2018也许是 AutoML (自动化机器学习)的探索元年。就让我们从AutoML聊起。
1. AdaNet — 一个基于TensorFlow的开源神经网络自动学习项目 。
也许你之前听过 Auto-Keras 和 Auto-Sklearn ,但是如果要认真去做神经网络的AutoML, AdaNet 有许多值得借鉴的地方。
如上图, AdaNet 会在网络层中尝试使用不用的候选(Candidates)结构和参数。并且自己维护一个Adanet loss(带正则):
入门 AdaNet 可以先通读项目中的例程: https://github.com/tensorflow/adanet/blob/master/adanet/examples/tutorials/adanet_objective.ipynb ,并理解如何使用AdaNet已有类构造子网络生成器:
class SimpleDNNGenerator(adanet.subnetwork.Generator): """Generates a two DNN subnetworks at each iteration. The first DNN has an identical shape to the most recently added subnetwork in `previous_ensemble`. The second has the same shape plus one more dense layer on top. This is similar to the adaptive network presented in Figure 2 of [Cortes et al. ICML 2017](https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01097), without the connections to hidden layers of networks from previous iterations. """ def __init__(self, optimizer, layer_size=64, learn_mixture_weights=False, seed=None): """Initializes a DNN `Generator`. Args: optimizer: An `Optimizer` instance for training both the subnetwork and the mixture weights. layer_size: Number of nodes in each hidden layer of the subnetwork candidates. Note that this parameter is ignored in a DNN with no hidden layers. learn_mixture_weights: Whether to solve a learning problem to find the best mixture weights, or use their default value according to the mixture weight type. When `False`, the subnetworks will return a no_op for the mixture weight train op. seed: A random seed. Returns: An instance of `Generator`. """ self._seed = seed self._dnn_builder_fn = functools.partial( _SimpleDNNBuilder, optimizer=optimizer, layer_size=layer_size, learn_mixture_weights=learn_mixture_weights) def generate_candidates(self, previous_ensemble, iteration_number, previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports): """See `adanet.subnetwork.Generator`.""" num_layers = 0 seed = self._seed if previous_ensemble: num_layers = tf.contrib.util.constant_value( previous_ensemble.weighted_subnetworks[ -1].subnetwork.persisted_tensors[_NUM_LAYERS_KEY]) if seed is not None: seed += iteration_number return [ self._dnn_builder_fn(num_layers=num_layers, seed=seed), self._dnn_builder_fn(num_layers=num_layers + 1, seed=seed), ]
2. TPOT — 贴心到要把 特征选择、模型选择和模型优化 一并做了
TPOT试图把繁琐的 特征选择、模型选择和模型优化 一并做优化并输出在另一个py文件中:
from tpot import TPOTClassifier from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split digits = load_digits() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(digits.data, digits.target, train_size=0.75, test_size=0.25) tpot = TPOTClassifier(generations=5, population_size=20, verbosity=2) tpot.fit(X_train, y_train) print(tpot.score(X_test, y_test)) tpot.export('tpot_mnist_pipeline.py')
tpot_mnist_pipeline.py 代码文件:
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier # NOTE: Make sure that the class is labeled 'target' in the data file tpot_data = pd.read_csv('PATH/TO/DATA/FILE', sep='COLUMN_SEPARATOR', dtype=np.float64) features = tpot_data.drop('target', axis=1).values training_features, testing_features, training_target, testing_target = \ train_test_split(features, tpot_data['target'].values, random_state=None) exported_pipeline = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=6, weights="distance") exported_pipeline.fit(training_features, training_classes) results = exported_pipeline.predict(testing_features)
3. SHAP — 解释模型的预测行为
SHAP比一般模型分析 工具 好用的地方有两个,
- 支持tensorflow,pytorch,keras等深度学习框架
- 支持深度神经网络模型的预测行为可视化,如下图,红色的像素区域表示在当前标签下的概率更大:
p = Augmentor.Pipeline("/path/to/images") # Point to a directory containing ground truth data. # Images with the same file names will be added as ground truth data # and augmented in parallel to the original data. p.ground_truth("/path/to/ground_truth_images") # Add operations to the pipeline as normal: p.rotate(probability=1, max_left_rotation=5, max_right_rotation=5) p.flip_left_right(probability=0.5) p.zoom_random(probability=0.5, percentage_area=0.8) p.flip_top_bottom(probability=0.5) p.sample(50)
2018年不乏许多好的自然语言项目, spaCy 就是其中之一。spaCy 使用较新的研究成果作出产品级别的功能,包含的feature不限于以下所列:
仅spaCy的分词( tokenization )就支持31种语言和嵌套分词:
6. pytext — 深度学习+ NLP + PyTorch
来自facebook的开源项目pytext是基于pytorch的,自身带着一股研究性(如果你想寻找 深度学习+ NLP 的论文实现),如David 9 在之前文章( 一维卷积在语义理解中的应用,莫斯科物理技术学院开源聊天机器人DeepPavlov解析及代码 )提到的一维卷积:
embeddings ) ,包括
Flair embeddings , BERT embeddings 和LMo embeddings。
- https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/top-7-libraries-and-packages-of-the-year-for-data-science-and-ai-python-r-6b7cca2bf000
- https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/automated-machine-learning-in-python-5d7ddcf6bb9e
- https://github.com/zalandoresearch/flair
- https://github.com/mdbloice/Augmentor
- https://github.com/facebookresearch/PyText
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