内容简介:BTrace是神器,可以通过自己编写的脚本,获取应用的一切调用信息。而不需要重启应用!Btrace 项目信息(你行你上~)项目地址(源码):
Btrace 项目信息(你行你上~)
项目地址(源码): http://github.com/btraceio/btrace
1. 打开 jvisualVm 工具;
2. 加载 BTrace 工具, 先把 插件中心地址更改掉: https://visualvm.github.io/uc/8u131/updates.xml.gz ;
3. 连接到想要 trace 的服务器, 如本地 tomcat;
4. 右击tomcat进程,> Trace application...
5. 写debug程序,样例如下:(在IDE中编写)
6. 直接使用 brace监控: btrace <pid> BtraceScript.java
来个例子:(拦截 spring 的 doService 方法)
/* BTrace Script Template */ import com.sun.btrace.AnyType; import com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.BTrace; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Duration; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Kind; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Location; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.OnMethod; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.ProbeClassName; import com.sun.btrace.annotations.ProbeMethodName; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.currentThread; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.probeLine; import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.threadId; @BTrace public class TracingScript { /* put your code here */ @OnMethod( clazz = "/com.mobanker.microsite.service.borrow.+/", method = "/filterTemplatesByUserAmount.*/", location = @Location(Kind.RETURN) ) public static void traceExecute(AnyType[] args, @ProbeClassName String name, @ProbeMethodName String method, @Duration long time) { long durationTime = time/1000000; if(durationTime > 0){ String output = name + "." + method + "#" + probeLine() + " cost: " + durationTime + "ms, ThreadId:" + threadId(currentThread()); BTraceUtils.println(output); // 打印整体参数 BTraceUtils.printArray(args); // 调用应用的各字段进行反射调用 BTraceUtils.printFields(args[1]); BTraceUtils.printFields(args[2]); BTraceUtils.println("over..."); // 结束符 BTraceUtils.println(""); } } }
在IDE中编写时,需要导入 pom.xml 如下:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.tools.btrace/btrace-agent --> <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.tools.btrace</groupId> <artifactId>btrace-agent</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> </dependency> <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.tools.btrace/btrace-boot --> <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.tools.btrace</groupId> <artifactId>btrace-boot</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> </dependency> <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.tools.btrace/btrace-client --> <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.tools.btrace</groupId> <artifactId>btrace-client</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> </dependency>
2. 拦截方法定义,也说是 @OnMethod 注解的作用
@OnMethod( clazz = "/com.mobanker.microsite.service.borrow.+/", method = "/filterTemplatesByUserAmount.*/", location = @Location(Kind.RETURN) )
1. 正则表达式定位(全匹配是正则的一种特例)
可以用表达式,批量定义需要监控的类与方法。正则表达式需要写在两个 "/" 中间。
通过在拦截函数的定义里注入@ProbeClassName String probeClass, @ProbeMethodName String probeMethod 参数,告诉脚本实际匹配到的类和方法名。
2. 按接口,父类,Annotation定位
比如我想匹配所有的Filter类,在接口或基类的名称前面,加个+ 就行
@OnMethod(clazz="+com.vip.demo.Filter", method="doFilter")
@OnMethod(clazz="@javax.jws.WebService", method="@javax.jws.WebMethod")
3. 构造方法匹配 <init>
@OnMethod(clazz="java.net.ServerSocket", method="<init>")
4. 静态内部类的写法,在类与内部类之间加上"$"
@OnMethod(clazz="com.vip.MyServer$MyInnerClass", method="hello")
3. 拦截时机, 即@Location注解的作用
// Location 的定义 /** * This annotation specifies a particular "location" within a * traced/probed java method for BTrace probe specifications. * * @author A. Sundararajan */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface Location { /** * Kind of the location. * * @see Kind */ Kind value() default Kind.ENTRY; /** * Specifies where do want to probe with * respect to the location of interest. * * @see Where */ Where where() default Where.BEFORE; /** * Specifies the fully qualified class name for * certain kind of probe locations. * * <p> * <h3>Since 1.3.11</h3> * The specification can contain references to user arguments. * These references are using Ant style substitution patterns. * If a reference is not resolvable the whole probe point will be effectively disabled. * <br> * <pre> * {@code @OnMethod(clazz = "MyClass", method = "myMethod", location = @Location(clazz = "${package}.OtherClass"))} * </pre> * </p> */ String clazz() default ""; /** * Specifies the method name for * certain kind of probe locations. * * <p> * <h3>Since 1.3.11</h3> * The specification can contain references to user arguments. * These references are using Ant style