内容简介:DBeaver 社区版 5.3.2 发布了, DBeaver 是一个可视化通用数据库管理工具和 SQL 客户端,支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL、Oracle、DB2、MSSQL、Sybase、Mimer、HSQLDB 与 Derby,以及其它兼容 JDBC 的数据库。版本更新内容如下:
DBeaver 社区版 5.3.2 发布了, DBeaver 是一个可视化通用数据库管理 工具 和 SQL 客户端,支持 MySQL 、PostgreSQL、Oracle、DB2、MSSQL、Sybase、Mimer、HSQLDB 与 Derby,以及其它兼容 JDBC 的数据库。
Data editor:
Open With menu was added (web browser and Excel)
Next page auto-fetch was fixed
UUID/GUID generate function was added
Save as picture function was fixed (case-insensitive file path)
Attributes visibility configuration was improved
Data transfer: “truncate target table before load” function was fixed
SQL editor:
Parameters biding dialog + results scrolling glitch was fixed
Glitch with first time reading of proposal was fixed
Stored procedure auto-completion was fixed
Syntax coloring: Color Themes support was fixed
SQL Server:
Default schema detection was fixed
Column data type resolution was fixed
Identifiers auto-completion was fixed
NVarchar(MAX) data type resolution was fixed
Exasol V6.1 support was added
Metadata reading performance was significantly improved
Partitions information was added
Security management was improved (roles, priority groups, policies, etc)
Rules support was added (read-only)
Stored procedures (PostgreSQL 11) support was added
Aggregate functions meta information support was added
Database tablespace edit support was added
Reserved keywords update was added
External table DDL generation fixes were added
Redshift: column encoding information was added
Oracle: PS/SQL blocks parser was fixed
Huge code refactoring was made (separation of model and UI plugins)
Many minor UI bugfixes
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- DBeaver 7.3 发布,可视化数据库管理平台
- DBeaver 6.1 发布,可视化数据库管理平台
- DBeaver 7.0 发布,可视化数据库管理平台
- DBeaver 7.0.1 发布,可视化数据库管理平台
- DBeaver 7.0.2 发布,可视化数据库管理平台
- DBeaver 7.0.3 发布,可视化数据库管理平台
伊藤直也、田中慎司 / 李剑 / 电子工业出版社 / 2011-7 / 59.00元
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