内容简介:之所以写这篇文章,是在一篇博客中看到了时间轮定时器这个东西,感觉很是惊艳,https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongwencool/p/timing_wheel.html。在以前写windows 程序的时候,windows API 自己就实现了SetTimer 这个调用,在超时后会触发OnTimer的回调,然后通过timer_id 调用我们自己事件处理函数,但是在后台开发中,一般都需要自己实现,这里根据博客实现了自己的定时器。这里实现的是一个毫秒到分钟级别的三成时间轮定时器。InitTim
之所以写这篇文章,是在一篇博客中看到了时间轮定时器这个东西,感觉很是惊艳,https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongwencool/p/timing_wheel.html。在以前写windows 程序的时候,windows API 自己就实现了SetTimer 这个调用,在超时后会触发OnTimer的回调,然后通过timer_id 调用我们自己事件处理函数,但是在后台开发中,一般都需要自己实现,这里根据博客实现了自己的定时器。
/************************************************************************/ /* TimeWheel实现了一个毫秒级别的定时器,最大支持到分钟级别 */ /************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include<functional> #include<list> #include<thread> #include<mutex> typedef struct TimePos_ { int ms_pos; int s_pos; int min_pos; }TimePos; typedef struct EventInfo_ { int interval; std::function<void(void)> call_back; TimePos time_pos; int timer_id; }EventInfo; class TimeWheel { public: TimeWheel(); ~TimeWheel(); public: /*step 以毫秒为单位,表示定时器最小时间粒度 *max_timer 表示定时器所能接受的分钟时间间隔 */ int InitTimerWheel(int step,int max_min); int AddTimer(int interval, std::function<void(void)>& call_back); int DeleteTimer(int timer_id); private: int DoLoop(); int GenerateTimerID(); int InsertTimer(int diff_ms,EventInfo& einfo); int GetNextTrigerPos(int interval,TimePos& time_pos); int GetMS(TimePos time_pos); int DealTimeWheeling(std::list<EventInfo> leinfo); private: std::list<EventInfo> *_pCallbackList = nullptr; std::mutex _mutex; TimePos _time_pos; int _lowCount = 0; int _midCount = 0; int _highCount = 0; int _step_ms = 0; int _timer_count = 0; };
#include "TimeWheel.h" #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; TimeWheel::TimeWheel() { memset(&_time_pos, 0, sizeof(_time_pos)); } TimeWheel::~TimeWheel() { } int TimeWheel::InitTimerWheel(int step_ms, int max_min) { if (1000 % step_ms != 0) { cout << "step is not property, should be devided by 1000" << endl; return -1; } int msNeedCount = 1000 / step_ms; int sNeedCount = 60; int minNeedCount = max_min; _pCallbackList = new std::list<EventInfo>[msNeedCount + sNeedCount + minNeedCount]; _step_ms = step_ms; _lowCount = msNeedCount; _midCount = sNeedCount; _highCount = minNeedCount; std::thread th([&]{ this->DoLoop(); }); th.detach(); return 0; } int TimeWheel::AddTimer(int interval, std::function<void(void)>& call_back) { if (interval < _step_ms || interval % _step_ms != 0 || interval >= _step_ms * _lowCount * _midCount * _highCount) { cout << "time interval is invalid" << endl; return -1; } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); EventInfo einfo = {0}; einfo.interval = interval; einfo.call_back = call_back; einfo.time_pos.ms_pos = _time_pos.ms_pos; einfo.time_pos.s_pos = _time_pos.s_pos; einfo.time_pos.min_pos = _time_pos.min_pos; einfo.timer_id = GenerateTimerID(); InsertTimer(einfo.interval,einfo); _timer_count++; cout << "insert timer success time_id: " << einfo.timer_id << endl; return einfo.timer_id; } int TimeWheel::DeleteTimer(int time_id) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); int i = 0; int nCount = _lowCount + _midCount + _highCount; for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { std::list<EventInfo>& leinfo = _pCallbackList[i]; for (auto item = leinfo.begin(); item != leinfo.end();item++) { if (item->timer_id == time_id) { item = leinfo.erase(item); return 0; } } } if (i == nCount) { cout << "timer not found" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } int TimeWheel::DoLoop() { cout << "........starting loop........" << endl; static int nCount = 0; while (true) { this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(_step_ms)); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex); cout << ".........this is " << ++nCount <<" loop........."