译者: bdqfork
作者: Robert Guthrie
深度学习构建模块:仿射映射, 非线性函数以及目标函数
深度学习的核心组件之一是仿射映射,仿射映射是一个关于矩阵 A 和向量 x , b 的 f(x) 函数,如下所示:
需要训练的参数就是该公式中的 A 和 b 。
PyTorch以及大多数的深度学习框架所做的事情都与传统的线性代数有些不同。它的映射输入是行而不是列。也就是说,下面代码输出的第 i 行是输入的第 i 行进行 A 变换,并加上偏移项的结果。看下面的例子:
# Author: Robert Guthrie import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim torch.manual_seed(1)
lin = nn.Linear(5, 3) # maps from R^5 to R^3, parameters A, b # data is 2x5. A maps from 5 to 3... can we map "data" under A? data = torch.randn(2, 5) print(lin(data)) # yes
tensor([[ 0.1755, -0.3268, -0.5069], [-0.6602, 0.2260, 0.1089]], grad_fn=<AddmmBackward>)
首先,注意以下这个例子,它将解释为什么我们需要非线性函数。假设我们有两个仿射映射 f(x) = Ax + b 和 g(x) = Cx + d 。那么 f(g(x)) 又是什么呢?
AC 是一个矩阵, Ad + b 是一个向量,可以看出,两个仿射映射的组合还是一个仿射映射。
最常用的核心的非线性函数有: tanh(x) , σ(x) , ReLU(x) 。你可能会想:“为什么是这些函数?明明有其他更多的非线性函数。”这些函数常用的原因是它们拥有可以容易计算的梯度,而计算梯度是学习的本质。例如
注意:尽管你可能在AI课程的介绍中学习了一些神经网络,在这些神经网络中 σ(x) 是默认非线性的,但是通常在实际使用的过程中都会避开它们。这是因为当参数的绝对值增长时,梯度会很快消失。小梯度意味着很难学习。大部分都会选择 tanh 或者 ReLU 。
# In pytorch, most non-linearities are in torch.functional (we have it imported as F) # Note that non-linearites typically don't have parameters like affine maps do. # That is, they don't have weights that are updated during training. data = torch.randn(2, 2) print(data) print(F.relu(data))
tensor([[-0.5404, -2.2102], [ 2.1130, -0.0040]]) tensor([[0.0000, 0.0000], [2.1130, 0.0000]])
Softmax(x) 也是一个非线性函数,但它的特殊之处在于,它通常是神经网络的最后一个操作。这是因为它接受实数向量,并且返回一个概率分布。它的定义如下。设 x 为实数向量(正、负,无论什么,没有约束)。然后 Softmax(x) 的第 i 个分量是:
# Softmax is also in torch.nn.functional data = torch.randn(5) print(data) print(F.softmax(data, dim=0)) print(F.softmax(data, dim=0).sum()) # Sums to 1 because it is a distribution! print(F.log_softmax(data, dim=0)) # theres also log_softmax
tensor([ 1.3800, -1.3505, 0.3455, 0.5046, 1.8213]) tensor([0.2948, 0.0192, 0.1048, 0.1228, 0.4584]) tensor(1.) tensor([-1.2214, -3.9519, -2.2560, -2.0969, -0.7801])
那么,我们该怎么计算函数实例的损失函数呢?我们应该做什么呢?我们在之前了解到,Tensor知道如何计算梯度以及计算梯度相关的东西。由于我们的损失是一个Tensor,我们可以计算梯度以及所有用来计算梯度的参数。然后我们可以进行标准梯度更新。设 θ 为我们的参数, L(θ) 为损失函数, η 一个正的学习率。然后:
目前,有大量的算法和积极的研究试图做一些除了这种普通的梯度更新以外的事情。许多人尝试去基于训练时发生的事情来改变学习率。但是,你不需要担心这些特殊的算法到底在干什么,除非你真的很感兴趣。Torch提供了大量的算法在torch.optim包中,且全部都是透明的。使用复杂的算法和使用最简单的梯度更新没有什么区别。尝试不同的更新算法和在更新算法中使用不同的参数(例如不同的初始学习率)对于优化你的网络的性能很重要。通常,仅仅将普通的 SGD 替换成一个例如 Adam 或者 RMSProp 优化器都可以显著的提升性能。
所有的网络组件应该继承nn.Module并覆盖forward()方法。继承nn.Module提供给了一些方法给你的组件。例如,它可以跟踪可训练的参数,你可以通过 .to(device)
方法在CPU和GPU之间交换它们。 .to(device)
方法中的device可以是CPU设备 torch.device("cpu")
或者CUDA设备 torch.device("cuda:0")
示例: 逻辑回归词袋分类器
我们的模型将会把BOW表示映射成标签上的对数概率。我们为词汇中的每个词指定一个索引。例如,我们所有的词汇是两个单词“hello”和”world”,用0和1表示。句子“hello hello hello hello”的表示是
对于“hello world world hello”, 则表示成
也就是说,我们数据传入一个仿射映射然后做 softmax 的对数。
