user manage users secret manage secrets server manage servers queue queue operations autoscale manage autoscaling fmt format the yaml file convert convert legacy format lint lint the yaml file sign sign the yaml file jsonnet generate .drone.yml from jsonnet plugins plugin helper functions
撰寫 .drone.jsonnet 檔案
在專案目錄內放置 .drone.jsonnet
檔案,拿 Go 專案當範例:
- 驗證程式碼品質
- 編譯執行檔
- 包成 Docker 容器
- 上傳到 Docker Hub
- 消息通知
local PipelineTesting = { kind: "pipeline", name: "testing", platform: { os: "linux", arch: "amd64", }, steps: [ { name: "vet", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", environment: { GO111MODULE: "on", }, commands: [ "make vet", ], }, { name: "lint", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", environment: { GO111MODULE: "on", }, commands: [ "make lint", ], }, { name: "misspell", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", environment: { GO111MODULE: "on", }, commands: [ "make misspell-check", ], }, { name: "test", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", environment: { GO111MODULE: "on", WEBHOOK_ID: { "from_secret": "webhook_id" }, WEBHOOK_TOKEN: { "from_secret": "webhook_token" }, }, commands: [ "make test", "make coverage", ], }, { name: "codecov", image: "robertstettner/drone-codecov", pull: "always", settings: { token: { "from_secret": "codecov_token" }, }, }, ], trigger: { branch: [ "master" ], }, }; local PipelineBuild(os="linux", arch="amd64") = { kind: "pipeline", name: os + "-" + arch, platform: { os: os, arch: arch, }, steps: [ { name: "build-push", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", environment: { CGO_ENABLED: "0", GO111MODULE: "on", }, commands: [ "go build -v -ldflags \"-X main.build=${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}\" -a -o release/" + os + "/" + arch + "/drone-discord", ], when: { event: [ "push", "pull_request" ], }, }, { name: "build-tag", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", environment: { CGO_ENABLED: "0", GO111MODULE: "on", }, commands: [ "go build -v -ldflags \"-X main.version=${DRONE_TAG##v} -X main.build=${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}\" -a -o release/" + os + "/" + arch + "/drone-discord", ], when: { event: [ "tag" ], }, }, { name: "executable", image: "golang:1.11", pull: "always", commands: [ "./release/" + os + "/" + arch + "/drone-discord --help", ], }, { name: "dryrun", image: "plugins/docker:" + os + "-" + arch, pull: "always", settings: { dry_run: true, tags: os + "-" + arch, dockerfile: "docker/Dockerfile." + os + "." + arch, repo: "appleboy/drone-discord", username: { "from_secret": "docker_username" }, password: { "from_secret": "docker_password" }, }, when: { event: [ "pull_request" ], }, }, { name: "publish", image: "plugins/docker:" + os + "-" + arch, pull: "always", settings: { auto_tag: true, auto_tag_suffix: os + "-" + arch, dockerfile: "docker/Dockerfile." + os + "." + arch, repo: "appleboy/drone-discord", username: { "from_secret": "docker_username" }, password: { "from_secret": "docker_password" }, }, when: { event: [ "push", "tag" ], }, }, ], depends_on: [ "testing", ], trigger: { branch: [ "master" ], }, }; local PipelineNotifications = { kind: "pipeline", name: "notifications", platform: { os: "linux", arch: "amd64", }, clone: { disable: true, }, steps: [ { name: "microbadger", image: "plugins/webhook:1", pull: "always", settings: { url: { "from_secret": "microbadger_url" }, }, }, ], depends_on: [ "linux-amd64", "linux-arm64", "linux-arm", ], trigger: { branch: [ "master" ], event: [ "push", "tag" ], }, }; [ PipelineTesting, PipelineBuild("linux", "amd64"), PipelineBuild("linux", "arm64"), PipelineBuild("linux", "arm"), PipelineNotifications, ]
大家可以看到 local PipelineBuild
就是一個 func 函數,可以用來產生不同的環境代碼
PipelineBuild("linux", "amd64"), PipelineBuild("linux", "arm64"), PipelineBuild("linux", "arm"),
$ drone jsonnet --stream
您會發現專案下的 .drone.yml
已經成功修正,未來只要將變動部分抽成變數,就可以產生不同專案的環境,開發者就不需要每次手動修改很多變動的地方。至於要不要把 .drone.jsonnet
放入專案內進行版本控制就看情境了。其實可以另外開一個新的 Repo 放置 .drone.jsonnet
,未來新專案開案,就可以快速 clone 下來,並且產生新專案的 .drone.yml
設定檔。底下是 Drone 執行結果:
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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JavaScript RIA开发实战
(英)Dennis Odell / 张立浩 / 清华大学出版社 / 2010 / 48.00元
本书介绍如何采用最合理的方式为RIA编写可靠的、易于维护的HTML、CSS和JavaScript代码,以及如何使用Ajax技术在后台实现浏览器与Web服务器的动态通信。本书将介绍您在构建Web应用程序时可能遇到的性能限制,以及如何以最佳的方式克服这些限制。此外,本书提供的提示可以使用户界面响应更加灵敏。 本书也将介绍如何通过添加使用自定义字体的印刷标题、多媒体回放组件、自定义窗体控件和动态绘......一起来看看 《JavaScript RIA开发实战》 这本书的介绍吧!