内容简介:最近小主看到很多公众号都在发布Hystrix停更的文章,spring cloud体系的使用者和拥护者一片哀嚎,实际上,spring作为Java最大的家族,根本不需要担心其中一两个零件的废弃,Hystrix的停更,只会催生更多或者更好的零件来替代它,因此,我们需要做的是:**知道Hystrix是干嘛,怎么用的,这样要找替代者就易于反掌了。在大中型分布式系统中,通常系统很多依赖(HTTP,hession,Netty,Dubbo等),如下图:在高并发访问下,这些依赖的稳定性与否对系统的影响非常大,但是依赖有很多
最近小主看到很多公众号都在发布Hystrix停更的文章,spring cloud体系的使用者和拥护者一片哀嚎,实际上,spring作为 Java 最大的家族,根本不需要担心其中一两个零件的废弃,Hystrix的停更,只会催生更多或者更好的零件来替代它,因此,我们需要做的是:**知道Hystrix是干嘛,怎么用的,这样要找替代者就易于反掌了。
- 为什么需要Hystrix?
- Hystrix如何解决依赖隔离
- 如何使用Hystrix
1. 为什么需要Hystrix?
如下图:QPS为50的依赖 I 出现不可用,但是其他依赖仍然可用.
当依赖I 阻塞时,大多数服务器的线程池就出现阻塞(BLOCK),影响整个线上服务的稳定性.如下图:
1例如:一个依赖30个SOA服务的系统,每个服务99.99%可用。 299.99%的30次方 ≈ 99.7% 30.3% 意味着一亿次请求 会有 3,000,00次失败 4换算成时间大约每月有2个小时服务不稳定. 5随着服务依赖数量的变多,服务不稳定的概率会成指数性提高. 复制代码
解决问题方案: 对依赖做隔离,Hystrix就是处理依赖隔离的框架,同时也是可以帮我们做依赖服务的治理和监控.
Netflix 公司开发并成功使用Hystrix,使用规模如下:
1he Netflix API processes 10+ billion HystrixCommand executions per day using thread isolation. 2Each API instance has 40+ thread-pools with 5-20 threads in each (most are set to 10). 3 复制代码
2. Hystrix如何解决依赖隔离
依赖调用结果分:成功,失败(抛出异常),超时,线程拒绝,短路。 请求失败(异常,拒绝,超时,短路)时执行fallback(降级)逻辑。
3. 如何使用Hystrix
- 使用maven引入Hystrix依赖
1<!-- 依赖版本 --> 2<hystrix.version>1.3.16</hystrix.version> 3<hystrix-metrics-event-stream.version>1.1.2</hystrix-metrics-event-stream.version> 4 5<dependency> 6 <groupId>com.netflix.hystrix</groupId> 7 <artifactId>hystrix-core</artifactId> 8 <version>${hystrix.version}</version> 9 </dependency> 10 <dependency> 11 <groupId>com.netflix.hystrix</groupId> 12 <artifactId>hystrix-metrics-event-stream</artifactId> 13 <version>${hystrix-metrics-event-stream.version}</version> 14 </dependency> 15<!-- 仓库地址 --> 16<repository> 17 <id>nexus</id> 18 <name>local private nexus</name> 19 <url>http://maven.oschina.net/content/groups/public/</url> 20 <releases> 21 <enabled>true</enabled> 22 </releases> 23 <snapshots> 24 <enabled>false</enabled> 25 </snapshots> 26</repository> 复制代码
- 使用命令模式封装依赖逻辑
1public class HelloWorldCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> { 2 private final String name; 3 public HelloWorldCommand(String name) { 4 //最少配置:指定命令组名(CommandGroup) 5 super(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("ExampleGroup")); 6 this.name = name; 7 } 8 @Override 9 protected String run() { 10 // 依赖逻辑封装在run()方法中 11 return "Hello " + name +" thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName(); 12 } 13 //调用实例 14 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ 15 //每个Command对象只能调用一次,不可以重复调用, 16 //重复调用对应异常信息:This instance can only be executed once. Please instantiate a new instance. 17 HelloWorldCommand helloWorldCommand = new HelloWorldCommand("Synchronous-hystrix"); 18 //使用execute()同步调用代码,效果等同于:helloWorldCommand.queue().get(); 19 String result = helloWorldCommand.execute(); 20 System.out.println("result=" + result); 21 22 helloWorldCommand = new HelloWorldCommand("Asynchronous-hystrix"); 23 //异步调用,可自由控制获取结果时机, 24 Future<String> future = helloWorldCommand.queue(); 25 //get操作不能超过command定义的超时时间,默认:1秒 26 result = future.get(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 27 System.out.println("result=" + result); 28 System.out.println("mainThread=" + Thread.currentThread().getName()); 29 } 30 31} 32 //运行结果: run()方法在不同的线程下执行 33 // result=Hello Synchronous-hystrix thread:hystrix-HelloWorldGroup-1 34 // result=Hello Asynchronous-hystrix thread:hystrix-HelloWorldGroup-2 35 // mainThread=main 复制代码
