Netdata 1.11.1 发布,实时性能和健康监测系统

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Netdata 1.11.1 已发布,这是一款分布式实时性能和健康监测系统,使用现代化互动式 Web 仪表板实时监测数据,目前支持 Linux、FreeBSD 和 MacOS 。 内部数据库改进 Overflown incremental values (counters) do n...

Netdata 1.11.1 已发布,这是一款分布式实时性能和健康监测系统,使用现代化互动式 Web 仪表板实时监测数据,目前支持 Linux、FreeBSD 和 MacOS 。

Netdata 1.11.1 发布,实时性能和健康监测系统


  • Overflown incremental values (counters) do not show a zero point at the charts. 


  • BUG FIX: network interface names with colon (:) in them were incorrectly parsed and resulted in faulty data collection values.

  • BUG FIX: smartd_log has been refactored, has better python v2 compatibility, and now supports SCSI smart attributes

  • cpufreq has been re-written in C - since this module if common, we decided to convert to an internal plugin to lower the pressure on the python ones. There are a few more that will be transitioned to C in the next release.

  • BUG FIX: sensors got some compatibility fixes and improved handling for lm-sensors errors.


  • BUG FIX: max network interface speed data collection was faulty, which resulted in false-positive alarms on systems with multiple interfaces using different speeds (the speed of the first network interface was used for all network interfaces). Now the interface speed is shown as a badge:

Netdata 1.11.1 发布,实时性能和健康监测系统

  • notifications got a few improvements

  • BUG FIXconntrack_max alarm has been restored (was not working due to an invalid variable name referenced)


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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[美] 罗伯特·金奇尔、马尼·佩伊万 / 中信出版集团 / 2018-12 / 68.00元

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