内容简介:TheAtodo: 描述Images和Framebuffer的区别。
The Swapchain
is the backend representation of the surface. It consists of multiple buffers, which will be presented on the surface.
A Surface
abstracts the surface of a native window, which will be presented on the display.
Backbuffer - Swapchain的后端缓冲区类型
todo: 描述Images和Framebuffer的区别。
/// Swapchain backbuffer type #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Backbuffer<B: Backend> { /// Color image chain Images(Vec<B::Image>), /// A single opaque framebuffer Framebuffer(B::Framebuffer), } 复制代码
/// Contains all the data necessary to create a new `Swapchain`: /// color, depth, and number of images. /// /// # Examples /// /// This type implements the builder pattern, method calls can be /// easily chained. /// /// ```no_run /// # extern crate gfx_hal; /// # fn main() { /// # use gfx_hal::{SwapchainConfig}; /// # use gfx_hal::format::Format; /// let config = SwapchainConfig::new(100, 100, Format::Bgra8Unorm, 2); /// # } /// ``` #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SwapchainConfig { /// Presentation mode. pub present_mode: PresentMode, /// Format of the backbuffer images. pub format: Format, /// Requested image extent. Must be in /// `SurfaceCapabilities::extents` range. pub extent: Extent2D, /// Number of images in the swapchain. Must be in /// `SurfaceCapabilities::image_count` range. pub image_count: SwapImageIndex, /// Number of image layers. Must be lower or equal to /// `SurfaceCapabilities::max_image_layers`. pub image_layers: image::Layer, /// Image usage of the backbuffer images. pub image_usage: image::Usage, } 复制代码
let (caps, formats, _present_modes) = surface.compatibility(&physical_device); println!("formats: {:?}", formats); let format = formats .map_or(f::Format::Rgba8Srgb, |formats| { formats .iter() .find(|format| format.base_format().1 == ChannelType::Srgb) .map(|format| *format) .unwrap_or(formats[0]) }); println!("Surface format: {:?}", format); let swap_config = SwapchainConfig::from_caps(&caps, format); 复制代码
todo: 描述Render To Texture(RTT)情况的Swapchain创建注意事项。
let (swapchain, backbuffer) = device.create_swapchain( &mut surface, swap_config, None, ); 复制代码
let render_pass = { let attachment = pass::Attachment { format: Some(swapchain.format.clone()), samples: 1, ops: pass::AttachmentOps::new( pass::AttachmentLoadOp::Clear, pass::AttachmentStoreOp::Store, ), stencil_ops: pass::AttachmentOps::DONT_CARE, layouts: image::Layout::Undefined..image::Layout::Present, }; let subpass = pass::SubpassDesc { colors: &[(0, image::Layout::ColorAttachmentOptimal)], depth_stencil: None, inputs: &[], resolves: &[], preserves: &[], }; let dependency = pass::SubpassDependency { passes: pass::SubpassRef::External..pass::SubpassRef::Pass(0), stages: PipelineStage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT ..PipelineStage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT, accesses: image::Access::empty() ..(image::Access::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ | image::Access::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE), }; device.create_render_pass(&[attachment], &[subpass], &[dependency]) }; 复制代码
let (frame_images, framebuffers) = match swapchain.backbuffer.take().unwrap() { Backbuffer::Images(images) => { let extent = image::Extent { width: swapchain.extent.width as _, height: swapchain.extent.height as _, depth: 1, }; let pairs = images .into_iter() .map(|image| { let rtv = device .create_image_view( &image, image::ViewKind::D2, swapchain.format, Swizzle::NO, COLOR_RANGE.clone(), ) .unwrap(); (image, rtv) }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let fbos = pairs .iter() .map(|&(_, ref rtv)| { device .create_framebuffer( render_pass.render_pass.as_ref().unwrap(), Some(rtv), extent, ) .unwrap() }) .collect(); (pairs, fbos) } Backbuffer::Framebuffer(fbo) => (Vec::new(), vec![fbo]), }; let iter_count = if frame_images.len() != 0 { frame_images.len() } else { 1 // GL can have zero }; let mut fences: Vec<B::Fence> = vec![]; let mut command_pools: Vec<hal::CommandPool<B, hal::Graphics>> = vec![]; let mut acquire_semaphores: Vec<B::Semaphore> = vec![]; let mut present_semaphores: Vec<B::Semaphore> = vec![]; for _ in 0..iter_count { fences.push(device.create_fence(true)); command_pools.push(device.create_command_pool_typed( &queues, pool::CommandPoolCreateFlags::empty(), 16, )); acquire_semaphores.push(device.create_semaphore()); present_semaphores.push(device.create_semaphore()); } 复制代码
// Rendering let submit = { let mut cmd_buffer = command_pool.acquire_command_buffer(false); cmd_buffer.set_viewports(0, &[self.viewport.clone()]); cmd_buffer.set_scissors(0, &[self.viewport.rect]); cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_pipeline(self.pipeline.pipeline.as_ref().unwrap()); cmd_buffer.bind_vertex_buffers( 0, Some((self.vertex_buffer.get_buffer(), 0)), ); cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_descriptor_sets( self.pipeline.pipeline_layout.as_ref().unwrap(), 0, vec![self.image.desc.set.as_ref().unwrap(), self.uniform.desc.as_ref().unwrap().set.as_ref().unwrap()], &[], ); //TODO { let mut encoder = cmd_buffer.begin_render_pass_inline( render_pass.as_ref().unwrap(), framebuffer, self.viewport.rect, &[command::ClearValue::Color(command::ClearColor::Float([ cr, cg, cb, 1.0, ]))], ); encoder.draw(0..6, 0..1); } cmd_buffer.finish() }; 复制代码
Render to Texture(RTT)场景到这一步就结束了,通常还会配置Submission执行完成的回调,方便我们提交下一个Submission。
let submission = Submission::new() .wait_on(&[(&*image_acquired, PipelineStage::BOTTOM_OF_PIPE)]) .signal(&[&*image_present]) .submit(Some(submit)); queues.queues[0].submit(submission, Some(framebuffer_fence)); 复制代码
目前来看,渲染到屏幕才需要 swapchain.present()
// present frame swapchain.as_ref().unwrap().present( &mut queues.queues[0], frame, Some(&*image_present), ) 复制代码
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《以OpenGL/ES视角介绍gfx-hal(Vulkan) Framebuffer接口使用》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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