Shiny applications not supported in static R Markdown documents.
``{r, echo=FALSE} library(shiny) shinyAppDir( system.file("examples/06_tabsets", package = "shiny"), options = list( width = "100%", height = 550 ) ) ```
有关如何在文档中嵌入闪亮的应用程序,请参阅 link .
请参阅在Rstudio中创建新Markdown文件时给出的标准示例(文件>新文件> R markdown> Shiny文档):
--- title: "Untitled" author: "author" date: "July 24, 2018" output: html_document runtime: shiny ---
{r setup,include = FALSE} knitr :: opts_chunk $set(echo = TRUE)
This R Markdown document is made interactive using Shiny. Unlike the more traditional workflow of creating static reports, you can now create documents that allow your readers to change the assumptions underlying your analysis and see the results immediately. To learn more, see [Interactive Documents](http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_shiny.html). ## Inputs and Outputs ```{r eruptions, echo=FALSE} inputPanel( selectInput("n_breaks", label = "Number of bins:", choices = c(10, 20, 35, 50), selected = 20), sliderInput("bw_adjust", label = "Bandwidth adjustment:", min = 0.2, max = 2, value = 1, step = 0.2) ) renderPlot({ hist(faithful$eruptions, probability = TRUE, breaks = as.numeric(input$n_breaks), xlab = "Duration (minutes)", main = "Geyser eruption duration") dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = input$bw_adjust) lines(dens, col = "blue") }) ``` ## Embedded Application Its also possible to embed an entire Shiny application within an R Markdown document using the `shinyAppDir` function. This example embeds a Shiny application located in another directory: ```{r tabsets, echo=FALSE} shinyAppDir( system.file("examples/06_tabsets", package = "shiny"), options = list(width = "100%", height = 550 ) ) ``` Note the use of the `height` parameter to determine how much vertical space the embedded application should occupy. You can also use the `shinyApp` function to define an application inline rather then in an external directory. In all of R code chunks above the `echo = FALSE` attribute is used. This is to prevent the R code within the chunk from rendering in the document alongside the Shiny components.
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