内容简介:Ubuntu Server 14 安装 Matlab2014的问题
环境:Ubuntu Server14.04,Matlab版本2014a,请提前配置 java 环境。
2.使用 mount -o loop [filename].iso /media/cdrom
挂载安装镜像,这里要在root权限下执行,media下的挂载位置可以自定义。执行后输出是 mount: block device /home/chenfei/matlab/Mathworks.Matlab.R2014a.Unix.iso is write-protected, mounting read-only
3.进入挂载目录,运行安装命令,由于服务器没有图形界面,因此要在silent模式下安装,注意,如果直接执行 sudo ./install -mode silent
是无法完成安装的,报错 When running the installer with an input file, you must accept the license agreement by setting the agreeToLicense option to yes.
。按照网上的做法,新建activate.ini文件并执行 ./install -mode silent -fileInstallationKey 29797-39064-48306-32452 -agreeToLicense yes -activationPropertiesFile /home/activate.ini -destinationFolder /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a
命令,报错是 When running the installer with an input file, you must specify the full path to a license file using the licensePath option.
4.正确的做法是将licence文件放到任意目录,然后执行 sudo ./install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes -fileInstallationKey 29797-39064-48306-32452 -licensePath /[path]/license.lic
Preparing installation files ... Installing ... (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) ################################################################## (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) # (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) # Today's Date: (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Sat Jun 10 09:53:23 CST 2017 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) System Info (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) OS: Linux 4.4.0-31-generic (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Arch: amd64 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Data Model: 64 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Language: en (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Java Home: /tmp/mathworks_20117/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Java Version: 1.7.0_11 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Java Class Path: . (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) User Name: root (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Current Directory: /media/cdrom (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) Input arguments: (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) root /media/cdrom (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) tmpdir /tmp/mathworks_20117 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) mode silent (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) agreeToLicense yes (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) fileInstallationKey 29797-39064-48306-32452 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) licensePath /home/license.lic (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:23) standalone true (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:24) Starting local product/component search (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:24) Assembling product list... (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:28) Completed local product/component search (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:28) Installing Product: MATLAB Distributed Computing Server 6.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:35) Installing Product: MATLAB 8.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:53:54) Installing Product: Simulink 8.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:01) Installing Product: Aerospace Blockset 3.13 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:01) Installing Product: Aerospace Toolbox 2.13 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:02) Installing Product: Bioinformatics Toolbox 4.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:05) Installing Product: Communications System Toolbox 5.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:20) Installing Product: Computer Vision System Toolbox 6.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:33) Installing Product: Control System Toolbox 9.7 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:40) Installing Product: Curve Fitting Toolbox 3.4.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:48) Installing Product: Database Toolbox 5.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:48) Installing Product: Datafeed Toolbox 4.7 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:48) Installing Product: DO Qualification Kit 2.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:49) Installing Product: DSP System Toolbox 8.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:51) Installing Product: Econometrics Toolbox 3.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:51) Installing Product: Embedded Coder 6.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:52) Installing Product: Filter Design HDL Coder 2.9.5 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:52) Installing Product: Financial Instruments Toolbox 1.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:53) Installing Product: Financial Toolbox 5.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:53) Installing Product: Fixed-Point Designer 4.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:53) Installing Product: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2.2.19 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:53) Installing Product: Global Optimization Toolbox 3.2.5 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:54) Installing Product: HDL Coder 3.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:55) Installing Product: HDL Verifier 4.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:56) Installing Product: IEC Certification Kit 3.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:58) Installing Product: Image Acquisition Toolbox 4.7 (Jun 10, 2017 09:54:59) Installing Product: Image Processing Toolbox 9.