内容简介:Equations are given in the formatExample:Given
英文 —— Evaluate Division
Equations are given in the format A / B = k
, where A
and B
are variables represented as strings, and k
is a real number (floating point number). Given some queries, return the answers. If the answer does not exist, return -1.0
Given a / b = 2.0, b / c = 3.0.
queries are: a / c = ?, b / a = ?, a / e = ?, a / a = ?, x / x = ? .
return [6.0, 0.5, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ].
The input is: vector<pair<string, string>> equations, vector<double>& values, vector<pair<string, string>> queries
, where equations.size() == values.size()
, and the values are positive. This represents the equations. Return vector<double>
According to the example above:
equations = [ ["a", "b"], ["b", "c"] ], values = [2.0, 3.0], queries = [ ["a", "c"], ["b", "a"], ["a", "e"], ["a", "a"], ["x", "x"] ].
The input is always valid. You may assume that evaluating the queries will result in no division by zero and there is no contradiction.
中文 —— 除法求值
给出方程式 A / B = k
, 其中 A
和 B
均为代表字符串的变量, k
是一个浮点型数字。根据已知方程式求解问题,并返回计算结果。如果结果不存在,则返回 -1.0
示例 :
给定a / b = 2.0, b / c = 3.0
a / c = ?, b / a = ?, a / e = ?, a / a = ?, x / x = ?
返回 [6.0, 0.5, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ]
输入为: vector<pair<string, string>> equations, vector<double>& values, vector<pair<string, string>> queries
(方程式,方程式结果,问题方程式), 其中 equations.size() == values.size()
,即方程式的长度与方程式结果长度相等(程式与结果一一对应),并且结果值均为正数。以上为方程式的描述。 返回 vector<double>
equations(方程式) = [ ["a", "b"], ["b", "c"] ], values(方程式结果) = [2.0, 3.0], queries(问题方程式) = [ ["a", "c"], ["b", "a"], ["a", "e"], ["a", "a"], ["x", "x"] ].
并查集(Union Find)、图(Graph)
在 计算机科学 中, 并查集 是一种树型的 数据结构 ,用于处理一些 不交集 (Disjoint Sets)的合并及查询问题。有一个 联合-查找算法 ( union-find algorithm )定义了两个用于此数据结构的操作:
- Find:确定元素属于哪一个子集。它可以被用来确定两个元素是否属于同一子集。
- Union:将两个子集合并成同一个集合。
- find(a) => a, find(g) => a, find(c) => a, find(e) => d
- union(b, e)
- a/b = 1, b/g = 1, a/c = 1, d/e = 1, d/f = 1, g/e =num, g->value* = num * e->value, ratio = num * e->value / g->value
并查集: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av38498175/?p=1
class Solution { private: struct Node { double value; Node* parent; Node() {parent = this;}; }; Node* find_parent(Node* node) { if (node->parent == node) return node; return find_parent(node->parent); } void union_nodes(Node* n1, Node* n2, double num, unordered_map<string , Node*> m) { Node* p1 = find_parent(n1), *p2 = find_parent(n2); double ratio = n2->value * num / n1->value; for (auto node : m) { if (find_parent(node.second) == p1) { node.second->value *= ratio; } } p1->parent = p2; } public: vector<double> calcEquation(vector<pair <string, string>> equations, vector<double>& values, vector<pair <string, string>> queries) { // declare unordered_map<string , Node*> m; vector<double> results{}; // build graph for (int i = 0; i < equations.size(); ++i) { if (m.find(equations[i].first) == m.end() && m.find(equations[i].second) == m.end()) { m[equations[i].first] = new Node(); m[equations[i].second] = new Node(); m[equations[i].first]->value = values[i]; m[equations[i].second]->value = 1; m[equations[i].second]->parent = m[equations[i].first]; } else if (m.find(equations[i].first) == m.end()) { m[equations[i].first] = new Node(); m[equations[i].first]->parent = m[equations[i].second]; m[equations[i].first]->value = m[equations[i].second]->value * values[i]; } else if (m.find(equations[i].second) == m.end()) { m[equations[i].second] = new Node(); m[equations[i].second]->parent = m[equations[i].first]; m[equations[i].second]->value = m[equations[i].first]->value / values[i]; } else { union_nodes(m[equations[i].first], m[equations[i].second], values[i], m); } } // calculate for (auto query : queries) { if (m.find(query.first) != m.end() && m.find(query.second) != m.end() && find_parent(m[query.first]) == find_parent(m[query.second])) { results.push_back(m[query.first]->value / m[query.second]->value); } else { results.push_back(-1.0); } } return results; } };
文章来源:胡小旭 => 小旭讲解 LeetCode 399. Evaluate Division 并查集
参考资料: 维基百科 - 并查集
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HTML 5实战
陶国荣 / 机械工业出版社 / 2011-11 / 59.00元
陶国荣编著的《HTML5实战》是一本系统而全面的HTML 5教程,根据HTML 5标准的最新草案,系统地对HTML 5的所有重要知识点进行了全面的讲解。在写作方式上,本书以一种开创性的方式使理论与实践达到极好的平衡,不仅对理论知识进行了清晰而透彻的阐述,而且根据读者理解这些知识的需要,精心设计了106个完整(每个案例分为功能描述、实现代码、效果展示和代码分析4个部分)的实战案例,旨在帮助读者通过实......一起来看看 《HTML 5实战》 这本书的介绍吧!