在 9 x 9 的数格中(由 9 个 3 x 3 的九宫格组成)会预先给定不少于(>=)17个数字,你需要在满足以下条件的情况下补完其余数格中的数字:
- 每一行的数字不重复
- 每一列的数字不重复
- 每个 3 x 3 九宫格中的数字不重复
使用程序求解数独的一种简单方法便是穷举(搜索),较粗糙的一种方式就是枚举 9 x 9 数格中所有的数字组合(为每个数格指定 1 ~ 9 之间的某个数字),只是这种搜索方式的解空间较大,实际运用中需要进行剪枝,剪枝的思路其实也很朴素,依据数独中相关数字不可重复的3条规则即可:
( 可以使用启发式算法优化,譬如按候选数字列表最短的空白数格顺序进行搜索(实际测试中因为工程原因其实比顺序搜索方法更慢) )
下面是使用 Lua 实现的示例程序:
function get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) local row = #data local col = data[1] and #data[1] or 0 return row, col end function print_sudoku(data) local row, col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) for i = 1, row do local str_buffer = {} for j = 1, col do table.insert(str_buffer, data[i][j]) end print(table.concat(str_buffer, ", ")) end print() end function check_sudoku_row(data, row_index) local row, col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) local sum = 1 for i = 1, col do sum = sum | (1 << (data[row_index][i])) end return sum == 0x3FF end function check_sudoku_col(data, col_index) local row, col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) local sum = 1 for i = 1, row do sum = sum | (1 << (data[i][col_index])) end return sum == 0x3FF end function check_sudoku_square(data, row_index, col_index) local row, col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) local sum = 1 for i = row_index, row_index + 2 do for j = col_index, col_index + 2 do sum = sum | (1 << (data[i][j])) end end return sum == 0x3FF end function check_sudoku(data) local row, col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) -- check row for i = 1, row do if not check_sudoku_row(data, i) then return false end end -- check col for i = 1, col do if not check_sudoku_col(data, i) then return false end end -- check square for i = 1, row // 3 do local row_index = (i - 1) * 3 + 1 for j = 1, col // 3 do local col_inex = (j - 1) * 3 + 1 if not check_sudoku_square(data, row_index, col_inex) then return false end end end return true end function apply_sudoku(data, delta) local row, col = delta.row, delta.col if data[row] and data[row][col] then data[row][col] = delta.val end end function revert_sudoku(data, delta) local row, col = delta.row, delta.col if data[row] and data[row][col] then data[row][col] = 0 end end function get_pending_list(data, row, col) if data[row] and data[row][col] then if data[row][col] == 0 then -- only empty pos has pending list local pending_list = { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true } local data_row, data_col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) -- check row for i = 1, data_col do pending_list[data[row][i]] = false end -- check col for i = 1, data_row do pending_list[data[i][col]] = false end -- check square local square_row = (row - 1) // 3 * 3 + 1 -- or math.ceil(row / 3) * 3 - 2 local square_col = (col - 1) // 3 * 3 + 1 -- or math.ceil(col / 3) * 3 - 2 for i = square_row, square_row + 2 do for j = square_col, square_col + 2 do pending_list[data[i][j]] = false end end -- gen pending list number local pending_list_num = {} for i = 1, #pending_list do if pending_list[i] then table.insert(pending_list_num, i) end end return pending_list_num end end end function get_next_search_pos(data, row, col) -- now we just search in order local data_row, data_col = get_sudoku_row_and_col(data) -- top right part for j = col, data_col do if data[row][j] == 0 then return row, j end end -- rest part for i = row + 1, data_row do for j = 1, data_col do if data[i][j] == 0 then return i, j end end end end function search_sudoku_recur(data, row, col) row, col = get_next_search_pos(data, row, col) if row and col then local pending_list = get_pending_list(data, row, col) if pending_list and #pending_list > 0 then for i = 1, #pending_list do apply_sudoku(data, { row = row, col = col, val = pending_list[i] }) local val = search_sudoku_recur(data, row, col) if val then return true else revert_sudoku(data, { row = row, col = col, val = pending_list[i] }) end end -- all pending list is not valid return false else -- no valid pending list return false end else -- all data filled if check_sudoku(data) then -- valid data return true else -- invalid data return false end end end function search_sudoku(data) return search_sudoku_recur(data, 1, 1) end
- 数独的数格表示使用了"二维数组"
- 函数 check_sudoku 用以检查数格中的数字是否满足数独条件
- 函数 search_sudoku 实现了上述的深度优先搜索方法
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
(澳)John Lions / 尤晋元 / 机械工业出版社 / 2000-7-1 / 49.00
本书由上、下两篇组成。上篇为UNIX版本6的源代码,下篇是莱昂先生对UNIX操作系统版本6源代码的详细分析。本书语言简洁、透彻,曾作为未公开出版物广泛流传了二十多年,是一部杰出经典之作。本书适合UNIX操作系统编程人员、大专院校师生学习参考使用。一起来看看 《莱昂氏UNIX源代码分析》 这本书的介绍吧!