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:19) Installing Product: Instrument Control Toolbox 3.5 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:20) Installing Product: LTE System Toolbox 1.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:20) Installing Product: Mapping Toolbox 4.0.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:23) Installing Product: MATLAB Builder JA 2.3.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:24) Installing Product: MATLAB Coder 2.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:25) Installing Product: MATLAB Compiler 5.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:48) Installing Product: MATLAB Production Server 1.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:48) Installing Product: MATLAB Report Generator 3.16 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:49) Installing Product: Model Predictive Control Toolbox 4.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:49) Installing Product: Neural Network Toolbox 8.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:50) Installing Product: Optimization Toolbox 7.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:50) Installing Product: Parallel Computing Toolbox 6.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:50) Installing Product: Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 1.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:51) Installing Product: Phased Array System Toolbox 2.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:51) Installing Product: Polyspace Bug Finder 1.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:54) Installing Product: Polyspace Code Prover 9.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:54) Installing Product: RF Toolbox 2.14 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:55) Installing Product: Robust Control Toolbox 5.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:56) Installing Product: Signal Processing Toolbox 6.21 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:57) Installing Product: SimBiology 5.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:57) Installing Product: SimDriveline 2.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:58) Installing Product: SimElectronics 2.5 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:59) Installing Product: SimEvents 4.3.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:55:59) Installing Product: SimHydraulics 1.14 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:00) Installing Product: SimMechanics 4.4 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:18) Installing Product: SimPowerSystems 6.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:19) Installing Product: SimRF 4.2 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:20) Installing Product: Simscape 3.11 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:21) Installing Product: Simulink 3D Animation 7.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:22) Installing Product: Simulink Code Inspector 2.1 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:22) Installing Product: Simulink Coder 8.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:23) Installing Product: Simulink Control Design 4.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:24) Installing Product: Simulink Design Optimization 2.5 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:25) Installing Product: Simulink Design Verifier 2.6 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:25) Installing Product: Simulink Report Generator 3.16 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:26) Installing Product: Simulink Verification and Validation 3.7 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:26) Installing Product: Stateflow 8.3 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:27) Installing Product: Statistics Toolbox 9.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:28) Installing Product: Symbolic Math Toolbox 6.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:51) Installing Product: System Identification Toolbox 9.0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:52) Installing Product: SystemTest 2.6.7 (Jun 10, 2017 09:56:53) Installing Product: Wavelet Toolbox 4.13 (Jun 10, 2017 09:57:01) Exiting with status 0 (Jun 10, 2017 09:57:01) End - Successful. Finished
5.破解,matlab默认安装目录为 /usr/local/MATLAB
将 libmwservices.so
下的文件: sudo cp libmwservices.so /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2014a/bin/glnxa64/
6.运行matlab: /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2014a/bin/matlab
这个时候发现输出: error while loading shared libraries: libXt.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
在 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
下查找,发现确实没有libXt.so.6。使用 sudo apt-get install libxt6
继续运行启动命令,输出 error while loading shared libraries: libXmu.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
同样的方法,查找并安装缺失的库 sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev
---------------- Error: Activation cannot proceed. You may either: 1. Set an X11 display, and restart the activation process 2. Use the silent activation feature 3. Activate using the license center ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
还是需要激活。 进入到 /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2014a/bin
目录下。 使用 ./activate_matlab.sh -propertiesFile /[path]/activate.ini
激活。 activate.ini文件内容为:
isSilent=true activateCommand=activateOffline licenseFile=/home/license.lic
提示: Silent activation succeeded.
再次运行 ./matlab
vi /etc/profile
export PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2014a/bin:$PATH
source /etc/profile
解除挂载: umount /media/cdrom
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[日] 矢泽久雄 / 胡屹 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-5 / 39.00元
本书倡导在计算机迅速发展、技术不断革新的今天,回归到计算机的基础知识上。通过探究计算机的本质,提升工程师对计算机的兴趣,在面对复杂的最新技术时,能够迅速掌握其要点并灵活运用。 本书以图配文,以计算机的三大原则为开端、相继介绍了计算机的结构、手工汇编、程序流程、算法、数据结构、面向对象编程、数据库、TCP/IP 网络、数据加密、XML、计算机系统开发以及SE 的相关知识。 图文并茂,通俗......一起来看看 《计算机是怎样跑起来的》 这本书的介绍吧!