内容简介:Apache Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0 已发布,Apache Qpid Broker-J 是一个用 Java 编写的消息代理,它使用 AMQP 1.0, 0-10, 0-9-1, 0-9 和 0-8 存储、路由和转发消息。该版本带来了新特性和改进,修复若干bug: 新特性 ...
Apache Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0 已发布,Apache Qpid Broker-J 是一个用 Java 编写的消息代理,它使用 AMQP 1.0, 0-10, 0-9-1, 0-9 和 0-8 存储、路由和转发消息。该版本带来了新特性和改进,修复若干bug:
QPID-6933 - [Broker-J][System Tests]Factor out a JMS client neutral messaging test suite from system tests
QPID-7153 - [Broker-J] Allow expired messages to be sent to DLQ
QPID-7197 - [Broker-J] Prevent deletion of objects that are in use
QPID-7543 - [Broker-J][WMC] Add UI for UserOrConnectionSpecific LogInclusionRule
QPID-7567 - [Broker-J] Select appropriate certificate for TLS based on SNIServerName
QPID-7694 - [Broker-J] Add 0-8..0-10 wire queue declare argument for holds on publish
QPID-7873 - [Broker-J] Delete store notion confused
QPID-7885 - [Broker-J] Support Java 9 and 11
QPID-7925 - [Broker-J] [WMC] Add ability to maintain rule-based access control provider for virtualhost
QPID-8064 - [Broker-J] FileKeyStore should validate java keystore content to make sure that private key is present
QPID-8083 - [Broker-J][REST] Refactor REST system test suite
QPID-8085 - [Broker-J][AMQP 1.0] Optimize the sending of flow performatives from broker sending link endpoint
QPID-8088 - [Broker-J]Pull-up bindingAdress attribute to Port
QPID-8089 - [Broker-J][HTTP Management] Activate dynamically added HTTP ports on creation
QPID-8091 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 1.0] Store transaction timeout feature
QPID-8101 - [Broker-J] [Web Management Console] Add ability to close more than one connection at once
QPID-8102 - [Broker-J][Web Management Console] Add UI for virtual host node auto-creation policies
QPID-8110 - [Broker-J] Add ability to check ERRORED state of entire configured object hierarchy on broker startup
QPID-8123 - [Broker-J] [BDB Test] Remove compile time dependency on Qpid JMS Client AMQP 0-x
QPID-8132 - [Broker-J] Refresh Apache BCEL dependency to 6.2
QPID-8133 - [Broker-J] Refresh Commons-CLI dependency (1.4)
QPID-8136 - [Broker-J] Upgrade Jackson dependencies
QPID-8143 - [Broker-J] Properly validate @ManagedAttributeValueTypes, and allow for factory methods
QPID-8147 - [Broker-J] Report first 8 received bytes as part of operational log message for unsupported protocol header
QPID-8150 - [Broker-J] Prevent test failures due to slow initialisation of hostname resolution in HostnameAliasImpl
QPID-8151 - [Broker-J] Refresh mechanism that underpins unit tests
QPID-8158 - [Broker-J] [System Tests] Refactor BDB HA system tests
QPID-8163 - [Broker-J] [ACL] Owner ACL rules
QPID-8166 - [Broker-J] Remove use of ${QPID_HOME}/etc from default configuration
QPID-8181 - [Broker-J] Add statistics for a total number of connections established on AMQP port
QPID-8193 - [Broker-J] Updating maximum / minimum TTL on a queue does not affect messages already in the queue (until restart)
QPID-8195 - [Broker-J] Improve AmqpErrorException#toString
QPID-8204 - [Broker-J] Add statistics to report the maximum size of incoming messages
QPID-8214 - [Broker-J] Reduce the table names size in the JDBC configuration store to fit Oracle's 30 characters limitation
QPID-8224 - [Broker-J][WMC] Add UI to configure exchange unroutable message behaviour for AMQP 1.0
QPID-8227 - [Broker-J] Replace qpidbrokerversion.properties with jar metadata
QPID-8232 - [Broker-J] Disabling logging using log level OFF is not respected by the logging framework
QPID-8238 - [Broker-J] Improve performance of asynchronous publishing of transient messages into topic exchange having queues bound using non-overlapping selectors
