内容简介:公司最近引入了Flutter 技术栈,Flutter 是谷歌的移动 UI 框架,可以快速在 iOS 和 Android 上构建高质量的原生用户界面。然而由于 Flutter 还在早期发展阶段没有,生态建设还不够完善。比如项目中需要用到图表 UI 组件,经过一番调研,虽然基础使用实现的折线图效果已经很不错了,但 UI 设计是平滑曲线效果,工程师也赞同曲线效果更优雅的观点,所以决定挑战自我,自己实现平滑曲线效果。 通过一层层源码分析,最终发现绘制折线图折线的实现位置,改写该实现即可实现平滑曲线效果line_c
公司最近引入了Flutter 技术栈,Flutter 是谷歌的移动 UI 框架,可以快速在 iOS 和 Android 上构建高质量的原生用户界面。然而由于 Flutter 还在早期发展阶段没有,生态建设还不够完善。比如项目中需要用到图表 UI 组件,经过一番调研, Google/charts 功能最强大,样式最丰富(详见online gallery),于是引入到项目中。但是 charts 只实现了直线折线图,所以只能 fork charts 项目自己实现平滑曲线效果。
- Goole/charts 这个图表库很强大,但是文档不太友好,只有 online gallery 上有纯示例代码,几乎没有 Api 说明。
- 可行性分析的 Demo 效果
- 仔细研究优化后的效果
- 具体使用代码及注释
return Container( height: 150.0, child: charts.LineChart( _createChartData(), // 折线图的点的数据列表 animate: true, // 动画 defaultRenderer: charts.LineRendererConfig( // 折线图绘制的配置 includeArea: true, includePoints: true, includeLine: true, stacked: false, ), domainAxis: charts.NumericAxisSpec( // 主轴的配置 tickFormatterSpec: DomainFormatterSpec(widget.dateRange), // tick 值的格式化,这里把 num 转换成 String renderSpec: charts.SmallTickRendererSpec( // 主轴绘制的配置 tickLengthPx: 0, // 刻度标识突出的长度 labelOffsetFromAxisPx: 12, // 刻度文字距离轴线的位移 labelStyle: charts.TextStyleSpec( // 刻度文字的样式 color: ChartUtil.getChartColor(HColors.lightGrey), fontSize: HFontSizes.smaller.toInt(), ), axisLineStyle: charts.LineStyleSpec( // 轴线的样式 color: ChartUtil.getChartColor(ChartUtil.lightBlue), ), ), tickProviderSpec: charts.BasicNumericTickProviderSpec( // 轴线刻度配置 dataIsInWholeNumbers: false, desiredTickCount: widget.data.length, // 期望显示几个刻度 ), ), primaryMeasureAxis: charts.NumericAxisSpec( // 交叉轴的配置,参数参考主轴配置 showAxisLine: false, // 显示轴线 tickFormatterSpec: MeasureFormatterSpec(), tickProviderSpec: charts.BasicNumericTickProviderSpec( dataIsInWholeNumbers: false, desiredTickCount: 4, ), renderSpec: charts.GridlineRendererSpec( // 交叉轴刻度水平线 tickLengthPx: 0, labelOffsetFromAxisPx: 12, labelStyle: charts.TextStyleSpec( color: ChartUtil.getChartColor(HColors.lightGrey), fontSize: HFontSizes.smaller.toInt(), ), lineStyle: charts.LineStyleSpec( color: ChartUtil.getChartColor(ChartUtil.lightBlue), ), axisLineStyle: charts.LineStyleSpec( color: ChartUtil.getChartColor(ChartUtil.lightBlue), ), ), ), selectionModels: [ // 设置点击选中事件 charts.SelectionModelConfig( type: charts.SelectionModelType.info, listener: _onSelectionChanged, ) ], behaviors: [ charts.InitialSelection(selectedDataConfig: [ // 设置默认选中 charts.SeriesDatumConfig<num>('LineChart', _index) ]), ], ), ); 复制代码
虽然基础使用实现的折线图效果已经很不错了,但 UI 设计是平滑曲线效果,工程师也赞同曲线效果更优雅的观点,所以决定挑战自我,自己实现平滑曲线效果。 通过一层层源码分析,最终发现绘制折线图折线的实现位置,改写该实现即可实现平滑曲线效果
defaultRenderer: charts.LineRendererConfig( // 折线图绘制的配置 includeArea: true, includePoints: true, includeLine: true, stacked: false, ), 复制代码
if (config.includeLine) { ... canvas.drawLine( clipBounds: _getClipBoundsForExtent(line.positionExtent), dashPattern: line.dashPattern, points: line.points, stroke: line.color, strokeWidthPx: line.strokeWidthPx, roundEndCaps: line.roundEndCaps); } }); } }); 复制代码
@override void drawLine( ... _linePainter.draw( canvas: canvas, paint: _paint, points: points, clipBounds: clipBounds, fill: fill, stroke: stroke, roundEndCaps: roundEndCaps, strokeWidthPx: strokeWidthPx, dashPattern: dashPattern); } 复制代码
样条插值是一种工业设计中常用的、得到平滑曲线的一种插值方法,三次样条又是其中用的较为广泛的一种。算法参考 Java 三次样条插值,代码实现如下: interpolation.dart
class Interpolation { int n; List<num> xs; List<num> ys; bool spInitialized; List<num> spY2s; Interpolation(List<num> _xs, List<num> _ys) { this.n = _xs.length; this.xs = _xs; this.ys = _ys; this.spInitialized = false; } num spline(num x) { if (!this.spInitialized) { // Assume Natural Spline Interpolation num p, qn, sig, un; List<num> us; us = new List<num>(n - 1); spY2s = new List<num>(n); us[0] = spY2s[0] = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n - 2; i++) { sig = (xs[i] - xs[i - 1]) / (xs[i + 1] - xs[i - 1]); p = sig * spY2s[i - 1] + 2.0; spY2s[i] = (sig - 1.0) / p; us[i] = (ys[i + 1] - ys[i]) / (xs[i + 1] - xs[i]) - (ys[i] - ys[i - 1]) / (xs[i] - xs[i - 1]); us[i] = (6.0 * us[i] / (xs[i + 1] - xs[i - 1]) - sig * us[i - 1]) / p; } qn = un = 0.0; spY2s[n - 1] = (un - qn * us[n - 2]) / (qn * spY2s[n - 2] + 1.0); for (int k = n - 2; k >= 0; k--) { spY2s[k] = spY2s[k] * spY2s[k + 1] + us[k]; } this.spInitialized = true; } int klo, khi, k; num h, b, a; klo = 0; khi = n - 1; while (khi - klo > 1) { k = (khi + klo) >> 1; if (xs[k] > x) khi = k; else klo = k; } h = xs[khi] - xs[klo]; if (h == 0.0) { throw new Exception('h==0.0'); } a = (xs[khi] - x) / h; b = (x - xs[klo]) / h; return a * ys[klo] + b * ys[khi] + ((a * a * a - a) * spY2s[klo] + (b * b * b - b) * spY2s[khi]) * (h * h) / 6.0; } } 复制代码
