如果使用过 java 和 python 的包管理,一定对包管理很熟悉。通过包管理可以提高开发效率,把时间放在技术的提升,而不是代码的管理和同步上。
golang工程的依赖包经常使用go get命令来获取,例如:go get github.com/kardianos/govendor ,会将依赖包下载到GOPATH的路径下。
常用的依赖包管理 工具 有godep,govendor等,在Golang1.5之后,Go提供了 GO 15VENDOREXPERIMENT 环境变量(Go 1.6版本默认开启该环境变量),用于将go build时的应用路径搜索调整成为 当前项目目录/vendor 目录方式。通过这种形式,我们可以实现类似于 godep 方式的项目依赖管理。
长期以来,golang 对外部依赖都没有很好的管理方式,只能从 $GOPATH 下查找依赖。这就造成不同用户在安装同一个项目适合可能从外部获取到不同的依赖库版本,同时当无法联网时,无法编译依赖缺失的项目。
自 1.5 版本开始引入 govendor 工具,该工具将项目依赖的外部包放到项目下的 vendor 目录下(对比 nodejs 的 node_modules 目录),并通过 vendor.json 文件来记录依赖包的版本,方便用户使用相对稳定的依赖。
对于 govendor 来说,主要存在三种位置的包:项目自身的包组织为本地(local)包;传统的存放在 $GOPATH 下的依赖包为外部(external)依赖包;被 govendor 管理的放在 vendor 目录下的依赖包则为 vendor 包。
go get -u -v github.com/kardianos/govendor
#进入到项目目录 cd /Users/youdi/go/src/golang #初始化vendor目录 govendor init #查看vendor目录 ls rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 96 B Sun Nov 18 22:52:53 2018 DemoRpc/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Fri Nov 2 09:32:52 2018 VideoServer/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 96 B Thu Oct 25 20:16:00 2018 cgo/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 192 B Mon Oct 29 22:39:08 2018 cloud/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 96 B Sun Nov 18 23:54:27 2018 coroutinue/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 160 B Mon Nov 5 15:25:12 2018 crawler/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Fri Oct 26 22:52:49 2018 errror/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 1 KiB Mon Nov 5 17:24:14 2018 example/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Thu Nov 1 23:08:53 2018 goWeb/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Thu Nov 1 16:45:35 2018 gopl/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 224 B Thu Oct 25 21:09:52 2018 gopl-zh/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 256 B Sat Oct 27 17:03:15 2018 goroutine/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Sun Nov 18 22:56:50 2018 gorpc/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Sat Oct 27 17:34:55 2018 http/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Sun Oct 28 09:59:14 2018 maze/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 384 B Thu Oct 25 21:09:29 2018 quickstart/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 96 B Sun Oct 28 10:54:10 2018 regex/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 160 B Mon Oct 29 16:14:30 2018 rpc/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 576 B Fri Oct 26 18:57:11 2018 rpcDemo/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 320 B Mon Oct 29 14:32:47 2018 spider/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Mon Nov 12 11:27:11 2018 tenx/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 256 B Sun Nov 18 22:10:32 2018 test/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 256 B Sun Dec 2 20:30:39 2018 vendor/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 256 B Fri Oct 26 17:26:54 2018 web/ #将GOPATH中本工程使用到的依赖包自动移动到vendor目录中 #说明:如果本地GOPATH没有依赖包,先go get相应的依赖包 govendor add +external 或使用缩写: govendor add +e #Go 1.6以上版本默认开启 GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT 环境变量,可忽略该步骤。 #通过设置环境变量 GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 使用vendor文件夹构建文件。 #可以选择 export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 或 GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 go build 执行编译 export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1
govendor只是用来管理项目的依赖包,如果GOPATH中本身没有项目的依赖包,则需要通过go get先下载到GOPATH中,再通过govendor add +external拷贝到vendor目录中。Go 1.6以上版本默认开启GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT环境变量。
