// 定义Shape接口 interface Shape { draw():void; } // 下面为产品类 // 产品 Circle class Circle implements Shape{ public constructor(){ } public draw():void{ } } // 产品Rectangle class Rectangle implements Shape{ public constructor(){ } public draw():void{ } } // 下面为生产产品的工厂,根据选择,生产出不同的产品 class ShapeFactory { constructor(){ } public static getShape(typeShape:string):Shape{ if(typeShape === "Circle"){ return new Circle(); } if (typeShape === "Rectangle"){ return new Rectangle(); } if (typeShape === null){ return null; } return null; } } // 下面编写测试 let test:Shape = ShapeFactory.getShape("Circle"); // 调用draw方法 test.draw(); 复制代码
// 下面为产品类 // 产品 Circle var Circle = /** @class */ (function () { function Circle() { } Circle.prototype.draw = function () { }; return Circle; }()); // 产品Rectangle var Rectangle = /** @class */ (function () { function Rectangle() { } Rectangle.prototype.draw = function () { }; return Rectangle; }()); // 下面为生产产品的工厂,根据选择,生产出不同的产品 var ShapeFactory = /** @class */ (function () { function ShapeFactory() { } ShapeFactory.getShape = function (typeShape) { if (typeShape === "Circle") { return new Circle(); } if (typeShape === "Rectangle") { return new Rectangle(); } if (typeShape === null) { return null; } return null; }; return ShapeFactory; }()); // 下面编写测试 var test = ShapeFactory.getShape("Circle"); // 调用draw方法 test.draw(); 复制代码
class ShapeFactory1 { constructor(){ }; public static getShape<T extends Shape>(c:{new ():T}):T{ // C类型为类 return new c(); } } let test = ShapeFactory1.getShape(Circle); test.draw(); 复制代码
var ShapeFactory1 = /** @class */ (function () { function ShapeFactory1() { } ; ShapeFactory1.getShape = function (c) { return new c(); }; return ShapeFactory1; }()); var test = ShapeFactory1.getShape(Circle); test.draw(); 复制代码
// 工厂方法 class CircleFactory{ constructor(){ } public static getShape():Shape{ return new Circle(); } } class RectangleFactory{ constructor(){ } public static getShape():Shape{ return new Rectangle(); } } let test = CircleFactory.getShape(); test.draw(); 复制代码
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Alfred V. Aho、Jeffrey D. Ullman、John E. Hopcroft / Addison Wesley / 1983-1-11 / USD 74.20
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