data = [("me gusta comer en la cafeteria".split(), "SPANISH"), ("Give it to me".split(), "ENGLISH"), ("No creo que sea una buena idea".split(), "SPANISH"), ("No it is not a good idea to get lost at sea".split(), "ENGLISH")] test_data = [("Yo creo que si".split(), "SPANISH"), ("it is lost on me".split(), "ENGLISH")] # word_to_ix maps each word in the vocab to a unique integer, which will be its # index into the Bag of words vector word_to_ix = {} for sent, _ in data + test_data: for word in sent: if word not in word_to_ix: word_to_ix[word] = len(word_to_ix) print(word_to_ix) VOCAB_SIZE = len(word_to_ix) NUM_LABELS = 2 class BoWClassifier(nn.Module): # inheriting from nn.Module! def __init__(self, num_labels, vocab_size): # calls the init function of nn.Module. Dont get confused by syntax, # just always do it in an nn.Module super(BoWClassifier, self).__init__() # Define the parameters that you will need. In this case, we need A and b, # the parameters of the affine mapping. # Torch defines nn.Linear(), which provides the affine map. # Make sure you understand why the input dimension is vocab_size # and the output is num_labels! self.linear = nn.Linear(vocab_size, num_labels) # NOTE! The non-linearity log softmax does not have parameters! So we don't need # to worry about that here def forward(self, bow_vec): # Pass the input through the linear layer, # then pass that through log_softmax. # Many non-linearities and other functions are in torch.nn.functional return F.log_softmax(self.linear(bow_vec), dim=1) def make_bow_vector(sentence, word_to_ix): vec = torch.zeros(len(word_to_ix)) for word in sentence: vec[word_to_ix[word]] += 1 return vec.view(1, -1) def make_target(label, label_to_ix): return torch.LongTensor([label_to_ix[label]]) model = BoWClassifier(NUM_LABELS, VOCAB_SIZE) # the model knows its parameters. The first output below is A, the second is b. # Whenever you assign a component to a class variable in the __init__ function # of a module, which was done with the line # self.linear = nn.Linear(...) # Then through some Python magic from the PyTorch devs, your module # (in this case, BoWClassifier) will store knowledge of the nn.Linear's parameters for param in model.parameters(): print(param) # To run the model, pass in a BoW vector # Here we don't need to train, so the code is wrapped in torch.no_grad() with torch.no_grad(): sample = data[0] bow_vector = make_bow_vector(sample[0], word_to_ix) log_probs = model(bow_vector) print(log_probs)
{'me': 0, 'gusta': 1, 'comer': 2, 'en': 3, 'la': 4, 'cafeteria': 5, 'Give': 6, 'it': 7, 'to': 8, 'No': 9, 'creo': 10, 'que': 11, 'sea': 12, 'una': 13, 'buena': 14, 'idea': 15, 'is': 16, 'not': 17, 'a': 18, 'good': 19, 'get': 20, 'lost': 21, 'at': 22, 'Yo': 23, 'si': 24, 'on': 25} Parameter containing: tensor([[ 0.1194, 0.0609, -0.1268, 0.1274, 0.1191, 0.1739, -0.1099, -0.0323, -0.0038, 0.0286, -0.1488, -0.1392, 0.1067, -0.0460, 0.0958, 0.0112, 0.0644, 0.0431, 0.0713, 0.0972, -0.1816, 0.0987, -0.1379, -0.1480, 0.0119, -0.0334], [ 0.1152, -0.1136, -0.1743, 0.1427, -0.0291, 0.1103, 0.0630, -0.1471, 0.0394, 0.0471, -0.1313, -0.0931, 0.0669, 0.0351, -0.0834, -0.0594, 0.1796, -0.0363, 0.1106, 0.0849, -0.1268, -0.1668, 0.1882, 0.0102, 0.1344, 0.0406]], requires_grad=True) Parameter containing: tensor([0.0631, 0.1465], requires_grad=True) tensor([[-0.5378, -0.8771]])