govendor (v1.0.9): record dependencies and copy into vendor folder -govendor-licenses Show govendor's licenses. -version Show govendor version -cpuprofile 'file' Writes a CPU profile to 'file' for debugging. -memprofile 'file' Writes a heap profile to 'file' for debugging. Sub-Commands init Create the "vendor" folder and the "vendor.json" file. list List and filter existing dependencies and packages. add Add packages from $GOPATH. update Update packages from $GOPATH. remove Remove packages from the vendor folder. status Lists any packages missing, out-of-date, or modified locally. fetch Add new or update vendor folder packages from remote repository. sync Pull packages into vendor folder from remote repository with revisions from vendor.json file. migrate Move packages from a legacy tool to the vendor folder with metadata. get Like "go get" but copies dependencies into a "vendor" folder. license List discovered licenses for the given status or import paths. shell Run a "shell" to make multiple sub-commands more efficient for large projects. go tool commands that are wrapped: "+status" package selection may be used with them fmt, build, install, clean, test, vet, generate, tool Status Types +local (l) packages in your project +external (e) referenced packages in GOPATH but not in current project +vendor (v) packages in the vendor folder +std (s) packages in the standard library +excluded (x) external packages explicitly excluded from vendoring +unused (u) packages in the vendor folder, but unused +missing (m) referenced packages but not found +program (p) package is a main package +outside +external +missing +all +all packages Status can be referenced by their initial letters. Package specifier <path>[::<origin>][{/...|/^}][@[<version-spec>]] Ignoring files with build tags, or excluding packages from being vendored: The "vendor.json" file contains a string field named "ignore". It may contain a space separated list of build tags to ignore when listing and copying files. This list may also contain package prefixes (containing a "/", possibly as last character) to exclude when copying files in the vendor folder. If "foo/" appears in this field, then package "foo" and all its sub-packages ("foo/bar", …) will be excluded (but package "bar/foo" will not). By default the init command adds the "test" tag to the ignore list. If using go1.5, ensure GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 is set.
状态 | 缩写 | 含义 |
+local | l | 本地包,即项目自身的包组织 |
+external | e | 外部包,即被 $GOPATH 管理,但不在 vendor 目录下 |
+vendor | v | 已被 govendor 管理,即在 vendor 目录下 |
+std | s | 标准库中的包 |
+unused | u | 未使用的包,即包在 vendor 目录下,但项目并没有用到 |
+missing | m | 代码引用了依赖包,但该包并没有找到 |
+program | p | 主程序包,意味着可以编译为执行文件 |
+outside | 外部包和缺失的包 | |
+all | 所有的包 |
常见的命令如下,格式为 govendor COMMAND。
命令 | 功能 |
init | 初始化 vendor 目录 |
list | 列出所有的依赖包 |
add | 添加包到 vendor 目录,如 govendor add +external 添加所有外部包 |
add PKG_PATH | 添加指定的依赖包到 vendor 目录 |
update | 从 $GOPATH 更新依赖包到 vendor 目录 |
remove | 从 vendor 管理中删除依赖 |
status | 列出所有缺失、过期和修改过的包 |
fetch | 添加或更新包到本地 vendor 目录 |
sync | 本地存在 vendor.json 时候拉去依赖包,匹配所记录的版本 |
get | 类似 go get 目录,拉取依赖包到 vendor 目录 |
ll vendor/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 832 B Thu Nov 29 23:56:45 2018 github.com/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 96 B Thu Nov 29 23:56:45 2018 golang.org/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Thu Nov 29 23:56:45 2018 google.golang.org/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 192 B Thu Nov 29 23:56:45 2018 gopkg.in/ rwxr-xr-x youdi staff 128 B Thu Nov 29 23:56:45 2018 quickstart/ rw-r--r-- youdi staff 27 KiB Sun Dec 2 20:30:39 2018 vendor.json
cat vendor.json { "comment": "", "ignore": "test", "package": [ { "checksumSHA1": "l1dgFJfzGLG/2AEPyt6ADsnVLPQ=", "path": "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery", "revision": "dc2ec5c7ca4d9aae063b79b9f581dd3ea6afd2b2", "revisionTime": "2018-06-07T15:06:10Z" }, { "checksumSHA1": "He9ESHVFPcUu6Q8wB6UWHWx+yTo=", "path": "github.com/anaskhan96/soup", "revision": "00be3d730c89ee1efa038324e9bc7355ad23f93b", "revisionTime": "2018-06-22T12:59:56Z" }, { "checksumSHA1": "Q/2QpI7E35SsNYfaxLsWHFry9k4=", "path": "github.com/andybalholm/cascadia", "revision": "901648c87902174f774fac311d7f176f8647bdaa", "revisionTime": "2018-02-20T18:43:36Z" }, ....
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《go包管理器》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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