Adam 算法
我的「Logistic 回归深入浅出」的文章里介绍了一个随机梯度下降如何运作的例子。如果你查阅随机梯度下降法的资料(SGD),通常会遇到如下的等式:
资料上会说,θ是你试图找到最小化 J 的参数,这里的 J 称为目标函数。最后,我们将学习率记为α。通常要反复应用上述等式,直到达到你所需的代价值。
重复步骤 2 和 3,直到代价值稳定
我们可以用下面的代码生成函数和梯度值/30 的图:
import numpy as np def minimaFunction(theta): return np.cos(3*np.pi*theta)/theta def minimaFunctionDerivative(theta): const1 = 3*np.pi const2 = const1*theta return -(const1*np.sin(const2)/theta)-np.cos(const2)/theta**2 theta = np.arange(.1,2.1,.01) Jtheta = minimaFunction(theta) dJtheta = minimaFunctionDerivative(theta) plt.plot(theta,Jtheta,label = r'$J(\theta)$') plt.plot(theta,dJtheta/30,label = r'$dJ(\theta)/30$') plt.legend() axes = plt.gca() #axes.set_ylim([-10,10]) plt.ylabel(r'$J(\theta),dJ(\theta)/30$') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$') plt.title(r'$J(\theta),dJ(\theta)/30 $ vs $\theta$') plt.show()
上图中有两个细节值得注意。首先,注意这个代价函数有几个极小值(大约在 0.25、1.0 和 1.7 附近取得)。其次,注意在最小值处的导数在零附近的曲线走向。这个点就是我们所需要的新参。
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation def optimize(iterations, oF, dOF,params,learningRate): """ computes the optimal value of params for a given objective function and its derivative Arguments: - iteratoins - the number of iterations required to optimize the objective function - oF - the objective function - dOF - the derivative function of the objective function - params - the parameters of the function to optimize - learningRate - the learning rate Return: - oParams - the list of optimized parameters at each step of iteration """ oParams = [params] #The iteration loop for i in range(iterations): # Compute the derivative of the parameters dParams = dOF(params) # Compute the update params = params-learningRate*dParams # app end the new parameters oParams.append(params) return np.array(oParams) def minimaFunction(theta): return np.cos(3*np.pi*theta)/theta def minimaFunctionDerivative(theta): const1 = 3*np.pi const2 = const1*theta return -(const1*np.sin(const2)/theta)-np.cos(const2)/theta**2 theta = .6 iterations=45 learningRate = .0007 optimizedParameters = optimize(iterations,\ minimaFunction,\ minimaFunctionDerivative,\ theta,\ learningRate)
SGD 也适用于多变量参数空间的情况。我们可以将二维函数绘制成等高线图。在这里你可以看到 SGD 对一个不对称的碗形函数同样有效。
import numpy as np import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats import matplotlib.animation as animation def minimaFunction(params): #Bivariate Normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12) Z = Z1 return -40*Z def minimaFunctionDerivative(params): # Derivative of the bivariate normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) dZ1X = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(X, mu11, sigma11)*(mu11 - X)/sigma11**2 dZ1Y = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(Y, mu12, sigma12)*(mu12 - Y)/sigma12**2 return (dZ1X,dZ1Y) def optimize(iterations, oF, dOF,params,learningRate,beta): """ computes the optimal value of params for a given objective function and its derivative Arguments: - iteratoins - the number of iterations required to optimize the objective function - oF - the objective function - dOF - the derivative function of the objective function - params - the parameters of the function to optimize - learningRate - the learning rate - beta - The weighted moving average parameter Return: - oParams - the list of optimized parameters at each step of iteration """ oParams = [params] vdw = (0.0,0.0) #The iteration loop for i in range(iterations): # Compute the derivative of the parameters dParams = dOF(params) #SGD in this line Goes through each parameter and applies parameter = parameter -learningrate*dParameter params = tuple([par-learningRate*dPar for dPar,par in zip(dParams,params)]) # append the new parameters oParams.append(params) return oParams iterations=100 learningRate = 1 beta = .9 x,y = 4.0,1.0 params = (x,y) optimizedParameters = optimize(iterations,\ minimaFunction,\ minimaFunctionDerivative,\ params,\ learningRate,\ beta)
动量 SGD
注意,传统 SGD 没有解决所有问题!通常,用户想要使用非常大的学习速率来快速学习感兴趣的参数。不幸的是,当代价函数波动较大时,这可能导致不稳定。你可以看到,在前面的视频中,由于缺乏水平方向上的最小值,y 参数方向的抖动形式。动量算法试图使用过去的梯度预测学习率来解决这个问题。通常,使用动量的 SGD 通过以下公式更新参数:
γ 和 ν 值允许用户对 dJ(θ) 的前一个值和当前值进行加权来确定新的θ值。人们通常选择γ和ν的值来创建指数加权移动平均值,如下所示:
β参数的最佳选择是 0.9。选择一个等于 1-1/t 的β值可以让用户更愿意考虑νdw 的最新 t 值。这种简单的改变可以使优化过程产生显著的结果!我们现在可以使用更大的学习率,并在尽可能短的时间内收敛!