note:异步调用使用 command.queue()get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);同步调用使用command.execute() 等同于 command.queue().get();
- 注册异步事件回调执行
1//注册观察者事件拦截 2Observable<String> fs = new HelloWorldCommand("World").observe(); 3//注册结果回调事件 4fs.subscribe(new Action1<String>() { 5 @Override 6 public void call(String result) { 7 //执行结果处理,result 为HelloWorldCommand返回的结果 8 //用户对结果做二次处理. 9 } 10}); 11//注册完整执行生命周期事件 12fs.subscribe(new Observer<String>() { 13 @Override 14 public void onCompleted() { 15 // onNext/onError完成之后最后回调 16 System.out.println("execute onCompleted"); 17 } 18 @Override 19 public void onError(Throwable e) { 20 // 当产生异常时回调 21 System.out.println("onError " + e.getMessage()); 22 e.printStackTrace(); 23 } 24 @Override 25 public void onNext(String v) { 26 // 获取结果后回调 27 System.out.println("onNext: " + v); 28 } 29 }); 30/* 运行结果 31call execute result=Hello observe-hystrix thread:hystrix-HelloWorldGroup-3 32onNext: Hello observe-hystrix thread:hystrix-HelloWorldGroup-3 33execute onCompleted 34*/ 复制代码
- 使用Fallback() 提供降级策略
1//重载HystrixCommand 的getFallback方法实现逻辑 2public class HelloWorldCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> { 3 private final String name; 4 public HelloWorldCommand(String name) { 5 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("HelloWorldGroup")) 6 /* 配置依赖超时时间,500毫秒*/ 7 .andCommandPropertiesDefaults(HystrixCommandProperties.Setter().withExecutionIsolationThreadTimeoutInMilliseconds(500))); 8 this.name = name; 9 } 10 @Override 11 protected String getFallback() { 12 return "exeucute Falled"; 13 } 14 @Override 15 protected String run() throws Exception { 16 //sleep 1 秒,调用会超时 17 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1000); 18 return "Hello " + name +" thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName(); 19 } 20 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ 21 HelloWorldCommand command = new HelloWorldCommand("test-Fallback"); 22 String result = command.execute(); 23 } 24} 25/* 运行结果:getFallback() 调用运行 26getFallback executed 27*/ 复制代码
NOTE: 除了HystrixBadRequestException异常之外,所有从run()方法抛出的异常都算作失败,并触发降级getFallback()和断路器逻辑。
1 HystrixBadRequestException用在非法参数或非系统故障异常等不应触发回退逻辑的场景。 复制代码
- 依赖命名:CommandKey
1public HelloWorldCommand(String name) { 2 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("ExampleGroup")) 3 /* HystrixCommandKey工厂定义依赖名称 */ 4 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("HelloWorld"))); 5 this.name = name; 6 } 复制代码
NOTE: 每个CommandKey代表一个依赖抽象,相同的依赖要使用相同的CommandKey名称。依赖隔离的根本就是对相同CommandKey的依赖做隔离.
1//使用HystrixCommandGroupKey工厂定义 2public HelloWorldCommand(String name) { 3 Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("HelloWorldGroup")) 4} 复制代码
NOTE: CommandGroup是每个命令最少配置的必选参数,在不指定ThreadPoolKey的情况下,字面值用于对不同依赖的线程池/信号区分.
- 线程池/信号:ThreadPoolKey
1public HelloWorldCommand(String name) { 2 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("ExampleGroup")) 3 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("HelloWorld")) 4 /* 使用HystrixThreadPoolKey工厂定义线程池名称*/ 5 .andThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey("HelloWorldPool"))); 6 this.name = name; 7 } 复制代码
NOTE: 当对同一业务依赖做隔离时使用CommandGroup做区分,但是对同一依赖的不同远程调用如(一个是 redis 一个是http),可以使用HystrixThreadPoolKey做隔离区分.
