内容简介:Flink - FlinkKafkaProducer010
DataStream<String> stream = ...; FlinkKafkaProducer010Configuration myProducerConfig = FlinkKafkaProducer010.writeToKafkaWithTimestamps( stream, // input stream "my-topic", // target topic new SimpleStringSchema(), // serialization schema properties); // custom configuration for KafkaProducer (including broker list) // the following is necessary for at-least-once delivery guarantee myProducerConfig.setLogFailuresOnly(false); // "false" by default myProducerConfig.setFlushOnCheckpoint(true); // "false" by default
Besides enabling Flink’s checkpointing, you should also configure the setter methods setLogFailuresOnly(boolean)
and setFlushOnCheckpoint(boolean)
appropriately, as shown in the above examples in the previous section:
: enabling this will let the producer log failures only instead of catching and rethrowing them. This essentially accounts the record to have succeeded, even if it was never written to the target Kafka topic. This must be disabled for at-least-once. -
: with this enabled, Flink’s checkpoints will wait for any on-the-fly records at the time of the checkpoint to be acknowledged by Kafka before succeeding the checkpoint. This ensures that all records before the checkpoint have been written to Kafka. This must be enabled for at-least-once.
Note: By default, the number of retries is set to “0”. This means that when setLogFailuresOnly
is set to false
, the producer fails immediately on errors, including leader changes. The value is set to “0” by default to avoid duplicate messages in the target topic that are caused by retries. For most production environments with frequent broker changes, we recommend setting the number of retries to a higher value.
public DataStreamSink<T> addSink(SinkFunction<T> sinkFunction) { this.transformation.getOutputType(); if(sinkFunction instanceof InputTypeConfigurable) { ((InputTypeConfigurable)sinkFunction).setInputType(this.getType(), this.getExecutionConfig()); } StreamSink sinkOperator = new StreamSink((SinkFunction)this.clean(sinkFunction)); DataStreamSink sink = new DataStreamSink(this, sinkOperator); this.getExecutionEnvironment().addOperator(sink.getTransformation()); return sink; }
/** * Creates a FlinkKafkaProducer for a given topic. The sink produces a DataStream to * the topic. * * This constructor allows writing timestamps to Kafka, it follow approach (b) (see above) * * @param inStream The stream to write to Kafka * @param topicId The name of the target topic * @param serializationSchema A serializable serialization schema for turning user objects into a kafka-consumable byte[] supporting key/value messages * @param producerConfig Configuration properties for the KafkaProducer. 'bootstrap.servers.' is the only required argument. * @param customPartitioner A serializable partitioner for assigning messages to Kafka partitions. */ public static <T> FlinkKafkaProducer010Configuration<T> writeToKafkaWithTimestamps(DataStream<T> inStream, String topicId, KeyedSerializationSchema<T> serializationSchema, Properties producerConfig, KafkaPartitioner<T> customPartitioner) { GenericTypeInfo<Object> objectTypeInfo = new GenericTypeInfo<>(Object.class); FlinkKafkaProducer010<T> kafkaProducer = new FlinkKafkaProducer010<>(topicId, serializationSchema, producerConfig, customPartitioner); SingleOutputStreamOperator<Object> transformation = inStream.transform("FlinKafkaProducer 0.10.x", objectTypeInfo, kafkaProducer); return new FlinkKafkaProducer010Configuration<>(transformation, kafkaProducer); }
public static class FlinkKafkaProducer010Configuration<T> extends DataStreamSink<T> { private final FlinkKafkaProducerBase wrappedProducerBase; private final FlinkKafkaProducer010 producer; private FlinkKafkaProducer010Configuration(DataStream stream, FlinkKafkaProducer010<T> producer) { //noinspection unchecked super(stream, producer); this.producer = producer; this.wrappedProducerBase = (FlinkKafkaProducerBase) producer.userFunction; }
public class FlinkKafkaProducer010<T> extends StreamSink<T> implements SinkFunction<T>, RichFunction { public FlinkKafkaProducer010(String topicId, KeyedSerializationSchema<T> serializationSchema, Properties producerConfig, KafkaPartitioner<T> customPartitioner) { // We create a Kafka 09 producer instance here and only "override" (by intercepting) the // invoke call. super(new FlinkKafkaProducer09<>(topicId, serializationSchema, producerConfig, customPartitioner)); }
By the way, FlinkKafkaProducer010 extends StreamSink,也就是说他还是operator,原因就在writeToKafkaWithTimestamps中生成DataStreamSink时需要operator对象,他直接把FlinkKafkaProducer010传进去,所以FlinkKafkaProducer010 必须是StreamSink;这代码写的真是不行
public void invoke(T value) throws Exception { invokeInternal(value, Long.MAX_VALUE); }
private void invokeInternal(T next, long elementTimestamp) throws Exception { final FlinkKafkaProducerBase<T> internalProducer = (FlinkKafkaProducerBase<T>) userFunction; internalProducer.checkErroneous(); byte[] serializedKey = internalProducer.schema.serializeKey(next); byte[] serializedValue = internalProducer.schema.serializeValue(next); String targetTopic = internalProducer.schema.getTargetTopic(next); if (targetTopic == null) { targetTopic = internalProducer.defaultTopicId; } Long timestamp = null; if(this.writeTimestampToKafka) { timestamp = elementTimestamp; } ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record; if (internalProducer.partitioner == null) { record = new ProducerRecord<>(targetTopic, null, timestamp, serializedKey, serializedValue); } else { record = new ProducerRecord<>(targetTopic, internalProducer.partitioner.partition(next, serializedKey, serializedValue, internalProducer.partitions.length), timestamp, serializedKey, serializedValue); } if (internalProducer.flushOnCheckpoint) { synchronized (internalProducer.pendingRecordsLock) { internalProducer.pendingRecords++; // 如果flushOnCheckpoint打开,需要记录正在发送的record数目 } } internalProducer.producer.send(record, internalProducer.callback); }
@Override public void open(Configuration configuration) { if (logFailuresOnly) { callback = new Callback() { @Override public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception e) { if (e != null) { LOG.error("Error while sending record to Kafka: " + e.getMessage(), e); } acknowledgeMessage(); } }; } else { callback = new Callback() { @Override public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception exception) { if (exception != null && asyncException == null) { asyncException = exception; } acknowledgeMessage(); } }; } }
private void acknowledgeMessage() { if (flushOnCheckpoint) { synchronized (pendingRecordsLock) { pendingRecords--; if (pendingRecords == 0) { pendingRecordsLock.notifyAll(); } } } }
逻辑就是计数--,如果pendingRecords == 0,即没有正在发送的record,通知所有在等锁的
protected void checkErroneous() throws Exception { Exception e = asyncException; if (e != null) { // prevent double throwing asyncException = null; throw new Exception("Failed to send data to Kafka: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
鳥哥 / 碁峰資訊股份有限公司 / 2016-1-25 / TWD 980.00
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