内容简介:当我们执行批量操作时,比如从数据库中查找“Person”的所有实例或者根据国家查找每个人,我们经常进行分页,以便我们可以向最终用户提供一个小数据块,并在下一个请求中,我们获取下一个数据块。Spring Data为分页提供支持。它创建了实现分页的所有逻辑,例如所有页面的行计数等等。在Spring Data中实现分页非常简单。我们只需要按照以下步骤操作:
Spring Data为分页提供支持。它创建了实现分页的所有逻辑,例如所有页面的行计数等等。
在Spring Data中实现分页非常简单。我们只需要按照以下步骤操作:
- 在自定义存储库中,扩展 PagingAndSortingRepository。
- 创建PageRequest对象,该对象是Pageable接口的实现。 此PageRequest对象获取页码,页面大小以及排序方向和 排序 字段。
- 通过传递请求的页码和页面限制,您可以获取此页面的数据。如果您传递错误的页码,Spring Data将负责处理并且不返回任何数据。
@Repository <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> PersonRepositary <b>extends</b> PagingAndSortingRepository<Person, Long>,QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Person> { @Query(<font>"select p from Person p where p.country like ?1 order by country"</font><font>) List<Person> findByCountryContains(String country); List<Person> findPersonByHobbyName(String name); @Query(</font><font>"select p from Person p where p.id = ?1 and country='America'"</font><font>) Person findOne(Long id); } </font>
2. 创建域对象。
@Entity <b>public</b> <b>class</b> Person { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) <b>private</b> Long id; <b>private</b> String name; <b>private</b> String country; <b>private</b> String gender; @OneToMany(mappedBy=<font>"person"</font><font>,targetEntity=Hobby.<b>class</b>, fetch=FetchType.EAGER,cascade=CascadeType.ALL) List<Hobby> hobby; <b>public</b> String getName() { <b>return</b> name; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setName(String name) { <b>this</b>.name = name; } <b>public</b> String getCountry() { <b>return</b> country; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setCountry(String country) { <b>this</b>.country = country; } <b>public</b> String getGender() { <b>return</b> gender; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setGender(String gender) { <b>this</b>.gender = gender; } <b>public</b> Long getId() { <b>return</b> id; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setId(Long id) { <b>this</b>.id = id; } <b>public</b> List<Hobby> getHobby() { <b>return</b> hobby; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> setHobby(List<Hobby> hobby) { <b>this</b>.hobby = hobby; } <b>public</b> <b>void</b> addHobby(Hobby ihobby) { <b>if</b>(hobby == <b>null</b>) { hobby = <b>new</b> ArrayList<Hobby>(); } hobby.add(ihobby); } @Override <b>public</b> String toString() { <b>return</b> </font><font>"Person [id="</font><font> + id + </font><font>", name="</font><font> + name + </font><font>", country="</font><font> + country + </font><font>", gender="</font><font> + gender + </font><font>"]"</font><font>; } } </font>
@SpringBootApplication @EnableJpaRepositories(<font>"com.example.repo"</font><font>) <b>public</b> <b>class</b> PersonApplication { @Autowired HobbyRepository hRepo; <b>private</b> <b>static</b> <b>final</b> Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersonApplication.<b>class</b>); @Bean <b>public</b> CommandLineRunner demo(PersonRepositary repository) { findAll(repository); <b>return</b> <b>null</b>; } <b>private</b> PageRequest gotoPage(<b>int</b> page) { PageRequest request = <b>new</b> PageRequest(page,1) <b>return</b> request; } <b>private</b> <b>void</b> findAll(PersonRepositary repository) { Iterable<Person> pList = repository.findAll(gotoPage(0)); <b>for</b>(Person p : pList) log.info(</font><font>"Person "</font><font> + p); } <b>public</b> <b>static</b> <b>void</b> main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(PersonApplication.<b>class</b>, args); } } </font>
运行时 SQL 输出:
Hibernate: select count(person0_.id) as col_0_0_ from person person0_ Hibernate: select person0_.id as id1_1_, person0_.country as country2_1_, person0_.gender as gender3_1_, person0_.name as name4_1_ from person person0_ limit ? Person Person [id=13, name=Samir mitra, country=America, gender=male]
要进行排序,我们必须传递排序方向和排序字段以及页码和限制。假设我们想按国家名称按升序排序 - 我们修改 goto 方法如下:
<b>private</b> PageRequest gotoPage(<b>int</b> page) { PageRequest request = <b>new</b> PageRequest(page,1,Sort.Direction.ASC,<font>"country"</font><font>); <b>return</b> request; } </font>
select count(person0_.id) as col_0_0_ from person person0_ Hibernate: select person0_.id as id1_1_, person0_.country as country2_1_, person0_.gender as gender3_1_, person0_.name as name4_1_ from person person0_ order by person0_.country asc limit ?
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Spring Data分页和排序》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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