QPID-8240 - [Broker-J] Detect idle connections
QPID-8241 - [Broker-J] Remove use of javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
QPID-8242 - [Broker-J] JDBC store should remove message content/metadata asynchronously
QPID-8243 - [Broker-J] Optimize logback turbo filter implemented to provide a workaround for Logback1027
QPID-8244 - [Broker-J] Optimize fanout exchange routing functionality
QPID-8245 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 0-8..0-91] Decode FieldTable fields on demand
QPID-8247 - [Broker-J] Upgrade mockito to 2.x
QPID-8256 - [Broker-J] Update Guava to version 27.0
QPID-8258 - [Broker-J] Upgrade dojotoolkit to version 1.14
QPID-8259 - [Broker-J] Upgrade Jetty to version 9.4.12.v20180830
QPID-8260 - [Broker-J] Add support for provided preferences store into Derby and JDBC system configs
QPID-8261 - [Broker-J] Change broker model version to 7.1
Bug 修复
QPID-7541 - [Broker-J] Close Consumers when a Queue is deleted
QPID-7642 - [Broker-J] Create binding operations on exchanges should fail when invalid selector is provided as part of binding arguments
QPID-7830 - [Broker-J] Heap dominated by duplicates of common routing values / header values etc
QPID-7948 - [Broker-J] [AMQP0-9] [Publish Confirms] Client hangs if message sent to topic within no subscribers
QPID-7996 - [Broker-J] Make operations regarding link registry thread safe
QPID-8014 - [Broker-J][WMC] Loading of WMC fails on systems with high CPU usage
QPID-8066 - [Broker-J] Virtual host logger rules are left over in configuration store after deletion of virtual host logger on provided virtual host causing virtualhost restart failure
QPID-8067 - [Broker-J] Default queue filter for arrival time with non-zero replay period does not filter messages as documented
QPID-8081 - [Broker-J] FileLogger with "roll on restart" set to "true" does not roll log file on broker restart when "roll daily" is "true"
QPID-8096 - [Broker-J] PUTting a user preference to the BDB backed configuration store fails with NPE
QPID-8098 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 0-10] Queue browsers erroneously increment the delivery count
QPID-8099 - [Broker-J] [AMQP Management] Operation Queue#getMessageInfo response returned as serialised java object rather list of maps
QPID-8100 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 0-10] SESSION_BUSY sent on wrong channel leading to hung Messaging API based application
QPID-8106 - [Broker-J] [Alternate Binding] On virtualhost recovery, message "Gave up waiting for Queue 'xxxx' to attain state" written to the log and startup delayed
QPID-8114 - [Broker-J] Attempting to use an unknown filter type incorrectly causes connection closure with a decode error
QPID-8117 - [Broker-J] Table prefix of JDBC Virtual Host Node is ignored by preferences store
QPID-8137 - [Broker-J] NPE is reported into broker logs on broker shutdown/restart when AMQP port is in ERRORED state due to port being bound by other process
QPID-8140 - [Broker-J][BDB HA] Removal of non existing group member can end up in broker crash due to uncaught MemberNotFoundException
QPID-8156 - [Broker-J] Heap memory is leaked on deletion of virtual host node
QPID-8157 - [Broker-J] Deletion of Virtual Host Node fails to clean-up properly all Virtual Host/Virtual Host Node resources
QPID-8160 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 1.0] AccessControlException when creating sending link reported as amqp:internal-error rather than amqp:unauthorised-access
