内容简介:我们实现一个简单的 MyIOLoop 类,模仿 tornado 的 IOLoop,实现异步回调实现一个简单的 MyStackContext 类,模仿 tornado 的 StackContext,实现上下文模拟 tornado IOLoop
- tornado 源码之 StackContext(一)
我们实现一个简单的 MyIOLoop 类,模仿 tornado 的 IOLoop,实现异步回调
实现一个简单的 MyStackContext 类,模仿 tornado 的 StackContext,实现上下文
模拟 tornado IOLoop
class MyIOLoop: def __init__(self): self._callbacks = [] @classmethod def instance(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"): cls._instance = cls() return cls._instance def add_callback(self, call_back): self._callbacks.append(call_back) def start(self): callbacks = self._callbacks self._callbacks = [] for call_back in callbacks: call_back() 复制代码
由输出可以看到,回调函数 call_func 中抛出的异常,在 main 函数中无法被捕获
main 函数只能捕获当时运行的 async_task 中抛出的异常,async_task 只是向 MyIOLoop 注册了一个回调,并没有当场调用回调
call_func 函数最终在 MyIOLoop.start 中调用,其异常没有被捕获
my_io_loop = MyIOLoop.instance() times = 0 def call_func(): print 'run call_func' raise ValueError('except in call_func') def async_task(): global times times += 1 print 'run async task {}'.format(times) my_io_loop.add_callback(call_back=call_func) def main(): try: async_task() except Exception as e: print 'main exception {}'.format(e) print 'end' if __name__ == '__main__': main() my_io_loop.start() # run async task 1 # Traceback (most recent call last): # run call_func # File "E:/learn/python/simple-python/stack_context_example.py", line 56, in <module> # my_io_loop.start() # File "E:/learn/python/simple-python/stack_context_example.py", line 26, in start # call_back() # File "E:/learn/python/simple-python/stack_context_example.py", line 36, in call_func # raise ValueError('except in call_func') # ValueError: except in call_func 复制代码
使用 wrap
可以使用 wrap 的方式,把函数调用和异常捕捉写在一起,回调实际调用的是带异常捕捉的函数 wrapper
my_io_loop = MyIOLoop.instance() times = 0 def call_func(): print 'run call_func' raise ValueError('except in call_func') def wrapper(func): try: func() except Exception as e: print 'wrapper exception {}'.format(e) def async_task(): global times times += 1 print 'run async task {}'.format(times) my_io_loop.add_callback(call_back=functools.partial(wrapper, call_func)) def main(): try: async_task() except Exception as e: print 'main exception {}'.format(e) print 'end' if __name__ == '__main__': main() my_io_loop.start() # run async task 1 # run call_func # wrapper exception except in call_func 复制代码
使用 contextlib
下面模仿了 tornado 异步上下文实现机制
- MyStackContext 使用 __enter__ __exit__ 支持上下文
- MyStackContext 构造函数参数为一个上下文对象
with MyStackContext(context)进行如下动作:
在 MyStackContext(context) 构造时,把 context 注册进全局工厂 MyStackContext.context_factory- 进入 MyStackContext 的__enter
- 构造一个 context 对象
- 调用 context 对象的 __enter,进入真正 context 上下文
- 执行 context 上下文,my_context yield 语句前的部分
- 执行上下文包裹的语句,async_task
- async_task 中 add_callback,实际保存的 wrap, wrap 将此时的全局上下文环境 MyStackContext.context_factory 保存,以方便 call_back 调用
- 调用 context 对象的 __exit,退出 context 上下文
- 进入 MyStackContext 的__exit
- my_io_loop.start() 执行, 调用注册的 _call_back
实际调用 wrapped 函数
- 获取保存的 context 环境
- with context
- 调用真正的 callback
这样,在 main 函数中执行
with MyStackContext(my_context): async_task() 复制代码
构造一个执行上下文 my_context,异步函数将在这个上下文中调用
效果上相当于在 my_context 这个上下文环境中调用 async_task
def my_context(): print '---enter my_context--->>' try: async_task() except Exception as e: print 'handler except: {}'.format(e) finally: print '<<---exit my_context ---' 复制代码
import contextlib import functools class MyIOLoop: def __init__(self): self._callbacks = [] @classmethod def instance(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"): cls._instance = cls() return cls._instance def add_callback(self, call_back): self._callbacks.append(wrap(call_back)) def start(self): callbacks = self._callbacks self._callbacks = [] for call_back in callbacks: self._call_back(call_back) @staticmethod def _call_back(func): func() class MyStackContext(object): context_factory = [] def __init__(self, context): if context: MyStackContext.context_factory.append(context) def __enter__(self): try: self.context = self.context_factory[0]() self.context.__enter__() except Exception: raise def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: return self.context.__exit__(type, value, traceback) finally: pass def wrap(fn): def wrapped(callback, contexts, *args, **kwargs): context = contexts[0]() with context: callback(*args, **kwargs) contexts = MyStackContext.context_factory result = functools.partial(wrapped, fn, contexts) return result my_io_loop = MyIOLoop.instance() times = 0 def call_func(): print 'run call_func' raise ValueError('except in call_func') def async_task(): global times times += 1 print 'run async task {}'.format(times) my_io_loop.add_callback(call_back=call_func) @contextlib.contextmanager def my_context(): print '---enter my_context--->>' try: yield except Exception as e: print 'handler except: {}'.format(e) finally: print '<<---exit my_context ---' def main(): with MyStackContext(my_context): async_task() print 'end main' if __name__ == '__main__': main() my_io_loop.start() # ---enter my_context--->> # run async task 1 # <<---exit my_context --- # end main # ---enter my_context--->> # run call_func # handler except: except in call_func # <<---exit my_context --- 复制代码
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