wbr (word break opportunity) element
html4中 <br/>
表示换行, <br/>
表示必须换行。而 <wbr>
意思是在浏览器窗口或父级窗口宽度足够的情况下,不换行;在宽度不足的情况下,在加了 <wbr>
<p>To learn AJAX, you must be familiar with the XMLHttpRequest Object.To learn AJAX, you must be familiar with the XMLHttp<wbr>Request Object.</p>
rel noopener nofollow noreferrer external
- external :此属性的意思是告诉搜索引擎,这个链接不是本站链接,其实作用相当于target=‘_blank’。
- nofollow 这个链接非本站链接,不要爬取也不要传递权重”。因此在SEO的角度来说,是一种绝对隔绝处理的方法,可以有效减少蜘蛛爬行的流失
- noreferrer: If a user agent follows a link defined by an a or area element that has the noreferrer keyword, the user agent must set their request’s referrer to “no-referrer”
- noopener: window.opener attribute will be null.
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <title>HTML Standard</title> <meta name="theme-color" content="#3c790a">
Meta tag to define a suggested color that browsers should use to customize the display of the page or of the surrounding user interface
Support for theme-color in Chrome 39 for Android
HTML中meta theme-color的含义以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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