内容简介:Apache Wicket 8.2.0 发布了,Wicket 是一个 Java 语言的 Web 开发框架,与 Struts、WebWork、Tapestry 相类似,其特点在于对 Html 和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了 ...
Apache Wicket 8.2.0 发布了,Wicket 是一个 Java 语言的 Web 开发框架,与 Struts、WebWork、Tapestry 相类似,其特点在于对 Html 和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于 程序员 和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了 XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开发方式与 C/S 相似),更加易于调试(错误类型比较少,而且容易定位)。
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId> <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId> <version>8.2.0</version> </dependency>
下载地址 http://wicket.apache.org/start/wicket-8.x.html#manually
CHANGELOG for 8.2.0:
[WICKET-4423] - Modal Window dragging failes with iframe
[WICKET-5552] - Events to close pop-up on Modal Window are not propagated
[WICKET-6586] - Broken JavaScript due to fix charsetName in JavaScriptPackageResource
[WICKET-6588] - Under Tomcat (ver. >= 8.5) BaseWebSocketBehavior can’t find session id cookie
[WICKET-6589] - ClientInfo fails with NumberFormatException for unusual browser versions
[WICKET-6599] - ResponseIOException should never escape from WicketFilter
[WICKET-6602] - AuthenticatedWebApplication login Workflow broken with replaceSession
[WICKET-6603] - WicketTester.destroy sometimes hangs
[WICKET-6604] - Ajax repaint is not correctly handled when component being repainted has an enclosure associated with it and is not a child of the enclosure
[WICKET-6606] - data-wicket-placeholder is invalid XHTML
[WICKET-6607] - NoSuchMethodError when using Spring-Beans with constructor injection in an AjaxLink#onClick
[WICKET-6608] - Stateless page, mix of queue and add can cause unforseen consequences
[WICKET-6610] - Incorrect Javadoc: Refering to specific page in Application properties file is not possible
[WICKET-6435] - WicketTester should provide assertExists and assertNotExists methods
[WICKET-6600] - Error logging in AjaxRequestHandler is too strict
[WICKET-6601] - Events to close pop-up on Modal Window are not propagated from caption bar
[WICKET-6605] - Allow AjaxFallbackButton to be stateless
[WICKET-6594] - JavaDoc of redirectToInterceptPage in Component urges to use redirectTo method when in a constructor
[WICKET-6609] - Update Guice from 4.1.0 to 4.2.2
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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梅隆尼 / 李军 / 2009-1 / 59.00元
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