substitution patterns. * If a reference is not resolvable the whole probe point will be effectively disabled. * <br> * <pre> * {@code @OnMethod(clazz = "MyClass", method = "myMethod", location = @Location(clazz = "OtherClass", method = "${method}"))} * </pre> * </p> */ String method() default ""; /** * Specifies the field name for Kind.FIELD_SET * and Kind.FIELD_GET probes. * * @see Kind#FIELD_GET * @see Kind#FIELD_SET * * <p> * <h3>Since 1.3.11</h3> * The specification can contain references to user arguments. * These references are using Ant style substitution patterns. * If a reference is not resolvable the whole probe point will be effectively disabled. * <br> * <pre> * {@code @OnMethod(clazz = "MyClass", method = "myMethod", location = @Location(clazz = "OtherClass", field = "${field}"))} * </pre> * </p> */ String field() default ""; /** * Specifies field or method type for * certain kind of probe locations. The type * is specified like in Java source - except * the method or field name and parameter names * are not included. * * <p> * <h3>Since 1.3.11</h3> * The specification can contain references to user arguments. * These references are using Ant style substitution patterns. * If a reference is not resolvable the whole probe point will be effectively disabled. * <br> * <pre> * {@code @OnMethod(clazz = "MyClass", method = "myMethod", location = @Location(clazz = "OtherClass", type = "${ret} ()"))} * </pre> * </p> */ String type() default ""; /** * Specifies the line number for Kind.LINE probes. * * @see Kind#LINE */ int line() default 0; } // Kind 的定义 public enum Kind { /** * <h2>Array element load</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@code type[]} - the array instance</li> * <li>{@link int int} - array index</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain Return} - the return value of the method call (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER})</li> * </ul> */ ARRAY_GET, /** * <h2>Array element store</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@code type[]} - the array instance</li> * <li>{@link int int} - array index</li> * <li>{@link java.lang.Object Object} - new value</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * </ul> */ ARRAY_SET, /** * <h2>Method call</h2> * <p> * The order and number of unannotated parameters (if provided) must * fully match the called method signature. Instead of specific parameter * types one can use {@linkplain AnyType} to match any type. * <p> * If the only unannotated parameter is of type {@link AnyType AnyType[]} * it will contain the called method parameters in the order defined by * its signature. * * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the target instance of the method call * or null if the method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetMethodOrField} - the name of the method which is called</li> * <li>{@linkplain Return} - the return value of the method call (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER})</li> * <li>{@linkplain Duration} - the method call duration in nanoseconds (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER}</li> * </ul> */ CALL, /** * <h2>Exception catch</h2> * * <p> * The order and number of unannotated parameters (if provided) must * fully match the probed method signature. Instead of specific parameter * types one can use {@linkplain AnyType} to match any type. * <p> * If the only unannotated parameter is of type {@link AnyType AnyType[]} * it will contain the probed method parameters in the order defined by * its signature. * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the caught {@linkplain Throwable} (@since 1.3.11)</li> * </ul> */ CATCH, /** * <h2>Checkcast</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.String String} - type to cast to</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the casted instance ({@linkplain AnyType})</li> * </ul> */ CHECKCAST, /** * <h2>Method entry</h2> * <p> * The order and number of unannotated parameters (if provided) must * fully match the probed method signature. Instead of specific parameter * types one can use {@linkplain AnyType} to match any type. * <p> * If the only unannotated parameter is of type {@link AnyType AnyType[]} * it will contain the probed method parameters in the order defined by * its signature. * * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * </ul> */ ENTRY, /** * <h2>"return" because of no-catch</h2> * * <p> * The order and number of unannotated parameters (if provided) must * fully match the probed method signature. Instead