栏目: JavaScript · 发布时间: 5年前
//传入地址,new Compiler出来一个复杂对象 compiler = new Compiler(options.context); // 把options挂载到对象上 compiler.options = options; new NodeEnvironmentPlugin().apply(compiler);
const NodeWatchFileSystem = require("./NodeWatchFileSystem"); const NodeOutputFileSystem = require("./NodeOutputFileSystem"); const NodeJsInputFileSystem = require("enhanced-resolve/lib/NodeJsInputFileSystem"); const CachedInputFileSystem = require("enhanced-resolve/lib/CachedInputFileSystem"); class NodeEnvironmentPlugin { apply(compiler) { // 可以缓存输入的文件系统 compiler.inputFileSystem = new CachedInputFileSystem( new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 60000 ); // 输入文件系统 const inputFileSystem = compiler.inputFileSystem; // 输出文件系统,挂载到compiler对象 compiler.outputFileSystem = new NodeOutputFileSystem(); // 传入输入文件,监视文件系统,挂载到compiler对象 compiler.watchFileSystem = new NodeWatchFileSystem( compiler.inputFileSystem ); // 添加事件流before-run compiler.hooks.beforeRun.tap("NodeEnvironmentPlugin", compiler => { if (compiler.inputFileSystem === inputFileSystem) inputFileSystem.purge(); }); } } module.exports = NodeEnvironmentPlugin;
"use strict"; const fs = require("graceful-fs"); class NodeJsInputFileSystem { //读取目录下文件 readdir(path, callback) { fs.readdir(path, (err, files) => { callback(err, files && files.map(file => { // 对文件名进行NFC格式化 return file.normalize ? file.normalize("NFC") : file; })); }); } //异步读取目录下文件 readdirSync(path) { const files = fs.readdirSync(path); return files && files.map(file => { return file.normalize ? file.normalize("NFC") : file; }); } } const fsMethods = [ "stat", "statSync", "readFile", "readFileSync", "readlink", "readlinkSync" ]; // 同步fs方法 for(const key of fsMethods) { Object.defineProperty(NodeJsInputFileSystem.prototype, key, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: fs[key].bind(fs) }); } module.exports = NodeJsInputFileSystem;
graceful-fs就是对node 原生fs 做了一层封装,显得更优雅
总体看来NodeEnvironmentPlugin这个模块就是对文件做了处理,又重新封装了node.js 对fs模块做了以一些处理,文件的输入,输出,缓存,监听...
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Computational Geometry
Mark de Berg、Otfried Cheong、Marc van Kreveld、Mark Overmars / Springer / 2008-4-16 / USD 49.95
This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the book is well suited for st......一起来看看 《Computational Geometry》 这本书的介绍吧!