MyBatis 3.5.0 发布,Java 数据持久层框架

栏目: Java · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:MyBatis 3.5.0 需要Java 8 及以后版本.增强:Bug 修复:

MyBatis 3.5.0 需要 Java 8 及以后版本.


  • Avoid 'Illegal reflective access' warning on JDK 9+. #1156

  • Added Automatic-Module-Name : org.mybatis #1199

  • Support java.util.Optional as return type of mapper method. #799

  • Avoid unnecessary wasNull() calls from the built-in type handlers.  #1244

  • It is now possible to specify columnPrefix in constructor arguments.  #968

  • Improved reliability when searching constructor for auto-mapping. #1277

  • It is now possible to access private, package private and protected members in OGNL expressions. #1258

  • Throw exception if the specified keyProperty is not found when assigning generated keys. #1250

  • Added a type handler for SQLXML data type. #1221

  • Allow accessing private, package private and protected members in OGNL expression. #1258

  • <set /> tag now trims the leading comma.  #21

  • Infer <case /> tag's  resultType from the enclosing  resultMap#486

  • Allow specifying columnPrefix in constructor mapping.  #968

  • Combination of @CacheNamespace and  <cache-ref /> does not throw exception anymore.  #1194

  • Support Log4J 2.6+. #1210

  • Slightly improved compatibility with drivers that only support JDBC 3 API. #1386

  • Upgraded testing framework to JUnit 5. #1425

Bug 修复:

  • OffsetDateTimeTypeHandler, OffsetTimeTypeHandler and ZonedDateTimeTypeHandler loses time zone information. #1081

  • Avoid SQLException when using Cursor with Db2.  #1345

  • Avoid exception when using Cursor with ReuseExecutor.  #1351

  • RowBounds with out-of-range offset causes SQLException on DB2. #1355

  • Specified logging implementation is not used in some classes. #1272

  • Unable to resolve javaType for  <association />#1381

  • Deeply nested (3+ levels) result map could cause IllegalArgumentException. #1176

  • Generic type parameter is not correctly resolved when the class hierarchy is deeper than 3 levels. #1260

请查阅 3.5.0 milestone page 的完整的变更列表.


  • Specifying keyProperty is now mandatory when using  useGeneratedKeys . If you relied on the implicit default value (="id"), generated keys will be silently ignored.  #1198

  • Using Cursor now requires a driver that supports JDBC 4.1 API.  #1351

  • If you extended org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler , you might need to add  wasNull() check in your type handler.  #1144

  • The default resultSetType value has been changed from  FORWARD_ONLY to  UNSET . This is applied only to annotation based mappers (for XML based mappers, the default is/was  UNSET ).  #1334

  • If you extended org.apache.ibatis.transaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction for some reason, the property  autoCommmit has been renamed to  autoCommit#941

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