点击这里 下载 ,如图所示:
开启 SSH
写个空文件文件到 sd 卡中,文件名 SSH,因为树莓派默认把 SSH 给禁止了,我这里用sublime Text 编辑器创建一个空文件保存在 sd 卡的 根目录下
配置 WiFi
写一个配置文件 wpa_supplicant.conf 到 sd 卡的根目录
其中 wpa_supplicant.conf 配置文件如下:
country=GB ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="ssid" psk=fd105d44432233221ea8ddc60c4a2da03379fe94432c5e4c1f034b89fe0687288a16fdb4a132693fd priority=2 # 优先级,数字越大优先级越高 } network={ ssid="iphone" psk=aa44443bc3ce7326f17b533fdcb57ac35c9914df5be8532ca70a23c153c7c6ac56dbb priority=1
wpa_passphrase "ssid" "password"
然后上电就可以连接了,密码自己登陆无线路由器查看,默认密码 raspberry
➜ ~ ssh pi@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:yDNyMxc152SYJHpzidqaVtxMEVbx1NpIKAfw8GP+8Jc. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. pi@'s password: Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. SSH is enabled and the default password for the 'pi' user has not been changed. This is a security risk - please login as the 'pi' user and type 'passwd' to set a new password. pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pi@raspberrypi:~ $
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo passwd pi Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
我一向不稀罕用密码登录,因为一麻烦 二不安全
➜ ~ ssh-copy-id pi@ /usr/local/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/Users/wenjun/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" /usr/local/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /usr/local/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys pi@'s password: Number of key(s) added: 1 Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh 'pi@'" and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added. ➜ ~ ➜ ~ ssh pi@ Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Sat Dec 9 02:35:21 2017 from pi@raspberrypi:~ $
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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郑文博 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2018-2 / 49.80元
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