内容简介:某日, QA给我报了个bug, 说咱家软件用过我写的某个功能A后, 再用另外一个功能B可能会卡死, 听起来就像我的锅. 于是我把繁复的业务逻辑去掉, 代码看起来像下面这样的:这代码没法跑到天荒地老, 可能会hang在这里解释一下为什么这么写:
某日, QA给我报了个bug, 说咱家软件用过我写的某个功能A后, 再用另外一个功能B可能会卡死, 听起来就像我的锅. 于是我把繁复的业务逻辑去掉, 代码看起来像下面这样的:
#include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QtConcurrentMap> #include <QtConcurrentRun> #include <QFuture> #include <QThreadPool> #include <QtTest/QTest> #include <QFutureSynchronizer> struct Task2 { // only calculation typedef void result_type; void operator()(int count) { int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count * 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < count * 10; ++j) { k++; } } assert(k >= 0); } }; struct Task1 { // will launch some other concurrent map typedef void result_type; void operator()(int count) { QVector<int> vec; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { vec.push_back(i+count); } Task2 task; QFuture<void> f = QtConcurrent::map(vec.begin(), vec.end(), task); { // without releaseThread before wait, it will hang directly QThreadPool::globalInstance()->releaseThread(); f.waitForFinished(); // BUG: may hang there QThreadPool::globalInstance()->reserveThread(); } } }; int main() { QThreadPool* gtpool = QThreadPool::globalInstance(); gtpool->setExpiryTimeout(50); int count = 0; for (;;) { QVector<int> vec; for (int i = 0; i < 40 ; i++) { vec.push_back(i); } // feature A, launch a task with nested map Task1 task; // Task1 will have nested concurrent map QFuture<void> f = QtConcurrent::map(vec.begin(), vec.end(),task); f.waitForFinished(); // BUG: may hang there count++; // waiting most of thread in thread pool expire while (QThreadPool::globalInstance()->activeThreadCount() > 0) { QTest::qSleep(50); } // feature B, launch a task only calculation Task2 task2; QFuture<void> f2 = QtConcurrent::map(vec.begin(), vec.end(), task2); f2.waitForFinished(); // BUG: may hang there qDebug() << count; } return 0; }
这代码没法跑到天荒地老, 可能会hang在 waitForFinished
那. 以下环境可以重现:
Linux version 2.6.32-696.18.7.el6.x86_64; Qt4.7.4; GCC 3.4.5 Windows 7; Qt4.7.4; mingw 4.4.0
首先 Task1
嵌套一个 QtConcurrent::map
是因为 Task1
要完成一部分操作之后, 才知道要起多少 Task2
, 而且这部分操作也挺耗时的.
中间的 QThreadPool::globalInstance()->releaseThread()
是怎么回事呢? 因为等待 QtConcurrent::map
返回的QFuture是阻塞的(相对的QtConcurrent::Run返回的QFuture在自己的task还是开始运行的情况下, 可能会”偷”回来自己跑), 所以这个等待会占据一个线程在那傻等, 这种傻等的线程多了, 线程池的线程就都给占了. 所以要嵌套使用 QtConcurrent::map
肯定是要去动全局线程池的线程数的, 这里用的便是 releaseThread
void QThreadPool::releaseThread()Releases a thread previously reserved by a call to reserveThread()
Note: Calling this function without previously reserving a thread temporarily increases maxThreadCount()
This is useful when a thread goes to sleep waiting for more work, allowing other threads to continue. Be sure to call reserveThread()
when done waiting, so that the thread pool can correctly maintain the activeThreadCount()
See also reserveThread()
void QThreadPool::reserveThread()Reserves one thread, disregarding activeThreadCount()
and maxThreadCount()
Once you are done with the thread, call releaseThread()
to allow it to be reused.