<< endl; TimePos pos = {0}; TimePos last_pos = _time_pos; GetNextTrigerPos(_step_ms, pos); _time_pos = pos; if (pos.min_pos != last_pos.min_pos) { list<EventInfo>& leinfo = _pCallbackList[_time_pos.min_pos + _midCount + _lowCount]; DealTimeWheeling(leinfo); leinfo.clear(); } else if (pos.s_pos != last_pos.s_pos) { list<EventInfo>& leinfo = _pCallbackList[_time_pos.s_pos + _lowCount]; DealTimeWheeling(leinfo); leinfo.clear(); } else if (pos.ms_pos != last_pos.ms_pos) { list<EventInfo>& leinfo = _pCallbackList[_time_pos.ms_pos]; DealTimeWheeling(leinfo); leinfo.clear(); } else { cout << "error time not change" << endl; return -1; } lock.unlock(); } return 0; } int TimeWheel::GenerateTimerID() { int x = rand() % 0xffffffff; int cur_time = time(nullptr); return x | cur_time | _timer_count; } int TimeWheel::InsertTimer(int diff_ms,EventInfo &einfo) { TimePos time_pos = {0}; GetNextTrigerPos(diff_ms, time_pos); if (time_pos.min_pos != _time_pos.min_pos) _pCallbackList[_lowCount + _midCount + time_pos.min_pos].push_back(einfo); else if (time_pos.s_pos != _time_pos.s_pos) _pCallbackList[_lowCount + time_pos.s_pos].push_back(einfo); else if (time_pos.ms_pos != _time_pos.ms_pos) _pCallbackList[time_pos.ms_pos].push_back(einfo); return 0; } int TimeWheel::GetNextTrigerPos(int interval, TimePos& time_pos) { int cur_ms = GetMS(_time_pos); int future_ms = cur_ms + interval; time_pos.min_pos = (future_ms / 1000 / 60) % _highCount; time_pos.s_pos = (future_ms % (1000 * 60)) / 1000; time_pos.ms_pos = (future_ms % 1000) / _step_ms; return 0; } int TimeWheel::GetMS(TimePos time_pos) { return _step_ms * time_pos.ms_pos + time_pos.s_pos * 1000 + time_pos.min_pos * 60 * 1000; } int TimeWheel::DealTimeWheeling(std::list<EventInfo> leinfo) { for (auto item = leinfo.begin(); item != leinfo.end(); item++) { int cur_ms = GetMS(_time_pos); int last_ms = GetMS(item->time_pos); int diff_ms = (cur_ms - last_ms + (_highCount + 1) * 60 * 1000) % ((_highCount + 1) * 60 * 1000); if (diff_ms == item->interval) { item->call_back(); item->time_pos = _time_pos; InsertTimer(item->interval, *item); } else { InsertTimer(item->interval - diff_ms, *item); } } return 0; }
这里实现的是一个毫秒到分钟级别的三成时间轮定时器。InitTimerWheel 中有两个参数,第一个表示支持的最小时间粒度单位毫秒,第二个参数是支持的最大分钟级别。
1.1. 初始化一个三层时间轮:毫秒刻盘:1000/step_ms 个MSList, 秒刻盘:60个SList, 时刻盘:max_min个MinList;
1.2. MSTick由外界推动,每跳一轮(1000/step_ms格),MSTick复位至0,同时STick跳1格;
1.3. 同理STick每跳一轮(60格),STick复位至0,同时MinTick跳1格;
1.4. 最高层:MinTick跳一轮(max_min格),MinTick复位至0,一个时间轮完整周期完成.
2.1. 设置时间为TimeOut的事件时,根据TimeOut算出发生此事件时刻的指针位置{TriggerMin,TriggerS,TriggerMS};
2.2. 用{TriggerMin,TriggerS,TriggerMS}与当前指针{NowMin,NowS,NowMS}对比得出事件存放在哪一个指针(Tick);
2.3. 所有层的指针每跳到下一格(Tick01)都会触发格子的事件列表,处理每一个事件Event01:
2.3.1 根据事件Event01的剩余TimeOut算出Event01应该存在上一层(跳得更快)层的位置Pos;
2.3.2 把事件更新到新的Pos(更新TimeOut);
2.3.3 重复处理完Tick01里面所有的事件;
2.3.4 清空Tick01的事件;
2.3.5 最底层(跳最快)层所有的事件遇到指针Tick都会立即执行;
需要指出的是,这里和我所贴的博客中的实现是有点不同的,它所叙述的是一个时分秒级别的定时器,但是我们这里进行了降级,实现的是一个 毫秒,秒,分钟级别的定时器。因为个人感觉,这种级别的定时器使用的概率会更大一些
#include <iostream> #include <functional> #include "TimeWheel.h" using namespace std; void fun100() { cout << "func 100" << endl; } void fun200() { cout << "func 200" << endl; } void fun500() { cout << "func 500" << endl; } void fun1500() { cout << "func 1500" << endl; } void main() { std::function<void(void)> f100 = std::bind(&fun100); std::function<void(void)> f200 = std::bind(&fun200); std::function<void(void)> f500 = std::bind(&fun500); std::function<void(void)> f1500 = std::bind(&fun1500); TimeWheel time_wheel; time_wheel.InitTimerWheel(100, 5); int timer1 = time_wheel.AddTimer(100, f100); int timer2 = time_wheel.AddTimer(200, f200); int timer3 = time_wheel.AddTimer(500, f500); // time_wheel.AddTimer(1500, f1500); bool b = true; int nLoop = 0; while (1) { nLoop++; this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(300)); if (b) { time_wheel.AddTimer(1500, f1500); b = false; } if (nLoop == 3) time_wheel.DeleteTimer(timer1); } }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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