内容简介:GCD是苹果开发的多线程编程的解决方案,通过简单的API就可以实现创建新线程去执行我们需要执行的任务,不需要我们手动地创建和管理线程,只需要创建队列和相应的函数配合使用就行。它的API包含在libdispatch库中。GCD全称Grand Central Dispatch,是Apple提供的一套底层API,提供了一种新的方法来进行并发程序编写。GCD有点像NSOperationQueue,但它比NSOpertionQueue更底层更高效,并且它不属于Cocoa框架。GCD的API很大程度上基于block,
GCD全称Grand Central Dispatch,是Apple提供的一套底层API,提供了一种新的方法来进行并发程序编写。GCD有点像NSOperationQueue,但它比NSOpertionQueue更底层更高效,并且它不属于Cocoa框架。GCD的API很大程度上基于block,当然,GCD也可以脱离block来使用,比如使用传统C机制提供函数指针和上下文指针。实践证明,当配合block使用时,GCD非常简单易用且能发挥其最大能力。
2. GCD 的优势
- GCD是苹果公司为多核的并行运算提出的解决方案
- GCD会自动利用更多的CPU内核(比如双核、四核)
- GCD会自动管理线程的生命周期(创建线程、调度任务、销毁线程)
- 程序员只需要告诉GCD想要执行什么任务,不需要编写任何线程管理代码
3. GCD 任务和队列
任务(Task):就是执行操作的意思,换句话说就是你在线程中执行的那段代码。在 GCD 中是放在 block 中的。执行任务有两种方式:**同步执行(sync)**和 异步执行(async) 。两者的主要区别是: 是否等待队列的任务执行结束,以及是否具备开启新线程的能力 。
- 同步执行(sync):
- 同步添加任务到指定的队列中,在添加的任务执行结束之前,会一直等待,直到队列里面的任务完成之后再继续执行。
- 只能在当前线程中执行任务,不具备开启新线程的能力。
- 异步执行(async):
- 异步添加任务到指定的队列中,它不会做任何等待,可以继续执行任务。
- 可以在新的线程中执行任务,具备开启新线程的能力(但是并不一定开启新线程, 跟任务所指定的队列类型有关)。
队列(Queue)这里的队列指执行任务的等待队列,即用来存放任务的队列。队列是一种特殊的线性表,采用 FIFO(先进先出)的原则,即新任务总是被插入到队列的末尾,而读取任务的时候总是从队列的头部开始读取。每读取一个任务,则从队列中释放一个任务。
- 串行队列(Serial Dispatch Queue): 每次只有一个任务被执行。让任务一个接着一个地执行。(只开启一个线程,一个任务执行完毕后,再执行下一个任务)
- 并发队列(Concurrent Dispatch Queue): 可以让多个任务并发(同时)执行。(可以开启多个线程,并且同时执行任务), 并发队列的并发功能只有在异步(dispatch_async)函数下才有效
4.GCD 的简单使用
- 创建一个队列(串行队列或并发队列)
- 将任务追加到任务的等待队列中,然后系统就会根据任务类型执行任务(同步执行或异步执行)
let mainQueue = DispatchQueue.main 复制代码
let globalQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default) 复制代码
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge") 复制代码
let concurQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge", attributes: .concurrent) 复制代码
func task(i: Int) { print("\(i) thread = \(Thread.current)") } for i in 0..<100 { serialQueue.async { task(i: i) } } 复制代码
... 11 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 12 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 13 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 14 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 15 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 16 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 17 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 18 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} 19 thread = <NSThread: 0x60000373fa00>{number = 5, name = (null)} ... 复制代码
可以发现在串行队列中, 等待队列的任务执行结束,不具备开启新线程的能力
func task(i: Int) { print("\(i) thread = \(Thread.current)") } for i in 0..<100 { globalQueue.async { task(i: i) } } 复制代码
... 75 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002aef1c0>{number = 5, name = (null)} 76 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002aef1c0>{number = 5, name = (null)} 77 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002aef480>{number = 6, name = (null)} 78 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002aef1c0>{number = 5, name = (null)} 79 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002aef480>{number = 6, name = (null)} 80 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002af1280>{number = 8, name = (null)} 81 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002af16c0>{number = 9, name = (null)} 82 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002af1400>{number = 10, name = (null)} 83 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002af1340>{number = 11, name = (null)} 84 thread = <NSThread: 0x600002af1380>{number = 12, name = (null)} ... 复制代码
可以发现在并行队列中, 不等待队列的任务执行结束,具备开启新线程的能力
5. DispatchGroup