import numpy as np import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats import matplotlib.animation as animation def minimaFunction(params): #Bivariate Normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12) Z = Z1 return -40*Z def minimaFunctionDerivative(params): # Derivative of the bivariate normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) dZ1X = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(X, mu11, sigma11)*(mu11 - X)/sigma11**2 dZ1Y = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(Y, mu12, sigma12)*(mu12 - Y)/sigma12**2 return (dZ1X,dZ1Y) def optimize(iterations, oF, dOF,params,learningRate,beta): """ computes the optimal value of params for a given objective function and its derivative Arguments: - iteratoins - the number of iterations required to optimize the objective function - oF - the objective function - dOF - the derivative function of the objective function - params - the parameters of the function to optimize - learningRate - the learning rate - beta - The weighted moving average parameter for momentum Return: - oParams - the list of optimized parameters at each step of iteration """ oParams = [params] vdw = (0.0,0.0) #The iteration loop for i in range(iterations): # Compute the derivative of the parameters dParams = dOF(params) # Compute the momentum of each gradient vdw = vdw*beta+(1.0+beta)*dPar vdw = tuple([vDW*beta+(1.0-beta)*dPar for dPar,vDW in zip(dParams,vdw)]) #SGD in this line Goes through each parameter and applies parameter = parameter -learningrate*dParameter params = tuple([par-learningRate*dPar for dPar,par in zip(vdw,params)]) # append the new parameters oParams.append(params) return oParams iterations=100 learningRate = 5.3 beta = .9 x,y = 4.0,1.0 params = (x,y) optimizedParameters = optimize(iterations,\ minimaFunction,\ minimaFunctionDerivative,\ params,\ learningRate,\ beta)
像工程中的其它事物一样,我们一直在努力做得更好。RMS prop 试图通过观察关于每个参数的函数梯度的相对大小,来改善动量函数。因此,我们可以取每个梯度平方的加权指数移动平均值,并按比例归一化梯度下降函数。具有较大梯度的参数的 sdw 值将变得比具有较小梯度的参数大得多,从而使代价函数平滑下降到最小值。可以在下面的等式中看到:
请注意,这里的 epsilon 是为数值稳定性而添加的,可以取 10e-7。这是为什么昵?
