内容简介:Spring Boot 2.0.7 已发布,更新内容如下: New Features Avoid creation of unnecessary collections #14916 Provide more finely grained metrics for Spring Data REST repositories #14872 Bug Fixes Find Dat...
Spring Boot 2.0.7 已发布,更新内容如下:
New Features
Avoid creation of unnecessary collections #14916
Provide more finely grained metrics for Spring Data REST repositories #14872
Bug Fixes
Find DataSourceProxy even when it is wrapped or proxied #15206
HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException prevents timing in WebMvcMetricsFilter #15204
Scoped targets such as those created by @RefreshScope are not skipped when discovering endpoint beans #15182
Overriding Jackson2JsonDecoder/Encoder should be easier with CodecCustomizer #15167
Cookie http-only setting has no effect when using Spring Session #15163
BootJar and BootWar do not provide setters for classpath and provided classpath respectively #15087
When using WebFluxTest, WebTestClient's codecs are not customized breaking JSON (de)serialisation that relies on Module-provided functionality #15070
Jetty management access logs should be written to a different file #15041
Take aliases into consideration when checking descendants #14967
WebMvcMetricsFilter should not use SLF4J logger #14953
Fix parameters handling on a restart of a Spring Batch job #14933
When using Tomcat, closing the application context blocks for two seconds for each DispatcherServlet initialised by a request to the mappings endpoint #14898
Resource Versioning Handler not being called if any FilterRegistrationBean is found #14897
Servlet endpoints on Jersey do not take application path property into account #14895
Set hostname property for JMX in spring-boot-maven-plugin #14836
Warn about dropped Quartz tables #15295
Update documentation to reflect @AutoConfigureRestDocs support for @WebTestClient #15220
Improve documentation of how @ConditionalOnBean evaluates all of its attributes #15177
Document that profiles activated in ~/.spring-boot-devtools.properties will not affect loading of profile-specific configuration files #15151
Reference documentation contains stale reference to Gradle plugin's embeddedLaunchScriptProperties #15094
Remove recommendation to add a dependency on Woodstox as it's now a transitive dependency of jackson-dataformat-xml #15092
Update documentation to remind how JobParameters should be specified #15081
Update docs to Spock 1.2 #15060
StaticResourceRequest.at*() have incorrect javadoc #15050
Reference documentation incorrectly states that the heapdump returned from /actuator/heapdump will be gzipped #15016
Improve migration documentation at "28.1.8 Path Matching and Content Negotiation" #14977
Gradle example in reference docs does not work due to missing apply of the dependency management plugin #14878
Maven Plugin's documentation still refers to module layout that was removed in 2.0 #14854
Mention fully executable jars when warning about Jersey's scanning limitations #3413
Document using the Shadow plugin as an alternative to Boot's fat jars when using Gradle #1828
Dependency Upgrades
Upgrade to Thymeleaf Extras Java8time 3.0.2.RELEASE #15330
Upgrade to Netty 4.1.31.Final #15329
Upgrade to Micrometer 1.0.8 #15327
Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.1.11.RELEASE #15315
Upgrade to Neo4j Ogm 3.1.5 #15293
Upgrade to Kotlin 1.2.71 #15292
Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.0.10.RELEASE #15256
Upgrade to Spring Session Apple-SR7 #15254
Upgrade to Spring Security 5.0.10 #15253
Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.0.10 #15251
Upgrade to Spring Cloud Connectors 2.0.4.RELEASE #15250
Upgrade to Jetty El #15249
Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.6.13 #15248
Upgrade to Janino 3.0.11 #15247
Upgrade to Activemq 5.15.8 #15246
Upgrade to Javax Json 1.1.4 #15245
Upgrade to Reactor Bom Bismuth-SR14 #15244
Upgrade to Unboundid Ldapsdk 4.0.9 #15243
Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.0.11 #15189
Upgrade to Thymeleaf Extras Springsecurity4 3.0.4.RELEASE #14997
Upgrade to Activemq 5.15.7 #14996
Upgrade to Reactor Bom Bismuth-SR13 #14995
Upgrade to Ehcache 2.10.6 #14962
Upgrade to Thymeleaf 3.0.11.RELEASE #14920
Upgrade to Spring Data Kay SR12 #14893
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程
【美】Kay Robbins、Steve Robbins / 师蓉 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-5 / 198
《UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程》是一本基于最新UNIX标准的完备的参考书,对UNIX编程的要点进行了清晰易懂的介绍,从一些用于说明如何使用系统调用的短小代码段开始,逐渐过渡到能帮助读者扩展自己技能水平的实际项目中。《UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程》中对通信、并发和线程问题进行了深入探讨,对复杂的概念(如信号和并发)进行了全面且清晰的解释,还覆盖了与文件、信号、信号量、POSIX线程和......一起来看看 《UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程》 这本书的介绍吧!