使用http client提交表单或者下载网页也是非常常见的任务,比如使用 Java 的时候可以用标准库的HttpURLConnection,也可以选择 Apache Http Client 。在clojure里也有这样的类库,这里我将介绍三个各有特色的http client实现。
首先,我最先推荐使用clj-http这个类库,它是Apache HttpClient的clojure wrapper,是一个提供同步API的简单易用的Http Client。
名称: clj-http
主页: https://github.com/dakrone/clj-http
[clj - http " 0.3.1 " ]
(require ' [clj-http.client :as client])
(client / get " http://google.com " )
{:cookies {"NID" {:domain ".google.com.hk", :expires #<Date Tue Aug 14 18:20:38 CST 2012>, :path "/", :value "56=qn2OWtODE2D3fUKi_vbi44jZepOeLI9xC4Ta1JQLEicqUvIZAqr7TCmft_hq8i_FRwnFXdTK1jV2S5IrSZFyYhlAN2KcQEXgWX1iK36gM2iYPaKPihuUZDCqgiAamDOl", :version 0}, "PREF" {:domain ".google.com.hk", :expires #<Date Wed Feb 12 18:20:38 CST 2014>, :path "/", :value "ID=8b73a654ff0a2783:FF=0:NW=1:TM=1329128438:LM=1329128438:S=uEM4SsFuHlkqtVhp", :version 0}},
200 :headers { " date " " Sun, 01 Aug 2010 07:03:49 GMT " " cache-control " " private, max-age=0 " " content-type " " text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 "}
{:accept :json})
;; Various options:
/ post " http://site.com/api " {:basic - auth [ " user " " pass "]
" {\ " json\ " : \ " input\ " } " :headers { " X-Api-Version " " 2 "}
-type :json
- timeout 1000 :conn - timeout 1000:accept :json})
;; Need to contact a server with an untrusted SSL cert
;; If you don
' t want to follow-redirects automatically:(client / get " http://site.come/redirects-somewhere " {:follow - redirects false
;; Only follow a certain number of redirects:
/ get " http://site.come/redirects-somewhere " {:max - redirects 5})
;; Throw an exception
ifredirected too many times:
/ get " http://site.come/redirects-somewhere " {:max - redirects 5 : throw - exceptions true})
;; Send form params as a urlencoded body
/ post " http//site.com " {:form - params {:foo " bar "}})
;; Multipart form uploads
;; a map or vector works as the multipart object. Use a vector of
;; vectors
ifyou need to preserve order, a map otherwise.
/ post " http//example.org " {:multipart [[ " title " " My Awesome Picture "]
" Content/type " " image/jpeg "]
" file " (clojure.java.io / file " pic.jpg ")]]})
;; Multipart values can be one of the following:
;; String, InputStream, File, or a
byte -array
;; Basic authentication
/ get " http://site.com/protected " {:basic - auth [ " user " " pass "]})
/ get " http://site.com/protected " {:basic - auth " user:pass "})
;; Query parameters
/ get " http://site.com/search " {:query - params { " q " " foo, bar " }})clj-http的API相当的简洁漂亮,使用起来非常便利,强烈推荐。题外,学习clojure的一个好方法就是为现有的java类库实现一些方便的clojure wrapper。
如果你需要异步的http client,我会推荐http.async.client这个类库,它的API是异步形式的类似 Java的Future模式,对于clojure程序员来说应该更像是agent。
主页: https://github.com/neotyk/http.async.client
[http.async.client " 0.4.1 " ]
(with - open [client (c / create -
(let [response (c
/ GET client " http://neotyk.github.com/http.async.client/ ")]
(prn (c
/ done ?response))
/await response)
(prn (c
/string response))
(prn (c
/status response))
(prn (c
/ done ? response))))输出:
<! DOCTYPE html {:code 200 , :msg " OK " , :protocol " HTTP/1.1 " , :major 1 , :minor 1
/ DELETE client " http://example.com ")
/ POST client " http://example.com " :body " hello world " :auth {:type :basic :user " admin " :password " admin " })请注意,这些方法都是异步调用的,你需要通过await来等待调用完成,或者通过done?来判断调用是否完成。
http.async.client有个比较重要的特性就是对Http Chunked编码的支持,分别通过LazySeq和callback的方式支持,首先看将Http chunked变成一个lazy seq:
client)] ; Create client
(let [resp (client
/ stream -seq client :get url)]
(doseq [s (s
/string resp)]
(println s))))
client)] ; Create client
(let [parts (ref #{})
resp (client
/ request -stream client :get url
(fn [state body]
(dosync (alter parts conj (string body)))
[body :
dosomething to @parts
http.async.client的详细文档看这里: http://neotyk.github.com/http.async.client/docs.html
最后,有兴趣还可以看下 aleph 这个异步通讯的框架,它支持Http协议,也提供了http server和client的实现。不过它的API就没有那么简单明了,它的模型是类似 go 语言里利用channel做异步通讯的模型,http只是它的一个模块罢了,这是另一个话题了。
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Distributed Systems
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