of specific parameter * types one can use {@linkplain AnyType} to match any type. * <p> * If the only unannotated parameter is of type {@link AnyType AnyType[]} * it will contain the probed method parameters in the order defined by * its signature. * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain Duration} - the method call duration in nanoseconds (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER}</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the {@linkplain Throwable} instance (@since 1.3.11)</li> * </ul> */ ERROR, /** * <h2>Getting a field value</h2> * * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the field owner instance or null * if the field is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetMethodOrField} - the name of the method which is called</li> * <li>{@linkplain Return} - the return value of the method call (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER})</li> * </ul> */ FIELD_GET, /** * <h2>Setting a field value</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.Object Object} - new field value</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that field is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the field owner instance or null * if the field is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetMethodOrField} - the name of the method which is called</li> * </ul> */ FIELD_SET, /** * <h2>instanceof check</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.String String} - type to check against</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the checked instance ({@linkplain AnyType})</li> * </ul> */ INSTANCEOF, /** * <h2>Source line number</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link int int} - line number</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * </ul> */ LINE, /** * <h2>New object created</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.String String} - object type name</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain Return} - the return value of the method call (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER})</li> * </ul> */ NEW, /** * <h2>New array created</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.String String} - array type name</li> * <li>{@link int int} - number of dimensions</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain Return} - the return value of the method call (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER})</li> * </ul> */ NEWARRAY, /** * <h2>Return from method</h2> * <p> * The order and number of unannotated probe handler parameters (if provided) * must fully match the probed method signature. Instead of specific parameter * types one can use {@linkplain AnyType} to match any type. * <p> * If the only unannotated parameter is of type {@link AnyType AnyType[]} * it will contain the probed method parameters in the order defined by * its signature. * * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain Return} - the return value of the method call (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER})</li> * <li>{@linkplain Duration} - the method call duration in nanoseconds (only for {@linkplain Where#AFTER}</li> * </ul> */ RETURN, /** * <h2>Entry into a synchronized block</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.Object Object} - lock object</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * </ul> */ SYNC_ENTRY, /** * <h2>Exit from a synchronized block</h2> * * <h3>Unannotated probe handler parameters:</h3> * <ol> * <li>{@link java.lang.Object Object} - lock object</li> * </ol> * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * </ul> */ SYNC_EXIT, /** * <h2>Throwing an exception</h2> * * <p> * The order and number of unannotated parameters (if provided) must * fully match the probed method signature. Instead of specific parameter * types one can use {@linkplain AnyType} to match any type. * <p> * If the only unannotated parameter is of type {@link AnyType AnyType[]} * it will contain the probed method parameters in the order defined by * its signature. * <h3>Allowed probe handler parameter annotations:</h3> * <ul> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeClassName} - the name of the enclosing class</li> * <li>{@linkplain ProbeMethodName} - the name of the enclosing method</li> * <li>{@linkplain Self} - the instance enclosing the declaring method or null * if that method is static</li> * <li>{@linkplain TargetInstance} - the thrown exception (@since 1.3.11)</li> * </ul> */ THROW };
Location 主要属性有 value 和 where, 而 value 则是几个常用的定义点!
