(一个 php 人)的新手.在重新发明之前,我已经在整个网络上搜索了一个库.但是由于我在ajax链接中使用了很多参数,我无法使用这些库.我承认我的错误,因为我不知道如何使用这种复杂的系统.所以我在想如果创建一个系统如下.
// get the contents of a particular div and save as an object/associative array // { hash : pageNumber, html : content} function save_history(div){ var content = $(div).html(); // increment the page number and add hash tags to the URL } // Listen to the browser hash value change $(window).bind('hashchange', function () { hash = window.location.hash; if(hashValue){ load_history(hashValue); } }); // Load data from history function load_history(id){ // fetch the content based on the hashvalue $(div).html(content); }
似乎pjax是您正在寻找的图书馆: https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax
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A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics
Landau, David P./ Binder, Kurt / Cambridge Univ Pr / 2005-9 / 786.00元
This new and updated edition deals with all aspects of Monte Carlo simulation of complex physical systems encountered in condensed-matter physics, statistical mechanics, and related fields. After brie......一起来看看 《A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics》 这本书的介绍吧!