内容简介:nuster 是一个基于 HAProxy 的高性能 HTTP 缓存服务器和 RESTful NoSQL 缓存服务器,既可以用作类似 Varnish 或者 Nginx 那样的 HTTP 缓存服务器,来缓存动态或者静态的 HTTP 资源,也可以用作 RESTful NoSQL 缓存...
nuster 是一个基于 HAProxy 的高性能 HTTP 缓存服务器和 RESTful NoSQL 缓存服务器,既可以用作类似 Varnish 或者 Nginx 那样的 HTTP 缓存服务器,来缓存动态或者静态的 HTTP 资源,也可以用作 RESTful NoSQL 缓存服务器, 用 HTTP POST/GET/DELETE 来 添加 /取得 /删除 Key/Value。
Fix some init issues
Fixed uninitialized stats shctx
Fix missed uri.data
Check msg len before update data
Update cache create order to prevent potential lock
Set entry->data to null when forward error
Assign to temp var
Fix missed uri.data
Fixed bitmap overlap
Series of fixes backported from cache part
Fix incorrect len when build BODY cache key
Fix improper handling of MSG_ENDING
Send response header asap.
This fix separate header and body, and send header along.
Allocate entry_key before entry
Initialise ctx.req to prevent incorrect release
Check data before release
Do not pass tail to _nst_cache_data_append
Check state in io handler
Release element when failed to allocate data
Change incorrect CTX_PASS to CTX_BYPASS
Upgrade HAProxy to v1.8.14
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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- 设计实现高性能本地内存缓存
- Nuster:高性能缓存服务器
- 基于HAProxy的高性能HTTP缓存服务器和RESTful NoSQL缓存服务器
- 高性能编程:三级缓存(LLC)访问优化
Never Lost Again
[美] Bill Kilday / HarperBusiness / 2018-5-29 / USD 8.00
As enlightening as The Facebook Effect, Elon Musk, and Chaos Monkeys—the compelling, behind-the-scenes story of the creation of one of the most essential applications ever devised, and the rag-tag tea......一起来看看 《Never Lost Again》 这本书的介绍吧!