Note: This function will always increase the number of active threads. This means that by using this function, it is possible for activeThreadCount()
to return a value greater than maxThreadCount()
See also releaseThread()
如果你真的很怀疑这两函数有问题, 我们可以看一下它们的源码:
// qtlib4.7.4/src/corlib/concurrent/qthreadpool.cpp void QThreadPool::reserveThread() { Q_D(QThreadPool); QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex); ++d->reservedThreads; } void QThreadPool::releaseThread() { Q_D(QThreadPool); QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex); --d->reservedThreads; d->tryToStartMoreThreads(); }
有锁呀, 也 tryToStartMoreThreads()
了呀, 这个 reservedThreads
是怎么回事呢? 它用在了 activeThreadCount()
和 tooManyThreadActive()
int QThreadPoolPrivate::activeThreadCount() const { // To improve scalability this function is called without holding // the mutex lock -- keep it thread-safe. return (allThreads.count() - expiredThreads.count() - waitingThreads + reservedThreads); } void QThreadPoolPrivate::tryToStartMoreThreads() { // try to push tasks on the queue to any available threads while (!queue.isEmpty() && tryStart(queue.first().first)) queue.removeFirst(); } bool QThreadPoolPrivate::tooManyThreadsActive() const { const int activeThreadCount = this->activeThreadCount(); return activeThreadCount > maxThreadCount && (activeThreadCount - reservedThreads) > 1; }
越小, activeThreadCount()
就越小, 就越能起更多线程, 看起来没毛病呀.
所以按道理上面的代码应该能一直跑下去才对, 怎么就hang了呢?
如果我们在hang的时候gdb进去 info threads
看一下, 会发现hang住时线程数量并没有想象中那么多, 除主线程外, 就没两个了. 所以, 我猜测这是可能Qt的bug, QThreadPool可能没有维护好activeThreadCount().
具体怎么没维护好, 我们得研究一下参与 activeThreadCount()
计算的几个值. gdb下在 activeThreadCount()
内打断点, 然后在hang住的时候, 通过gdb print gti->activeThreadCount()
你要说哪个值不正常嘛… reservedThreads
挺正常的, 就是我们设出来的, allThreads
和 expiredThreads
其实看不出来. waitingThreads
这时候是负的, 看起来就很可疑.
嗯, 确实很可疑, 咋一看, 代码里面没有让 waitingThreads
变成负数的场景. 会改变这个值的地方就两个, QThreadPoolThread::run()
和 QThreadPoolPrivate::tryStart
其中, tryStart
bool QThreadPoolPrivate::tryStart(QRunnable *task) QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); taskQueue.append(task); // Place the task on the task queue if (waitingThreads > 0) { // there are already running idle thread. They are waiting on the 'runnableReady' // QWaitCondition. Wake one up them up. waitingThreads--; runnableReady.wakeOne(); } else if (runningThreadCount < maxThreadCount) { startNewThread(task); } }
而 run
void QThreadPoolThread::run() { QQMutexLocker locker(&manager->mutex); for(;;) { QRunnable *r = manager->queue.takeFirst(); do { if (r) { // run the task locker.unlock(); r->run(); locker.relock(); } // if too many threads are active, expire this thread if (manager->tooManyThreadsActive()) break; r = manager->queue.takeFirst(); } while (r != 0); // if too many threads are active, expire this thread bool expired = manager->tooManyThreadsActive(); if (!expired) { ++manager->waitingThreads; registerTheadInactive(); // wait for work, exiting after the expiry timeout is reached expired = !manager->runnableReady.wait(locker.mutex(), manager->expiryTimeout); ++manager->activeThreads; if (expired) --manager->waitingThreads; //<- break here } if (expired) { manager->expiredThreads.enqueue(this); registerTheadInactive(); break; } } }
里面, 只有 waitingThreads
大于0才会减, 而这个过程有锁保护. 所以, 要有问题肯定也是 run
中的, 因为 QWaitCondition::wait
会解锁, 于是我在 //<- break here
那里加了个条件断点, 如果 waitingThreads
等于0的时候中断. 如果能断在那, 之后就自减, 就会减成负数了.
嗯, 确实能断在那.
我想聪明的你已经意识到问题了, 条件变量计时等待的时候, 如果超时的瞬间被notify了, 怎么办? 算超时还是算信号?