1 最然在业务上都是相同的组,但是需要在资源上做隔离时,可以使用HystrixThreadPoolKey区分. 复制代码
- 请求缓存 Request-Cache
1public class RequestCacheCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> { 2 private final int id; 3 public RequestCacheCommand( int id) { 4 super(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("RequestCacheCommand")); 5 this.id = id; 6 } 7 @Override 8 protected String run() throws Exception { 9 System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " execute id=" + id); 10 return "executed=" + id; 11 } 12 //重写getCacheKey方法,实现区分不同请求的逻辑 13 @Override 14 protected String getCacheKey() { 15 return String.valueOf(id); 16 } 17 18 public static void main(String[] args){ 19 HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); 20 try { 21 RequestCacheCommand command2a = new RequestCacheCommand(2); 22 RequestCacheCommand command2b = new RequestCacheCommand(2); 23 Assert.assertTrue(command2a.execute()); 24 //isResponseFromCache判定是否是在缓存中获取结果 25 Assert.assertFalse(command2a.isResponseFromCache()); 26 Assert.assertTrue(command2b.execute()); 27 Assert.assertTrue(command2b.isResponseFromCache()); 28 } finally { 29 context.shutdown(); 30 } 31 context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); 32 try { 33 RequestCacheCommand command3b = new RequestCacheCommand(2); 34 Assert.assertTrue(command3b.execute()); 35 Assert.assertFalse(command3b.isResponseFromCache()); 36 } finally { 37 context.shutdown(); 38 } 39 } 40} 复制代码
1public class HystrixRequestContextServletFilter implements Filter { 2 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) 3 throws IOException, ServletException { 4 HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); 5 try { 6 chain.doFilter(request, response); 7 } finally { 8 context.shutdown(); 9 } 10 } 11} 12<filter> 13 <display-name>HystrixRequestContextServletFilter</display-name> 14 <filter-name>HystrixRequestContextServletFilter</filter-name> 15 <filter-class>com.netflix.hystrix.contrib.requestservlet.HystrixRequestContextServletFilter</filter-class> 16 </filter> 17 <filter-mapping> 18 <filter-name>HystrixRequestContextServletFilter</filter-name> 19 <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> 20 </filter-mapping> 21 复制代码
1public class HelloWorldCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> { 2 private final String name; 3 public HelloWorldCommand(String name) { 4 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("HelloWorldGroup")) 5 /* 配置信号量隔离方式,默认采用线程池隔离 */ 6 .andCommandPropertiesDefaults(HystrixCommandProperties.Setter().withExecutionIsolationStrategy(HystrixCommandProperties.ExecutionIsolationStrategy.SEMAPHORE))); 7 this.name = name; 8 } 9 @Override 10 protected String run() throws Exception { 11 return "HystrixThread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName(); 12 } 13 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ 14 HelloWorldCommand command = new HelloWorldCommand("semaphore"); 15 String result = command.execute(); 16 System.out.println(result); 17 System.out.println("MainThread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName()); 18 } 19} 20/** 运行结果 21 HystrixThread:main 22 MainThread:main 23*/ 复制代码
- fallback降级逻辑命令嵌套
1public class CommandWithFallbackViaNetwork extends HystrixCommand<String> { 2 private final int id; 3 4 protected CommandWithFallbackViaNetwork(int id) { 5 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("RemoteServiceX")) 6 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("GetValueCommand"))); 7 this.id = id; 8 } 9 10 @Override 11 protected String run() { 12 // RemoteService.getValue(id); 13 throw new RuntimeException("force failure for example"); 14 } 15 16 @Override 17 protected String getFallback() { 18 return new FallbackViaNetwork(id).execute(); 19 } 20 21 private static class FallbackViaNetwork extends HystrixCommand<String> { 22 private final int id; 23 public FallbackViaNetwork(int id) { 24 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("RemoteServiceX")) 25 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("GetValueFallbackCommand")) 26 // 使用不同的线程池做隔离,防止上层线程池跑满,影响降级逻辑. 27 .andThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey("RemoteServiceXFallback"))); 28 this.id = id; 29 } 30 @Override 31 protected String run() { 32 MemCacheClient.getValue(id); 33 } 34 35 @Override 36 protected String getFallback() { 37 return null; 38 } 39 } 40} 复制代码
- 显示调用fallback逻辑,用于特殊业务处理
1public class CommandFacadeWithPrimarySecondary extends HystrixCommand<String> { 2 private final static DynamicBooleanProperty usePrimary = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getBooleanProperty("primarySecondary.usePrimary", true); 3 private final int id; 4 public CommandFacadeWithPrimarySecondary(int id) { 5 super(Setter 6 .withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("SystemX")) 7 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("PrimarySecondaryCommand")) 8 .andCommandPropertiesDefaults( 9 HystrixCommandProperties.Setter() 10 .withExecutionIsolationStrategy(ExecutionIsolationStrategy.SEMAPHORE))); 11 this.id = id; 12 } 13 @Override 14 protected String run() { 15 if (usePrimary.get()) { 16 return new PrimaryCommand(id).execute(); 17 } else { 18 return new SecondaryCommand(id).execute(); 19 } 20 } 21 @Override 22 protected String getFallback() { 23 return "static-fallback-" + id; 24 } 