import numpy as np import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats import matplotlib.animation as animation def minimaFunction(params): #Bivariate Normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12) Z = Z1 return -40*Z def minimaFunctionDerivative(params): # Derivative of the bivariate normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) dZ1X = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(X, mu11, sigma11)*(mu11 - X)/sigma11**2 dZ1Y = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(Y, mu12, sigma12)*(mu12 - Y)/sigma12**2 return (dZ1X,dZ1Y) def optimize(iterations, oF, dOF,params,learningRate,beta): """ computes the optimal value of params for a given objective function and its derivative Arguments: - iteratoins - the number of iterations required to optimize the objective function - oF - the objective function - dOF - the derivative function of the objective function - params - the parameters of the function to optimize - learningRate - the learning rate - beta - The weighted moving average parameter for RMSProp Return: - oParams - the list of optimized parameters at each step of iteration """ oParams = [params] sdw = (0.0,0.0) eps = 10**(-7) #The iteration loop for i in range(iterations): # Compute the derivative of the parameters dParams = dOF(params) # Compute the momentum of each gradient sdw = sdw*beta+(1.0+beta)*dPar^2 sdw = tuple([sDW*beta+(1.0-beta)*dPar**2 for dPar,sDW in zip(dParams,sdw)]) #SGD in this line Goes through each parameter and applies parameter = parameter -learningrate*dParameter params = tuple([par-learningRate*dPar/((sDW**.5)+eps) for sDW,par,dPar in zip(sdw,params,dParams)]) # append the new parameters oParams.append(params) return oParams iterations=10 learningRate = .3 beta = .9 x,y = 5.0,1.0 params = (x,y) optimizedParameters = optimize(iterations,\ minimaFunction,\ minimaFunctionDerivative,\ params,\ learningRate,\ beta)
Adam 算法
Adam 算法将动量和 RMSProp 的概念结合成一种算法,以获得两全其美的效果。公式如下:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats import matplotlib.animation as animation def minimaFunction(params): #Bivariate Normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12) Z = Z1 return -40*Z def minimaFunctionDerivative(params): # Derivative of the bivariate normal function X,Y = params sigma11,sigma12,mu11,mu12 = (3.0,.5,0.0,0.0) dZ1X = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(X, mu11, sigma11)*(mu11 - X)/sigma11**2 dZ1Y = -scipy.stats.norm.pdf(Y, mu12, sigma12)*(mu12 - Y)/sigma12**2 return (dZ1X,dZ1Y) def optimize(iterations, oF, dOF,params,learningRate,beta1,beta2): """ computes the optimal value of params for a given objective function and its derivative Arguments: - iteratoins - the number of iterations required to optimize the objective function - oF - the objective function - dOF - the derivative function of the objective function - params - the parameters of the function to optimize - learningRate - the learning rate - beta1 - The weighted moving average parameter for momentum component of ADAM - beta2 - The weighted moving average parameter for RMSProp component of ADAM Return: - oParams - the list of optimized parameters at each step of iteration """ oParams = [params] vdw = (0.0,0.0) sdw = (0.0,0.0) vdwCorr = (0.0,0.0) sdwCorr = (0.0,0.0) eps = 10**(-7) #The iteration loop for i in range(iterations): # Compute the derivative of the parameters dParams = dOF(params) # Compute the momentum of each gradient vdw = vdw*beta+(1.0+beta)*dPar vdw = tuple([vDW*beta1+(1.0-beta1)*dPar for dPar,vDW in zip(dParams,vdw)]) # Compute the rms of each gradient sdw = sdw*beta+(1.0+beta)*dPar^2 sdw = tuple([sDW*beta2+(1.0-beta2)*dPar**2.0 for dPar,sDW in zip(dParams,sdw)]) # Compute the weight boosting for sdw and vdw vdwCorr = tuple([vDW/(1.0-beta1**(i+1.0)) for vDW in vdw]) sdwCorr = tuple([sDW/(1.0-beta2**(i+1.0)) for sDW in sdw]) #SGD in this line Goes through each parameter and applies parameter = parameter -learningrate*dParameter params = tuple([par-learningRate*vdwCORR/((sdwCORR**.5)+eps) for sdwCORR,vdwCORR,par in zip(vdwCorr,sdwCorr,params)]) # append the new parameters oParams.append(params) return oParams iterations=100 learningRate = .1 beta1 = .9 beta2 = .999 x,y = 5.0,1.0 params = (x,y) optimizedParameters = optimize(iterations,\ minimaFunction,\ minimaFunctionDerivative,\ params,\ learningRate,\ beta1,\ beta2)
Adam 算法可能是目前深度学习中使用最广泛的优化算法,适用于多种应用。Adam 计算了一个 νdw^corr 的值,用于加快指数加权移动平均值的变化。它将通过增加它们的值来对它们进行标准化,与当前的迭代次数成反比。使用 Adam 时有一些很好的初始值可供尝试。它最好以 0.9 的 β_1 和 0.999 的 β_2 开头。
– SGD: 100 次迭代
– SGD+Momentum: 50 次迭代
– RMSProp: 10 次迭代
– ADAM: 5 次迭代
原文链接:https://3dbabove.com/2017/11/14/optimizationalgorithms/ GitHub 链接:https://github.com/ManuelGonzalezRivero/3dbabove 转自公众号:机器之心
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