服务计算 - 5 | GraphQL简单web服务与客户端开发

栏目: 前端 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:利用 web 客户端调用远端服务是服务开发本实验的重要内容。其中,要点建立 API First 的开发理念,实现前后端分离,使得团队协作变得更有效率。项目参照星球大战API服务器实现其实并不难,但是理解GraphQL和GQLGEN这两个预备工作比较困难,需要大量阅读。


利用 web 客户端调用远端服务是服务开发本实验的重要内容。其中,要点建立 API First 的开发理念,实现前后端分离,使得团队协作变得更有效率。


  1. 选择合适的 API 风格,实现从接口或资源(领域)建模,到 API 设计的过程
  2. 使用 API 工具,编制 API 描述文件,编译生成服务器、客户端原型
  3. 使用 Github 建立一个组织,通过 API 文档,实现 客户端项目 与 RESTful 服务项目同步开发
  4. 使用 API 设计 工具 提供 Mock 服务,两个团队独立测试 API
  5. 使用 travis 测试相关模块


  1. API使用 GraphQL 规范进行设计
  2. 客户端使用 Vue框架
  3. 服务器使用GraphQL官方提供的生成基于 graphql 的服务器的库 GQLGen 进行开发。
  4. 数据库使用 BoltDB 实现



项目参照星球大战API SWAPI 编写







GraphQL 是一个用于 API 的查询语言,是一个使用基于类型系统来执行查询的服务端运行时(类型系统由你的数据定义)。GraphQL 并没有和任何特定数据库或者存储引擎绑定,而是依靠你现有的代码和数据支撑。

与Restful相比,GraphQL不会由复杂的URL,请求的Json按照规范被放在数据中。由于有完备的规范,使用GraphQL构建服务器时不需要自行对每个请求进行解析,可以使用现成的框架,如 GQLGen ,按规范编写Schema后即可生成相应的解析函数,最终只需要自己编写resolve中的查询函数即可。无需对每个数据规定复杂的URL,大大简化了开发流程。



使用GQLGEN首先应该编写 schema.graphql 文件,其中按照GraphQL规范,定义了所有结构的内容,以及查询的方法,在这个项目中没有用到客户端更新数据,所以没有使用Mutation。

  • type Query 中定义了所有的查询查询方法,在这个类型中的查询函数会被GQLGEN自动实现解析,并在 resolver.go 文件中新建空白查询函数,而我们的任务就是编写该文件中的函数,返回对应的数据。

    The query root, from which multiple types of requests can be made.
    type Query {
        Look up a specific people by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): People
        Look up a specific film by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Film
        Look up a specific starship by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Starship
        Look up a specific vehicle by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Vehicle
        Look up a specific specie by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Specie
        Look up a specific planet by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Planet
        Browse people entities.
        peoples (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PeopleConnection!
        Browse film entities.
        films (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): FilmConnection!
        Browse starship entities.
        starships (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): StarshipConnection!
        Browse vehicle entities.
        vehicles (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): VehicleConnection!
        Browse specie entities.
        species (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): SpecieConnection!
        Browse planet entities.
        planets (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PlanetConnection!
        Search for people entities matching the given query.
        peopleSearch (
            The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PeopleConnection
        Search for film entities matching the given query.
        filmsSearch (
            The search field for title, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): FilmConnection
        Search for starship entities matching the given query.
        starshipsSearch (
            The search field for name or model, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): StarshipConnection
        Search for vehicle entities matching the given query.
        vehiclesSearch (
            The search field for name or model, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): VehicleConnection
        Search for specie entities matching the given query.
        speciesSearch (
            The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): SpecieConnection
        Search for planet entities matching the given query.
        planetsSearch (
            The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PlanetConnection
  • 其它部分按照GraphQL规范编写即可,具体可以查看项目中的 schema.graphql 文件。这里的 schema.graphql 有些臃肿,可以通过实现共同属性的 interface 来减少定义的工作量。
  • 具体设计参阅API文档