/// Draws smooth lines between each point. void _drawSmoothLine(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, List<Point> points) { var interval = 0.1; var interpolationPoints = List<Point>(); for (int k = 0; k < points.length; k++) { if ((k + 1) < points.length) { num temp = 0; while (temp < points[k + 1].x) { temp = temp + interval; interpolationPoints.add(Point(temp, 0.0)); } } } var tempX = points.map((item) => item.x).toList(); var tempY = points.map((item) => item.y).toList(); var ip = Interpolation(tempX, tempY); for (int j = 0; j < interpolationPoints.length; j++) { interpolationPoints[j] = Point(interpolationPoints[j].x, ip.spline(interpolationPoints[j].x)); } interpolationPoints.addAll(points); interpolationPoints.sort((a, b) { if (a.x == b.x) return 0; else if (a.x < b.x) return -1; else return 1; }); final path = new Path(); path.moveTo(interpolationPoints[0].x.toDouble(), interpolationPoints[0].y.toDouble()); for (int i = 1; i < interpolationPoints.length; i++) { path.lineTo(interpolationPoints[i].x.toDouble(), interpolationPoints[i].y.toDouble()); } canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } 复制代码
三次贝塞尔曲线就是这样的一条曲线,它是依据四个位置任意的点坐标绘制出的一条光滑曲线,其难点是两个控制点的计算,算法参考 贝塞尔曲线平滑拟合折线段 ,代码实现如下: line_painter.dart
/// Draws smooth lines between each point. void _drawSmoothLine(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, List<Point> points) { var targetPoints = List<Point>(); targetPoints.add(points[0]); targetPoints.addAll(points); targetPoints.add(points[points.length - 1]); final path = new Path(); for (int i = 1; i < targetPoints.length - 2; i++) { path.moveTo( targetPoints[i].x.toDouble(), targetPoints[i].y.toDouble()); var controllerPoint1 = Point( targetPoints[i].x + (targetPoints[i + 1].x - targetPoints[i - 1].x) / 4, targetPoints[i].y + (targetPoints[i + 1].y - targetPoints[i - 1].y) / 4, ); var controllerPoint2 = Point( targetPoints[i + 1].x - (targetPoints[i + 2].x - targetPoints[i].x) / 4, targetPoints[i + 1].y - (targetPoints[i + 2].y - targetPoints[i].y) / 4, ); path.cubicTo( controllerPoint1.x, controllerPoint1.y, controllerPoint2.x, controllerPoint2.y, targetPoints[i + 1].x, targetPoints[i + 1].y); } canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } 复制代码
- 贝塞尔曲线(MonotoneX)
因为之前 RN 项目用到了 victory-native / victory-chart ,通过源码和文档发现它的曲线效果实现是依赖了 d3-shap 的 d3.curveMonotoneX,算法参考 monotone.js ,实现代码如下:
/// Draws smooth lines between each point. void _drawSmoothLine(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, List<Point> points) { var targetPoints = List<Point>(); targetPoints.addAll(points); targetPoints.add(Point( points[points.length - 1].x * 2, points[points.length - 1].y * 2)); var x0, y0, x1, y1, t0, path = Path(); for (int i = 0; i < targetPoints.length; i++) { var t1; var x = targetPoints[i].x; var y = targetPoints[i].y; if (x == x1 && y == y1) return; switch (i) { case 0: path.moveTo(x, y); break; case 1: break; case 2: t1 = MonotoneX.slope3(x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y); MonotoneX.point( path, x0, y0, x1, y1, MonotoneX.slope2(x0, y0, x1, y1, t1), t1); break; default: t1 = MonotoneX.slope3(x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y); MonotoneX.point( path, x0, y0, x1, y1, t0, t1); } x0 = x1; y0 = y1; x1 = x; y1 = y; t0 = t1; } canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } 复制代码
- 源码
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Michael Abrash / 前导工作室 / 机械工业出版社 / 1998 / 128
Michael Abrash's classic Graphics Programming Black Book is a compilation of Michael's previous writings on assembly language and graphics programming (including from his "Graphics Programming" column......一起来看看 《图形程序开发人员指南》 这本书的介绍吧!