我们看pthread 文档 的说法:
It is important to note that when pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_timedwait() return without error, the associated predicate may still be false. Similarly, when pthread_cond_timedwait() returns with the timeout error, the associated predicate may be true due to an unavoidable race between the expiration of the timeout and the predicate state change.
When this function returns true:
- A notification (or sometimes a spurious OS signal) has been received
- Do not assume that the timeout has not been reached
- Do not assume that the predicate has been changed
When this function returns false:
- The timeout has been reached
- Do not assume that a notification has not been received
- Do not assume that the predicate has not been changed
也就是说, 我们可以知道确实超时了, 不知道有没有被signal. 那我们已经很接近真相了. 我们来还原一下案发现场, 某一时刻, 某线程A完成了所有task, `++manager->waitingThreads`, 进入计时等待. 过了一会, 另一线程B给线程池加了个task, 因为`manager->waitingThreads > 0`所以回收了这个过期的线程A, 并notify唤醒它. 巧的是, notify的时候线程A的计时等待超时了, 线程A以为自己真的过期了, 就不再工作, 进入过期队列了, 这样`waitingThreads`就多减了一次, `waitingThreads`就会变成负数, 线程池的状态就被破坏了. ## 结案 其实早在2013年, 人们就发现了这个bug, 即[QTBUG-3786](https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-3786), 这个问题在Qt4.8.6被修复([release log](https://github.com/nonrational/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/blob/master/changes-4.8.6)), 大家可以看这个[diff](https://github.com/qt/qtbase/commit/a9b6a78e54670a70b96c122b10ad7bd64d166514#diff-6d5794cef91df41c39b5e7cc6b71d041)). 因为用一个整数无法可靠地维护好`waitingThreads`, 这里QThreadPool换成了waitingThreads队列, 在进入计时等待前入队, 唤醒或超时时尝试移出, 如果已经被`tryStart`回收出队了, 自然队列里面就没有这个线程, 也就没法移出了; 反过来, 如果移出成功了, 就说明没有notify, 真过期了.
// if too many threads are active, expire this thread bool expired = manager->tooManyThreadsActive(); if (!expired) { manager->waitingThreads.enqueue(this); registerThreadInactive(); // wait for work, exiting after the expiry timeout is reached runnableReady.wait(locker.mutex(), manager->expiryTimeout); ++manager->activeThreads; if (manager->waitingThreads.removeOne(this)) expired = true; } if (expired) { manager->expiredThreads.enqueue(this); registerThreadInactive(); break; }
注意这里把条件变量移动到QThreadPoolThread里了, 也就说每个QThreadPoolThread有一个条件变量, 这样`tryStart`回收时就可以先出队, 再notify, 并且只有指定的线程会被唤醒.
if (waitingThreads.count() > 0) { // recycle an available thread enqueueTask(task); waitingThreads.takeFirst()->runnableReady.wakeOne(); return true; } ~~~
另外, 改动QWaitCondition也是一种方案, 但这样要求条件变量的唤醒确实是队列的, 这个依赖实现, 并有性能损失, 详细分析可以参考文献[2][3].
在生产环境中, 因为还无法立刻升级到Qt4.8.7, 所以需在 waitForFinished()
前加一个 releaseThreads()
, 让线程池再加一个线程, 这样就不会卡住了, 因为至少有新加的这个线程在工作.
你以为这样就结束了? 只要升到4.8.6, 最开始的代码就能运行到天荒地老了? 不, 真相仍然在迷雾之中, 即使是Qt4.8.7, 这代码依然会hang, 这还有一个bug(因为Qt5.12不hang了)! 这又是另一个故事了…
- [1] tunglt, QtConcurrent: why releaseThread and reserveThread cause deadlock? , 2018
- [2] Olivier Goffart, QWaitCondition: Solving the Unavoidable Race , 2014
- [3] Cort Ammon, Nemo, Why does pthread_cond_timedwait doc talk about an “unavoidable race”? , 2013
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