  1. 对于普通的通过ID查询的函数,直接通过数据库提供的方法查询对应ID的对象。

    func (r *queryResolver) People(ctx context.Context, id string) (*People, error) {
        err, people := GetPeopleByID(id, nil)
        return people, err
  2. 分页查询则需要解析需要的元素数量,起始位置即 after 游标在数据库中的位置,是否有前后页及当前页开始和结束位置元素的游标,用于客户端在需要的时候获取前后页。

    func (r *queryResolver) Peoples(ctx context.Context, first *int, after *string) (PeopleConnection, error) {
         from := -1
         if after != nil {
             b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*after)
             if err != nil {
                 return PeopleConnection{}, err
             i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(string(b), "cursor"))
             if err != nil {
                 return PeopleConnection{}, err
             from = i
         count := 0
         startID := ""
         hasPreviousPage := true
         hasNextPage := true
         // 获取edges
         edges := []PeopleEdge{}
         db, err := bolt.Open("./data/data.db", 0600, nil)
         defer db.Close()
         db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
             c := tx.Bucket([]byte(peopleBucket)).Cursor()
             // 判断是否还有前向页
             k, v := c.First()
             if from == -1 || strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) {
                 startID = string(k)
                 hasPreviousPage = false
             if from == -1 {
                 for k, _ := c.First(); k != nil; k, _ = c.Next() {
                     _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                     edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{
                         Node:   people,
                         Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)),
                     if count == *first {
             } else {
                 for k, _ := c.First(); k != nil; k, _ = c.Next() {
                     if strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) {
                         k, _ = c.Next()
                         startID = string(k)
                     if startID != "" {
                         _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                         edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{
                             Node:   people,
                             Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)),
                         if count == *first {
             k, v = c.Next()
             if k == nil && v == nil {
                 hasNextPage = false
             return nil
         if count == 0 {
             return PeopleConnection{}, nil
         // 获取pageInfo
         pageInfo := PageInfo{
             HasPreviousPage: hasPreviousPage,
             HasNextPage:     hasNextPage,
             StartCursor:     encodeCursor(startID),
             EndCursor:       encodeCursor(edges[count-1].Node.ID),
         return PeopleConnection{
             PageInfo:   pageInfo,
             Edges:      edges,
             TotalCount: count,
         }, nil
  3. 其次是基于相关字段的分页查询,与普通分页查询类似,只是多了一个查询字段的字符串来限定,获取对应的页。

    func (r *queryResolver) PeopleSearch(ctx context.Context, search string, first *int, after *string) (*PeopleConnection, error) {
        if strings.HasPrefix(search, "Name:") {
            search = strings.TrimPrefix(search, "Name:")
        } else {
            return &PeopleConnection{}, errors.New("Search content must be ' Name:<People's Name you want to get> ' ")
        from := -1
        if after != nil {
            b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*after)
            if err != nil {
                return &PeopleConnection{}, err
            i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(string(b), "cursor"))
            if err != nil {
                return &PeopleConnection{}, err
            from = i
        count := 0
        hasPreviousPage := false
        hasNextPage := false
        // 获取edges
        edges := []PeopleEdge{}
        db, err := bolt.Open("./data/data.db", 0600, nil)
        defer db.Close()
        db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
            c := tx.Bucket([]byte(peopleBucket)).Cursor()
            k, _ := c.First()
            // 判断是否还有前向页
            if from != -1 {
                for k != nil {
                    _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                    if people.Name == search {
                        hasPreviousPage = true
                    if strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) {
                        k, _ = c.Next()
                    k, _ = c.Next()
            // 添加edge
            for k != nil {
                _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                if people.Name == search {
                    edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{
                        Node:   people,
                        Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)),
                k, _ = c.Next()
                if first != nil && count == *first {
            // 判断是否还有后向页
            for k != nil {
                _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                if people.Name == search {
                    hasNextPage = true
                k, _ = c.Next()
            return nil
        if count == 0 {
            return &PeopleConnection{}, nil
        // 获取pageInfo
        pageInfo := PageInfo{
            StartCursor:     encodeCursor(edges[0].Node.ID),
            EndCursor:       encodeCursor(edges[count-1].Node.ID),
            HasPreviousPage: hasPreviousPage,
            HasNextPage:     hasNextPage,
        return &PeopleConnection{
            PageInfo:   pageInfo,
            Edges:      edges,
            TotalCount: count,
        }, nil


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《服务计算 - 5 | GraphQL简单web服务与客户端开发》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






唐兴通 / 机械工业出版社华章科技 / 2015-3 / 49

科技延伸媒介,移动互联网技术催生了微信等各种新的媒体;媒介更新人文,新媒介让互联网重回社群时代;人文重塑商业规则,社群时代的商业模式与法则究竟是怎样的?我们应该如何去适应和应对?本书提出的“新4C法则”为此给出了解决方案。关于如何运用这个法则,本书给出了详尽的阐述。但是,要利用好这个法则,需要我们对它有深入的理解。 场景(Context):移动互联网时代场景为王,所有基于移动互联网的产品和服......一起来看看 《引爆社群》 这本书的介绍吧!

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