内容简介:It is open source ebook about TensorFlow kernel and implementation mechanism, including programming model, computation graph, distributed training for machine learning.You can obtain full latex source files of TensorFlow Internals fromYou should install f
TensorFlow Internals.
It is open source ebook about TensorFlow kernel and implementation mechanism, including programming model, computation graph, distributed training for machine learning.
You can obtain full latex source files of TensorFlow Internals from https://gitlab.com/horance/tensorflow-internals
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$ git clone https://gitlab.com/horance/fonts.git
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Import all missing fonts into fontbook, then cache all fonts.
$ sudo fc-cache
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$ open output/tensorflow-internals.pdf
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$ okular output/tensorflow-internals.pdf
if no okular installed, please install it.
$ sudo apt-get install okular
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open the file from directory tensorflow-internals/output
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- 小米 9 开源内核代码,上市即开源
- 微软正式开源WSL 2的内核源码
- 一起玩转Linux内核之旅开源社区吧
- LinuxConsole 201发布,支持最新内核预装开源游戏
- 揭秘框架的本源:开源中文书「TensorFlow内核剖析」
- 小米盒子3内核代码已开源,坐等刷机包?
罗时飞 / 第1版 (2005年4月1日) / 2005-4 / 39.0
本书深入剖析了当前流行的轻量级开发框架Spring技术。本书总共分成3部分。第一部分,重点阐述Spring的架构。这部分内容循序渐进带领开发者进入Spring中。主要在于阐述Spring IoC和Spring AOP。第二部分,重点阐述Spring的使用。这部分内容从简化Java/J2EE的角度出发,从J2EE平台各个技术层面分析、并给出大量的研究实例,对Spring提供的API进行阐述。主要在于......一起来看看 《精通Spring》 这本书的介绍吧!