内容简介:手机上可以把一段时间的profiler日志保存在本地,接着在手机里把文件取出来就可以在电脑上查看了,很方便,上代码,在需要保存手机Profiler日志的时候调用 ProfilerUtils.BeginRecord();并且我已经封装好了。
手机上可以把一段时间的profiler日志保存在本地,接着在手机里把文件取出来就可以在电脑上查看了,很方便,上代码,在需要保存手机Profiler日志的时候调用 ProfilerUtils.BeginRecord();并且我已经封装好了。
using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Profiling; public class ProfilerUtils { static private GameObject profilerGameObject; static ProfilerUtils(){ profilerGameObject = new GameObject("#Profiler#"); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(profilerGameObject); } static public void BeginRecord() { if(!profilerGameObject.GetComponent<InternalBehaviour>()){ profilerGameObject.AddComponent<InternalBehaviour>(); } } class InternalBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { private string m_DebugInfo = String.Empty; private void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label(String.Format("<size=50>{0}</size>", m_DebugInfo)); } IEnumerator Start() { for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) { m_DebugInfo = string.Format("<color=blue>{0}s后开始保存Profiler日志</color>", i); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); } string file = Application.persistentDataPath + "/profiler_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") +".log"; Profiler.logFile = file; Profiler.enabled = true; Profiler.enableBinaryLog = true; for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) { m_DebugInfo = string.Format("<color=red>{0}s后结束保存Profiler日志</color>", i); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); } Profiler.enableBinaryLog = false; m_DebugInfo = string.Format("保存完毕:{0}", file); yield return new WaitForSeconds(10); Destroy(this); } } }
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