内容简介:Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.17-27.20 发布了,二进制文件可在Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.17-27.20 基于以下这些项目:更多内容请查看
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.17-27.20 发布了,二进制文件可在 下载区 或 软件仓库 中下载。
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.17-27.20 基于以下这些项目:
Percona Server 5.6.42
Codership WSREP API release 5.6.42
Codership Galera library 3.25
Fixed Bugs
PXC-2281 : Debug symbols were missing in Debian dbg packages.
PXC-2220 : Starting two instances of Percona XtraDB Cluster on the same node could cause writing transactions to a page store instead of a galera.cache ring buffer, resulting in huge memory consumption because of retaining already applied write-sets.
PXC-2230 :
not allowed as dynamic setting to avoid generating flow control on every message was still possible inmy.cnf
due to the inconsistent check. -
PXC-2238 : setting
caused race condition.
更多内容请查看 发行日志
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