如果想等到所有的队列的任务执行完毕再进行后序操作时,可以使用 DispatchGroup 来完成。
let group = DispatchGroup() for i in 0..<5 { print("任务\(i+1)下载中...") DispatchQueue.global().async(group: group) { Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) print("任务\(i+1)下载完成") } } group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) { print("任务都下载完成...去更新UI") } 复制代码
任务1下载中... 任务2下载中... 任务3下载中... 任务4下载中... 任务5下载中... 任务1下载完成 任务3下载完成 任务5下载完成 任务4下载完成 任务2下载完成 任务都下载完成...去更新UI 复制代码
6. DispatchWorkItem
Swift3新增的类,可以通过此类设置队列执行的任务。相当于把原来GCD中闭包的代码封装到了这里, 看一个例子:
let workItem = DispatchWorkItem { for i in 0..<10 { print(i) } } DispatchQueue.global().async(execute: workItem) 复制代码
init(qos: DispatchQoS = default, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = default, block: @escaping () -> Void) 复制代码
public struct DispatchWorkItemFlags : OptionSet, RawRepresentable { // 相当于之前的栅栏函数 public static let barrier: DispatchWorkItemFlags public static let detached: DispatchWorkItemFlags public static let assignCurrentContext: DispatchWorkItemFlags // 没有优先级 public static let noQoS: DispatchWorkItemFlags // 继承Queue的优先级 public static let inheritQoS: DispatchWorkItemFlags // 覆盖Queue的优先级 public static let enforceQoS: DispatchWorkItemFlags } 复制代码
7. Dispatch barrier
先看看 不使用barrier 的例子
let concurQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge", attributes: .concurrent) struct File { var content = "" } var file = File() file.content = "This is a file" let writeFileWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem { file.content = "This file has been modified." Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) print("write file") } let readFileWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem { Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) print("file.content=\(file.content)") } for _ in 0..<3 { concurQueue.async(execute: readFileWorkItem) } concurQueue.async(execute: writeFileWorkItem) for _ in 0..<3 { concurQueue.async(execute: readFileWorkItem) } 复制代码
file.content=This file has been modified. write file file.content=This file has been modified. file.content=This file has been modified. file.content=This file has been modified. file.content=This file has been modified. file.content=This file has been modified. 复制代码
我们期望的结果是,在写文件之前,打印 "This is a file", 写文件之后打印的是"This file has been modified.", 上面结果显然不是我们想要的。 看一下使用barrier的效果
let concurQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge", attributes: .concurrent)
struct File { var content = "" } var file = File() file.content = "This is a file" let writeFileWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem(flags: .barrier) { file.content = "This file has been modified." Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) print("white file") } let readFileWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem { Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) print("file.content=\(file.content)") } for _ in 0..<3 { concurQueue.async(execute: readFileWorkItem) } concurQueue.async(execute: writeFileWorkItem) for _ in 0..<3 { concurQueue.async(execute: readFileWorkItem) } 复制代码
file.content=This is a file. file.content=This is a file. file.content=This is a file. write file file.content=This file has been modified. file.content=This file has been modified. file.content=This file has been modified. 复制代码
结果符合预期的想法, barrier 主要用于读写隔离,以保证写入的时候,不被读取。
8. DispatchSemaphore
DispatchSemaphore 线程同步
线程同步: 可理解为 线程A 和 线程B 一块配合, A 执行到一定程度时要依靠 B 的某个结果, 于是停下来, 示意 B 运行; B 依言执行, 再将结果给 A ; A 再继续操作.
