这是所有 Poster 实现的共同接口,包含一个抽象方法。子类实现该抽象方法后,可接收到订阅记录 Subscription 和事件 Object 。实现类需要根据自身特性,把事件按照既定模式发送给订阅者的接收方法。
interface Poster { // 把需要发送给指定Subscription的事件加到队列中 // @param subscription 接收事件的Subscription // @param event 发送给订阅者的事件 void enqueue(Subscription subscription, Object event); }
class AsyncPoster implements Runnable, Poster { // 事件投递队列 private final PendingPostQueue queue; private final EventBus eventBus; AsyncPoster(EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; queue = new PendingPostQueue(); } // 向队列存入订阅者类和事件,并激活线程池进行事件派发 public void enqueue(Subscription subscription, Object event) { // 创建PendingPost实例,存入订阅记录subscription和事件event PendingPost pendingPost = PendingPost.obtainPendingPost(subscription, event); // PendingPost实例放入队列等待派发 queue.enqueue(pendingPost); // 激活线程池 eventBus.getExecutorService().execute(this); } @Override public void run() { // 从事件投递队列获取一个任务执行 PendingPost pendingPost = queue.poll(); // pendingPost不能为空 if(pendingPost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No pending post available"); } // 把事件发送给订阅者 eventBus.invokeSubscriber(pendingPost); } }
3.1 BackgroundPoster
BackgroundPoster实现后台投递事件。 BackgroundPoster 本身同时实现 Runnable 接口,这样就可以把类实例直接送到线程池中执行。线程池执行任务,从事件队列获取需要派发的任务并执行。
从前文介绍可知,这里使用的线程池实现是 Executors.newCachedThreadPool() 。
final class BackgroundPoster implements Runnable, Poster { private final PendingPostQueue queue; private final EventBus eventBus; // executor是否正在运行 private volatile boolean executorRunning; BackgroundPoster(EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; queue = new PendingPostQueue(); } // 订阅记录和其订阅的事件进队 public void enqueue(Subscription subscription, Object event) { // 从PendingPost缓存池中获取缓存对象,用于保存subscription和event PendingPost pendingPost = PendingPost.obtainPendingPost(subscription, event); // 把设置完毕的PendingPost实例存入队列中 synchronized (this) { queue.enqueue(pendingPost); // 激活运行 if (!executorRunning) { executorRunning = true; // 实现了Runnable接口,所以可以直接在线程池中执行 eventBus.getExecutorService().execute(this); } } } // 把本类的实例放入线程池之后,由线程池调度执行 @Override public void run() { try { try { // 循环执行,直到完成PendingPostQueue队列里所有任务 while (true) { // 从PendingPostQueue队列获取PendingPost实例 PendingPost pendingPost = queue.poll(1000); // 获取超时会出现PendingPost实例为空 if (pendingPost == null) { synchronized (this) { // 加锁后再到队列获取PendingPost实例 pendingPost = queue.poll(); // 队列中已经没有任务,退出执行 if (pendingPost == null) { executorRunning = false; return; } } } // 在线程池的线程中执行事件派发 eventBus.invokeSubscriber(pendingPost); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // 本方法在线程池执行过程中被中断,捕获InterruptedException eventBus.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interruppted", e); } } finally { // 结束运行,把executorRunning设置为false executorRunning = false; } } }
3.2 PendingPost
再看看存放订阅信息和事件 PendingPost 类的内部构造。
final class PendingPost { // 所有PendingPost共享相同ArrayList<PendingPost>缓存池,最大容量为10000 private final static List<PendingPost> pendingPostPool = new ArrayList<PendingPost>(); // 将要处理的事件 Object event; // 接收事件的订阅者信息 Subscription subscription; // 指向下一个PendingPost实例的引用,在PendingPostQueue中使用 PendingPost next; // 构造方法,可知构造新实例时next为null private PendingPost(Object event, Subscription subscription) { this.event = event; this.subscription = subscription; } // 从缓存池中获取缓存实例,并把订阅信息和事件放入取得的实例中 static PendingPost obtainPendingPost(Subscription subscription, Object event) { synchronized (pendingPostPool) { int size = pendingPostPool.size(); // 缓存池非空 if (size > 0) { // 从缓存池中获取最后一个实例 PendingPost pendingPost = pendingPostPool.remove(size - 1); // 放入通知事件 pendingPost.event = event; // 放入订阅信息 pendingPost.subscription = subscription; // 初始化next为null pendingPost.next = null; return pendingPost; } } // 缓存池没有已缓存的实例,直接创建新实例 return new PendingPost(event, subscription); } // PendingPost负载的事件已经发送给订阅方法,所以可以回收PendingPost到缓存池 static void releasePendingPost(PendingPost pendingPost) { // 相关数据成员置空 pendingPost.event = null; pendingPost.subscription = null; pendingPost.next = null; synchronized (pendingPostPool) { // 限制缓存池最大容量为10000,避免缓存池无限扩容 if (pendingPostPool.size() < 10000) { // 缓存对象放入缓存队列中 pendingPostPool.add(pendingPost); } } } }