25 @Override 26 protected String getCacheKey() { 27 return String.valueOf(id); 28 } 29 private static class PrimaryCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> { 30 private final int id; 31 private PrimaryCommand(int id) { 32 super(Setter 33 .withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("SystemX")) 34 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("PrimaryCommand")) 35 .andThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey("PrimaryCommand")) 36 .andCommandPropertiesDefaults( 37 // we default to a 600ms timeout for primary 38 HystrixCommandProperties.Setter().withExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(600))); 39 this.id = id; 40 } 41 @Override 42 protected String run() { 43 // perform expensive 'primary' service call 44 return "responseFromPrimary-" + id; 45 } 46 } 47 private static class SecondaryCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> { 48 private final int id; 49 private SecondaryCommand(int id) { 50 super(Setter 51 .withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("SystemX")) 52 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("SecondaryCommand")) 53 .andThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey("SecondaryCommand")) 54 .andCommandPropertiesDefaults( 55 // we default to a 100ms timeout for secondary 56 HystrixCommandProperties.Setter().withExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(100))); 57 this.id = id; 58 } 59 @Override 60 protected String run() { 61 // perform fast 'secondary' service call 62 return "responseFromSecondary-" + id; 63 } 64 } 65 public static class UnitTest { 66 @Test 67 public void testPrimary() { 68 HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); 69 try { 70 ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("primarySecondary.usePrimary", true); 71 assertEquals("responseFromPrimary-20", new CommandFacadeWithPrimarySecondary(20).execute()); 72 } finally { 73 context.shutdown(); 74 ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().clear(); 75 } 76 } 77 @Test 78 public void testSecondary() { 79 HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); 80 try { 81 ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("primarySecondary.usePrimary", false); 82 assertEquals("responseFromSecondary-20", new CommandFacadeWithPrimarySecondary(20).execute()); 83 } finally { 84 context.shutdown(); 85 ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().clear(); 86 } 87 } 88 } 89} 复制代码
- 命令调用合并:HystrixCollapser
1public class CommandCollapserGetValueForKey extends HystrixCollapser<List<String>, String, Integer> { 2 private final Integer key; 3 public CommandCollapserGetValueForKey(Integer key) { 4 this.key = key; 5 } 6 @Override 7 public Integer getRequestArgument() { 8 return key; 9 } 10 @Override 11 protected HystrixCommand<List<String>> createCommand(final Collection<CollapsedRequest<String, Integer>> requests) { 12 //创建返回command对象 13 return new BatchCommand(requests); 14 } 15 @Override 16 protected void mapResponseToRequests(List<String> batchResponse, Collection<CollapsedRequest<String, Integer>> requests) { 17 int count = 0; 18 for (CollapsedRequest<String, Integer> request : requests) { 19 //手动匹配请求和响应 20 request.setResponse(batchResponse.get(count++)); 21 } 22 } 23 private static final class BatchCommand extends HystrixCommand<List<String>> { 24 private final Collection<CollapsedRequest<String, Integer>> requests; 25 private BatchCommand(Collection<CollapsedRequest<String, Integer>> requests) { 26 super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("ExampleGroup")) 27 .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("GetValueForKey"))); 28 this.requests = requests; 29 } 30 @Override 31 protected List<String> run() { 32 ArrayList<String> response = new ArrayList<String>(); 33 for (CollapsedRequest<String, Integer> request : requests) { 34 response.add("ValueForKey: " + request.getArgument()); 35 } 36 return response; 37 } 38 } 39 public static class UnitTest { 40 HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); 41 try { 42 Future<String> f1 = new CommandCollapserGetValueForKey(1).queue(); 43 Future<String> f2 = new CommandCollapserGetValueForKey(2).queue(); 44 Future<String> f3 = new CommandCollapserGetValueForKey(3).queue(); 45 Future<String> f4 = new CommandCollapserGetValueForKey(4).queue(); 46 assertEquals("ValueForKey: 1", f1.get()); 47 assertEquals("ValueForKey: 2", f2.get()); 48 assertEquals("ValueForKey: 3", f3.get()); 49 assertEquals("ValueForKey: 4", f4.get()); 50 assertEquals(1, HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest().getExecutedCommands().size()); 51 HystrixCommand<?> command = HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest().getExecutedCommands().toArray(new HystrixCommand<?>[1])[0]; 52 assertEquals("GetValueForKey", command.getCommandKey().name()); 53 assertTrue(command.getExecutionEvents().contains(HystrixEventType.COLLAPSED)); 54 assertTrue(command.getExecutionEvents().contains(HystrixEventType.SUCCESS)); 55 } finally { 56 context.shutdown(); 57 } 58 } 59} 复制代码
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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The Haskell School of Expression
Paul Hudak / Cambridge University Press / 2000-01 / USD 95.00
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