/// 信号量的线程同步. func semaphoreSync() { var number = 0 let semaphoreSignal = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) let globalQueue = DispatchQueue.global() let workItem = DispatchWorkItem { Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) print("change number, thread=\(Thread.current)") number = 100 semaphoreSignal.signal() } print("semaphore begin") print("number = \(number), thread=\(Thread.current)") globalQueue.async(execute: workItem) semaphoreSignal.wait() print("number = \(number)") print("semaphore end") } semaphoreSync() 复制代码
semaphore begin number = 0, thread=<NSThread: 0x6000007ca900>{number = 1, name = main} change number, thread=<NSThread: 0x6000007e8180>{number = 5, name = (null)} number = 100 semaphore end 复制代码
semaphore end是在执行完 number = 100; 之后才打印的。而且输出结果 number 为 100。
- 这是因为异步执行不会做任何等待,可以继续执行任务。
- 异步执行将workItem追加到队列之后,不做等待,接着去执行**semaphoreSignal.wait()**方法。
- 此时 semaphore == 0,当前线程进入等待状态。
- 然后,workItem开始执行。workItem执行到**semaphoreSignal.signal()**之后,
- 信号量+1,此时 semaphore == 1,**semaphoreSignal.wait()**方法使总信号量减1,正在被阻塞的线程(主线程)恢复继续执行。
- 最后打印number = 100,semaphore---end,。
Dispatch Semaphore 线程安全和线程同步(为线程加锁)
- 线程安全 :如果你的代码所在的进程中有多个线程在同时运行,而这些线程可能会同时运行这段代码。如果每次运行结果和单线程运行的结果是一样的,而且其他的变量的值也和预期的是一样的,就是线程安全的。否则就是 非线程安全 的。
下面,我们模拟火车票售卖的方式,实现 NSThread 线程安全和解决线程同步问题。
class SaleTicketNotSafe { private var ticketSurplusCount = 0 private let semaphoreSignal = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1) private let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge.dispatch") private let serialQueue2 = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge.dispatch") init(ticketSurplusCount: Int) { self.ticketSurplusCount = ticketSurplusCount } func startSaleNotSave() { print("current thread=\(Thread.current)") serialQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.saleTicketNotSafe() } serialQueue2.async { [weak self] in self?.saleTicketNotSafe() } } private func saleTicketNotSafe() { while true { if ticketSurplusCount > 0 { ticketSurplusCount -= 1 print("剩余票数\(ticketSurplusCount), 窗口:\(Thread.current)") Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) } else { print("所有票都售完了") break } } } } let saleTicket = SaleTicketNotSafe(ticketSurplusCount: 10) saleTicket.startSaleNotSave() 复制代码
开始售票 thread=<NSThread: 0x600003802900>{number = 1, name = main} 剩余票数9, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600003824c00>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数8, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x6000038157c0>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数6, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x6000038157c0>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数7, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600003824c00>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数4, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x6000038157c0>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数4, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600003824c00>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数3, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x6000038157c0>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数2, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600003824c00>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数1, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x6000038157c0>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数0, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600003824c00>{number = 6, name = (null)} 所有票都售完了 所有票都售完了 复制代码
线程安全 (使用 semaphore 加锁)
class SaleTicketSafe { private var ticketSurplusCount = 0 private let semaphoreSignal = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1) private let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge.dispatch") private let serialQueue2 = DispatchQueue(label: "vip.mybadge.dispatch") init(ticketSurplusCount: Int) { self.ticketSurplusCount = ticketSurplusCount } func startSaleSave() { print("开始售票 thread=\(Thread.current)") serialQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.saleTicketSafe() } serialQueue2.async { [weak self] in self?.saleTicketSafe() } } private func saleTicketSafe() { while true { semaphoreSignal.wait() if ticketSurplusCount > 0 { ticketSurplusCount -= 1 print("剩余票数\(ticketSurplusCount), 窗口:\(Thread.current)") Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1) } else { semaphoreSignal.signal() print("所有票都售完了") break } semaphoreSignal.signal() } } } let saleTicket = SaleTicketSafe(ticketSurplusCount: 10) saleTicket.startSaleSave() 复制代码
开始售票 thread=<NSThread: 0x600001ac6900>{number = 1, name = main} 剩余票数9, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad4b80>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数8, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad8640>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数7, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad4b80>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数6, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad8640>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数5, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad4b80>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数4, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad8640>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数3, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad4b80>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数2, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad8640>{number = 6, name = (null)} 剩余票数1, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad4b80>{number = 4, name = (null)} 剩余票数0, 窗口:<NSThread: 0x600001ad8640>{number = 6, name = (null)} 所有票都售完了 所有票都售完了 复制代码
可以看出,在考虑了线程安全的情况下,使用 DispatchSemaphore 机制之后,得到的票数是正确的,没有出现混乱的情况。我们也就解决了线程安全与线程同步的问题。
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