1. Kind.Entry与Kind.Return
duration的单位是纳秒,要除以 1,000,000 才是毫秒。
2. Kind.Error, Kind.Throw和 Kind.Catch
3. Kind.Call与Kind.Line
@OnMethod(clazz = "java.net.ServerSocket", method = "bind", location = @Location(value = Kind.CALL, clazz = "/.*/", method = "/.*/", where = Where.AFTER)) public static void onBind(@Self Object self, @TargetInstance Object instance, @TargetMethodOrField String method, @Duration long duration)
所调用的类及方法名所注入到@TargetInstance与 @TargetMethodOrField中。
@OnMethod(clazz = "java.net.ServerSocket", location = @Location(value = Kind.LINE, line = 363))
4. 如何使用Btrace定位问题
1. 打印this,参数 与 返回值
@OnMethod(clazz = "java.io.File", method = "createTempFile", location = @Location(value = Kind.RETURN)) public static void o(@Self Object self, String prefix, String suffix, @Return AnyType result)
如果想打印它们,首先按顺序定义用@Self 注释的this, 完整的参数列表,以及用@Return 注释的返回值。
如果是静态函数, self为空。
前面提到,如果上述使用了非JDK的类,命令行里要指定classpath。不过,如前所述,因为BTrace里不允许调用类的方法,所以定义具体类很多时候也没意 思,所以self定义为Object就够了。
用AnyType来定义任意类型的参数,类似于 Object 。
2. 方法执行时,查看对象的实例属性值
println, printArray,都按上面的规律进行,所以只能打打基本类型。
import java.lang.reflect.Field; //JDK的类这样写就行 private static Field fdFiled = field("java.io,FileInputStream", "fd"); //非JDK的类,要给出ClassLoader,否则ClassNotFound private static Field portField = field(classForName("com.vip.demo.MyObject", contextClassLoader()), "port"); public static void onChannelRead(@Self Object self) { println("port:" + getInt(portField, self)); }
如果要多个拦截函数之间要通信,可以使用@TLS定义 ThreadLocal的变量来共享
@TLS private static int port = -1; @OnMethod(clazz = "java.net.ServerSocket", method = "<init>") public static void onServerSocket(int p){ port = p; } @OnMethod(clazz = "java.net.ServerSocket", method = "bind") public static void onBind(){ println("server socket at " + port); }
4. 谁调用了这个函数(原理:拦截到方法后,把堆栈打出来)
@OnMethod(clazz = "java.lang.System", method = "gc") public static void onSystemGC() { println("entered System.gc()"); jstack(); }
5. 统计方法的调用次数,且每隔1分钟打印调用次数
@Export static AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(); @OnMethod(class="com.**.MyObject",method="add") public static void run(){ counter.getAndIncrement(); } @OnTimer(1000*60) public static void run(){ BTraceUtils.println("count: " + connter.get()); counter.set(0); }
5. linux 上使用 btrace!
1. 下载压btrace缩包: wget https://github.com/btraceio/btrace/releases/download/v1.3.11.3/btrace-bin- ;
2. 解压: unzip btrace-bin- -d btrace-bin-;
3. cd btrace-bin-, ./btrace <pid> TracingScript.java, 就可以看效果了;
4. 修改脚本以解决问题;
5. 通过反射机制,可以很方法的得到当前实例的属性值;
//print one field Field oneFiled = BTraceUtils.field("com.xx.test", "name"); BTraceUtils.println("print one field: " + BTraceUtils.get(oneFiled, args[0]));
6. BTraceUtils.printFields(args[1]); 调用封装好的打印复杂对象;
// 调用应用的各字段进行反射调用 BTraceUtils.printFields(args[1]);
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
[美] 约翰·布罗克曼 / 付晓光 / 浙江人民出版社 / 2017-3 / 79.90元
➢人类是否因互联网的诞生进入了公平竞争的场域? “黑天鹅事件”频频发生,我们的预测能力是否正在退化? 智人的第四阶段有哪些特征? 全球脑会使人类成为“超级英雄”吗? 虚拟现实技术会不会灭绝人类的真实体验? 还有更多不可预知答案的问题,你将在本书中找到属于自己的答案! ➢ 我们的心智正和互联网发生着永无止境的共振,人类思维会因此产生怎样的进化效应?本书编者约翰•布......一起来看看 《人类思维如何与互联网共同进化》 这本书的介绍吧!