3.3 PendingPostQueue
AsyncPoster和 BackgroundPoster 拥有各自的 PendingPostQueue ,用于存放所有待完成的任务。
final class PendingPostQueue { private PendingPost head; private PendingPost tail; // 存入PendingPost实例 synchronized void enqueue(PendingPost pendingPost) { // 不能向队列存入空任务 if (pendingPost == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be enqueued"); } // 队列已有其他任务,新任务放入队列尾部 if (tail != null) { tail.next = pendingPost; tail = pendingPost; } else if (head == null) { // 队列是空的,新任务直接进队 head = tail = pendingPost; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Head present, but no tail"); } notifyAll(); } // 从队列中获取任任务 synchronized PendingPost poll() { PendingPost pendingPost = head; if (head != null) { head = head.next; if (head == null) { tail = null; } } return pendingPost; } // 等待maxMillisToWait毫秒或被notifyAll,再从队列中去任务 synchronized PendingPost poll(int maxMillisToWait) throws InterruptedException { if (head == null) { wait(maxMillisToWait); } return poll(); } }
public class HandlerPoster extends Handler implements Poster { // 处理队列 private final PendingPostQueue queue; // 执行消息的超时时间 private final int maxMillisInsideHandleMessage; private final EventBus eventBus; private boolean handlerActive; // 构造方法 protected HandlerPoster(EventBus eventBus, Looper looper, int maxMillisInsideHandleMessage) { super(looper); this.eventBus = eventBus; this.maxMillisInsideHandleMessage = maxMillisInsideHandleMessage; queue = new PendingPostQueue(); } // 存入PendingPost实例 public void enqueue(Subscription subscription, Object event) { // 创建PendingPost实例,存入订阅记录和事件 PendingPost pendingPost = PendingPost.obtainPendingPost(subscription, event); synchronized (this) { // PendingPost实例放入队列等待派发 queue.enqueue(pendingPost); // handler没在运行 if (!handlerActive) { // 向Handler发送一个Message handlerActive = true; // 发送Message失败 if (!sendMessage(obtainMessage())) { throw new EventBusException("Could not send handler message"); } } } } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { boolean rescheduled = false; try { long started = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); while (true) { // 从队列中获取任务 PendingPost pendingPost = queue.poll(); if (pendingPost == null) { synchronized (this) { // 在同步下再次检查 pendingPost = queue.poll(); // 队列中没有任务 if (pendingPost == null) { handlerActive = false; return; } } } // 已获得任务,把任务的事件发给对应订阅方法 eventBus.invokeSubscriber(pendingPost); // 计算接收者方法处理事件耗费的时长 long timeInMethod = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - started; if (timeInMethod >= maxMillisInsideHandleMessage) { if (!sendMessage(obtainMessage())) { throw new EventBusException("Could not send handler message"); } rescheduled = true; return; } } } finally { handlerActive = rescheduled; } } }
public interface MainThreadSupport { boolean isMainThread(); Poster createPoster(EventBus eventBus); // 内部类实现外部接口 class AndroidHandlerMainThreadSupport implements MainThreadSupport { private final Looper looper; public AndroidHandlerMainThreadSupport(Looper looper) { this.looper = looper; } @Override public boolean isMainThread() { return looper == Looper.myLooper(); } @Override public Poster createPoster(EventBus eventBus) { return new HandlerPoster(eventBus, looper, 10); } } }
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PHP for the World Wide Web, Second Edition (Visual QuickStart Gu
Larry Ullman / Peachpit Press / 2004-02-02 / USD 29.99
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