内容简介:根据安全站点HackenProof的报告,由于MongoDB数据库没有采取任何安全保护措施,导致共计202,730,434份国人求职简历泄漏。其中,简历中包含姓名、性别、生日、手机号码、微信、学历等各种隐私数据。 通过对比简历的...
根据安全站点HackenProof的报告,由于 MongoDB 数据库没有采取任何安全保护措施,导致共计202,730,434份国人求职简历泄漏。其中,简历中包含姓名、性别、生日、手机号码、微信、学历等各种隐私数据。
We have searched all over the database of us and investigated all the other storage, turned out that the sample data is not leaked from us. It seems that the data is leaked from a third party who scrape data from many CV websites.
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Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Michael T. Goodrich、Roberto Tamassia、Michael H. Goldwasser / John Wiley & Sons / 2013-7-5 / GBP 121.23
Based on the authors' market leading data structures books in Java and C++, this book offers a comprehensive, definitive introduction to data structures in Python by authoritative authors. Data Struct......一起来看看 《Data Structures and Algorithms in Python》 这本书的介绍吧!