private void initEditor() { editor = new HTMLEditor(); editor.setId("editor"); editor.lookup(".top-toolbar").setDisable(true); editor.lookup(".top-toolbar").setManaged(false); ((ToolBar) editor.lookup(".bottom-toolbar")).getItems().addAll(FXCollections.observableArrayList(((ToolBar)editor.lookup(".top-toolbar")).getItems())); editorBox = new VBox(); TextField field = new TextField(); field.setPrefHeight(36); field.setId("editor-title"); editorBox.setFillWidth(true); editorBox.getChildren().addAll(field, editor); root.setCenter(editorBox); }
I try to place a vBox including a TextField and a HTML-Editor in my BorderPane, but the full space is not used.
您需要使用 VBox.setVgrow(editor, Priority.ALWAYS) 方法让HTMLEditor占用VBox中的任何额外空间.此外,请确保HTMLeditor具有无限制的最大高度,以便它可以增长到适合可用区域,例如editor.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE,Double.MAX_VALUE).调用editorBox.setFillWidth(true)是多余的,因为fillWidth属性的默认值为true.
但即使你做了所有这些,(截至2.2b13),WebPane大小调整中存在一个错误,会导致问题.在内部,WebPane实现为包含 工具 栏和可编辑WebView的GridPane.默认情况下,WebView的首选大小为800×600. HtmlEditor控件不会为WebView设置GridPane约束,以允许它的大小超过其首选大小.
stage.show(); ... WebView webview = (WebView) editor.lookup("WebView"); GridPane.setHgrow(webview, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setVgrow(webview, Priority.ALWAYS);
I shrink the window, the html-editor overlaps with my left option window.
editorBox.setMinSize(0, 0);
你需要这样做是因为 BorderPane documentation 声明:
BorderPane does not clip its content by default, so it is possible that childrens’ bounds may extend outside its own bounds if a child’s min size prevents it from being fit within it space.
另外,代码中的查询调用是可疑的.通常,在将节点添加到显示的舞台上的活动场景中并且JavaFX系统有机会在节点上运行CSS布局传递之前,您无法通过css ID查找节点 – 否则查找将返回null.
对于调试JavaFX布局问题, ScenicView 应用程序非常有用.
import com.javafx.experiments.scenicview.ScenicView; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.URL; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.scene.web.*; import javafx.stage.*; public class HtmlEditorInBorderPane extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws IOException { // option pane. VBox optionPane = new VBox(10); MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); menuBar.getMenus().addAll(new Menu("School"), new Menu("Social"), new Menu("Network")); TreeItem<String> root = new TreeItem<>("Private Notes"); root.setExpanded(false); root.getChildren().addAll(new TreeItem<>("Layout"), new TreeItem<>("is not"), new TreeItem<>("easy")); TreeView<String> notes = new TreeView<>(root); optionPane.getChildren().addAll(menuBar, new Label("Kaiser Notes"), notes); optionPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: cornsilk; -fx-padding: 10;"); // editor pane. HTMLEditor editor = new HTMLEditor(); VBox editorBox = new VBox(10); TextField textField = new TextField(); editorBox.getChildren().addAll(textField, editor); editorBox.setStyle("-fx-background-color: mistyrose; -fx-padding: 10;"); editor.setHtmlText(getSampleText()); // option layout constraints VBox.setVgrow(notes, Priority.ALWAYS); // editor layout constraints textField.setMinHeight(Control.USE_PREF_SIZE); // stop the textfield from getting squashed when the scene is sized small. VBox.setVgrow(editor, Priority.ALWAYS); // tells the editor to fill available vertical space. editorBox.setMinSize(0, 0); // stops the editor from overflowing it's bounds in a BorderPane. // layout the scene. BorderPane layout = new BorderPane(); layout.setLeft(optionPane); layout.setCenter(editorBox); stage.setScene(new Scene(layout)); stage.show(); // addition of static layout grow constraints for the htmleditor embedded webview. WebView webview = (WebView) editor.lookup("WebView"); GridPane.setHgrow(webview, Priority.ALWAYS); // allow the webview to grow beyond it's preferred width of 800. GridPane.setVgrow(webview, Priority.ALWAYS); // allow the webview to grow beyond it's preferred height of 600. } // get some dummy lorem ipsum sample text. private String getSampleText() throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL("http://www.lorem-ipsum-text.com/").openStream()))) { String string; while ((string = in.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(string); } } return builder.toString(); } }
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