label_to_ix = {"SPANISH": 0, "ENGLISH": 1}
让我们来训练吧! 我们将实例传入来获取对数概率,计算损失函数,计算损失函数的梯度,然后使用一个梯度步长来更新参数。在PyTorch的nn包里提供了损失函数。nn.NLLLoss()是我们想要的负对数似然损失函数。它也在torch.optim定义了优化方法。这里,我们只使用 SGD 。
注意,NLLLoss的输入是一个对数概率的向量以及目标标签。它不会为我们计算对数概率。这也是为什么我们最后一层网络是 log_softmax 的原因。损失函数nn.CrossEntropyLoss()除了给你做了一个 sofmax 的对数之外和NLLLoss()没什么区别。
# Run on test data before we train, just to see a before-and-after with torch.no_grad(): for instance, label in test_data: bow_vec = make_bow_vector(instance, word_to_ix) log_probs = model(bow_vec) print(log_probs) # Print the matrix column corresponding to "creo" print(next(model.parameters())[:, word_to_ix["creo"]]) loss_function = nn.NLLLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1) # Usually you want to pass over the training data several times. # 100 is much bigger than on a real data set, but real datasets have more than # two instances. Usually, somewhere between 5 and 30 epochs is reasonable. for epoch in range(100): for instance, label in data: # Step 1\. Remember that PyTorch accumulates gradients. # We need to clear them out before each instance model.zero_grad() # Step 2\. Make our BOW vector and also we must wrap the target in a # Tensor as an integer. For example, if the target is SPANISH, then # we wrap the integer 0\. The loss function then knows that the 0th # element of the log probabilities is the log probability # corresponding to SPANISH bow_vec = make_bow_vector(instance, word_to_ix) target = make_target(label, label_to_ix) # Step 3\. Run our forward pass. log_probs = model(bow_vec) # Step 4\. Compute the loss, gradients, and update the parameters by # calling optimizer.step() loss = loss_function(log_probs, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() with torch.no_grad(): for instance, label in test_data: bow_vec = make_bow_vector(instance, word_to_ix) log_probs = model(bow_vec) print(log_probs) # Index corresponding to Spanish goes up, English goes down! print(next(model.parameters())[:, word_to_ix["creo"]])
tensor([[-0.9297, -0.5020]]) tensor([[-0.6388, -0.7506]]) tensor([-0.1488, -0.1313], grad_fn=<SelectBackward>) tensor([[-0.2093, -1.6669]]) tensor([[-2.5330, -0.0828]]) tensor([ 0.2803, -0.5605], grad_fn=<SelectBackward>)
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《使用PyTorch进行深度学习》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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