QPID-8164 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 1.0] [BINDMAP] Dynamic nodes created with the temporary-queue capability do not enforce connection exclusivity
QPID-8165 - [Broker-J][WMC] Validation of configured object names is too restrictive in Web Management Console
QPID-8167 - [Broker-J] Broker command line option '-mmqv/--management-mode-quiesce-virtualhosts' does not quiesce virtual hosts
QPID-8171 - [Broker-J] Failed to start broker under Windows when QPID_JAVA_GC is set
QPID-8172 - [Broker-J] OAuth2 authentication provider should not mandate setting of client secret
QPID-8182 - [Broker-J] [Message Conversion] Message id fidelity lost when converting from AMQP 1.0 to 0-10 when message-id-string carries a ID: prefixed UUID
QPID-8191 - [Broker-J][WMC] Memory logger logs are not displayed in the log viewer UI
QPID-8192 - [Broker-J] Make bindingKey parameter mandatory in exchange bind/unbind operations
QPID-8194 - [Broker-J][Protocol Tests] [AMQP 1.0] TransferTests seen to fail on Windows
QPID-8196 - [Broker-J] [WMC] Edit form controls are not populated with current values
QPID-8198 - [Broker-J][Documentation] Account headers in formula for estimation of heap size
QPID-8199 - [Broker-J] Fix description for bind/unbind operations
QPID-8201 - [Broker-J] [AMQP1.0] Queue backing temporary subscription deleted twice during link close
QPID-8202 - [Broker-J][AMQP 0-8...0-91] Large flowed to disk message can be re-loaded from store for every content chunk sent to the client
QPID-8203 - [Broker-J][AMQP 0-8...0-91] [CVE-2018-8030] Denial of Service Vulnerability when AMQP 0-8...0-91 messages exceed maximum size limit
QPID-8213 - [Broker-J] InputStream is not closed in SSLUtil#readCertificates(URL)
QPID-8215 - [Broker-J] The link-store fails to create its tables with Sybase
QPID-8216 - [Broker-J] Operational log message CHN-1011 about moving message to dead letter queue is not reported
QPID-8219 - [Broker-J] Authentication results are cached in SimpleLdap and OAUTH2 authentication providers per connection basis
QPID-8223 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 1.0] Broker can stop delivering messages when sending link delivery-count value exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE, wraps around and turns negative
QPID-8225 - [Broker-J][AMQP 0-10] stops delivering queue/consumer messages after 4 GB data transfer
QPID-8230 - [Broker-J] Virtual Host children can be partially recovered and left in memory on failed Virtual Host startup
QPID-8231 - [Broker-J] [AMQP 0-8...0-9-1] Broker crashes on delivery of messages from queue having attribute 'messageGroupKeyOverride' set to an empty string
QPID-8233 - [Broker-J][AMQP 1.0] Failure on connecting to a virtual host which is not yet active should use connection-forced error
QPID-8236 - [Broker-J] [BDB HA] Changing of group name, address or node name in BDB HA virtual host node should be disallowed
QPID-8253 - [Broker-J] NPE is thrown in QpidBestFitX509KeyManager when null is returned from SSLEngine.getSSLParameters().getServerNames()
QPID-8254 - [Broker-J] Illegal ascii characters are used in keystore passwords
QPID-8257 - [Broker-J] Sybase message store not supporting empty messages
QPID-8264 - [Broker-J] ClassCastException are thrown on creation and update of VirtualHostUserOrConnectionLogInclusionRule
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Robin Williams、John Tollett / 苏金国、刘亮 / 人民邮电出版社 / 201005 / 69.00元
在这个网络时代,Web设计几乎已经成为每个人生活的必备技能。如果你想自力更生创建一个网站,或者认为自己的网站在设计上还不尽如人意,希望它看上去更具创意和专业性,那么本书正是为你准备的! 作者Robin和John先采用通俗易懂的方式将有关基础知识娓娓道来,比如Internet、搜索信息、构建简单网页等,然后为我们奉上了精妙的技巧、技术和设计示例来启发大家的设计灵感,比如Web基本设计原则、实现......一起来看看 《写给大家看的Web设计书》 这本书的介绍吧!