微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

栏目: Java · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:为什么要用热部署?如果你公司使用微服务开发,你使用了一段时间的jenkins集成开发部署,你会发现即使有了这一套集成开发环境,假如我让你改个变量...你就需要跑一次jenkins,麻烦倒不麻烦,主要是花费太长的时间,所以开发阶段用远程服务热部署会更加方便和前端的对接,这也是这篇文章着重说的一点。IntelliJ IDEA的JRebel插件包括JRebel代理并帮助您自动生成JRebel配置。它通过单击为应用程序和服务器启用JRebel,并改进了IDE中的调试支持。这篇文章用英文来写(滑稽),希望你能看懂(


IntelliJ IDEA的JRebel插件包括JRebel代理并帮助您自动生成JRebel配置。它通过单击为应用程序和服务器启用JRebel,并改进了IDE中的调试支持。


ok, let`s go

it can support many IDE tools that below:

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

1. Installation

1.1 Open the IntelliJ IDEA Settings

1.2. Select Plugins from the sections menu.

1.3. Press Browse plugin repositories... and locate the JRebel plugin.

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

1.4. restart IntelliJ IDEA

2. Activation

An excellent plugin is offen not free, and this is no exception.But i cant to teach you to buy it, of course that is the best way to get it, i will tall you how to crack this plugin.

2.1 open the JRebel control panel

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

you just need to fill in the infomation in these two boxes.

Filled in the first box is Filled in the second box is your email

Node:If the first box prompt expire, you can change to a uuid after the url.

OK, it is done when you click OK.

2.2 Change working model

if you just complete the first step, you also need to set this setting. Because in the case of working online , Exception will be detected at any time,(Will be detected as pirated).So follow me down:

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

After that, you will see it becomes like this:

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

OK, this is a success.

3. How to use on local

The only required configuration file isrebel.xml. This is used by JRebel to map the running application to the workspace. The good news is that IDE plugin can automate this configuration for you.

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

The meaning of the check mark is: Enable JRebel and generator the rebel.xml

What`s in this file?

This file is automatically generated, Generally not need to manually modify .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  This is the JRebel configuration file. It maps the running application to your IDE workspace, enabling JRebel reloading for this project.
  Refer to https://manuals.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel/standalone/config.html for more information.
<application generated-by="intellij" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
			 xmlns="http://www.zeroturnaround.com" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.zeroturnaround.com http://update.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel/rebel-2_1.xsd
http://www.zeroturnaround.com ">

		<dir name="/home/fantj/xxx/xxxx-xxx/xxx-xxxx/target/classes">


Server startup

The JRebel plugin for IntelliJ IDEA includes dedicated launch buttons. These buttons are located on the main toolbar and on the navigation toolbar by default. You can also find these commands via the Run menu.
微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

The first button launches the container with JRebel. The second button launches the container with JRebel in debug mode.

By launching the process from one of these buttons, the JRebel plugin will automatically add the appropriate command line parameters.

Node: You must have to use Run with JRebel or Debug with JRebel to start server, Because only then will it work, If you use Run main or Debug main , sorry, you won`t be able to experience it !

4. How to use in remote servers

This chapter lists the steps required to set up JRebel remote server support for  IntelliJ IDEA . You need a working, activated JRebel installation in your IDE. Please follow the instructions on how to  install and configure JRebel for IntelliJ IDEA . If you have already set up JRebel, move on to step 1.

1. Enable JRebel remote server support on the server

Running JRebel on a remote server requires the JRebel agent and a special launch parameter. Follow these steps to do this.

  1. Open Settings > JRebel > Startup.
  2. Select Run on a remote server.
  3. Use the drop-down menus to specify your remote server configuration.
  4. Follow the instructions displayed.

1.1 if remote server is tomcat

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

1.2 If remote server is springboot 2.x

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

2. Server Config

2.1 download and install jrebel server

[root@FantJ jrebel]# curl -O http://dl.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel-stable-nosetup.zip
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 21.2M  100 21.2M    0     0  2584k      0  0:00:08  0:00:08 --:--:-- 4778k
[root@FantJ jrebel]# unzip jrebel-stable-nosetup.zip 

2.2 start up

because I am using the remote service of springboot 2.x , so I execute this statement : java "-agentpath:[JRebel root folder]/lib/libjrebel64.so" -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true -jar myapp-boot.jar

[root@FantJ test-jenkins]# java "-agentpath:/home/fantj/jrebel/jrebel/lib/libjrebel64.so" -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true -jar web.jar 
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  Starting logging to file: /root/.jrebel/jrebel.log
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  #############################################################
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  JRebel Agent 2018.2.3 (201811261141)
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  (c) Copyright ZeroTurnaround AS, Estonia, Tartu.
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  Over the last 1 days JRebel prevented
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  at least 0 redeploys/restarts saving you about 0 hours.
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  JRebel started in remote server mode.
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  #############################################################
2018-12-04 20:16:52 JRebel:  
2018-12-04 20:17:10,110 [main]  INFO com.alibaba.dubbo.common.logger.LoggerFactory:59 - using logger: com.alibaba.dubbo.common.logger.log4j.Log4jLoggerAdapter
2018-12-04 20:17:10,198 [main]  INFO c.a.b.d.c.event.WelcomeLogoApplicationListener:53 - 

  ████████▄  ███    █▄  ▀█████████▄  ▀█████████▄   ▄██████▄  
  ███   ▀███ ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███ ███    ███ 
  ███    ███ ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███ ███    ███ 
  ███    ███ ███    ███  ▄███▄▄▄██▀   ▄███▄▄▄██▀  ███    ███ 
  ███    ███ ███    ███ ▀▀███▀▀▀██▄  ▀▀███▀▀▀██▄  ███    ███ 
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  ███   ▄███ ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███ ███    ███ 
  ████████▀  ████████▀  ▄█████████▀  ▄█████████▀   ▀██████▀  

 :: Dubbo Spring Boot (v0.1.0) : https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-spring-boot-project
 :: Dubbo (v2.0.1) : https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo
 :: Google group : http://groups.google.com/group/dubbo

if you want it run in the background.

nohup java "-agentpath:/home/fantj/jrebel/jrebel/lib/libjrebel64.so" -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true -jar web.jar > nohup.out &

you always can view its logs:

tail -f nohup.out

3. create a connect

微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)

Node: You may also notice that is not safe, because there is not need any certification. Official provides a method: java -jar jrebel.jar -set-remote-password <NewPassword> , You should set it up , I will not make a demo here.

Press OK to store the new remote server.

4. Configure modules for remote server support

  1. Open View > Tool Windows > JRebel. The JRebel Modules view is opened in IntelliJ IDEA:
  1. Select the checkbox for your desired modules.
微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)
  1. Build and redeploy your application containing the rebel-remote.xml configuration file to the remote server.
    微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)
微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)
  1. You`re done, congratulations!


微服务开发神器--JRebel 插件破解和实现本地/远程热部署教程(IntelliJ IDEA版)
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Bruce A.Tate / 巨成、戴玮、白明 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2012-5-8 / 59.00元

内容简介: 从计算机发展史早期的Cobol、Fortran到后来的C、Java,编程语言的家族不断壮大。除了这些广为人知的语言外,还涌现了Erlang、Ruby等后起之秀,它们虽被喻为小众语言,但因其独特性也吸引了为数不少的追随者。 Bruce A. Tate是软件行业的一名老兵,他有一个宏伟目标:用一本书的篇幅切中要害地探索七种不同的语言。本书就是他的成果。书中介绍了Ruby、Io、......一起来看看 《七周七语言》 这本书的介绍吧!

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