Vagrant是一个基于 Ruby 的工具,用于创建和部署虚拟化开发环境,能帮助开发人员迅速的构建一个开发环境,帮助测试人员构建测试环境。。简单地说,Vagrant让我们可以通过代码的方式快速地、可重复地创建针对不同虚拟环境的虚拟机,包括Virtualbox、AWS、 Docker 等。它使得我们可以一次性地、自动创建多个环境相同的虚拟机,对于软件开发和测试尤其有用。
2.2.1 (November 15, 2018)
- core/plugins: Add reset! method to communicator [GH-10399]
- providers/virtualbox: Add support for VirtualBox 6.0 [GH-10379]
- command/validate: Allow validation of config while ignoring provider [GH-10351]
- communicators/ssh: Prevent overly verbose output waiting for connection [GH-10321]
- communicators/ssh: Support ed25519 keys [GH-10365]
- communicators/ssh: Add reset! implementation [GH-10399]
- communicators/winrm: Add reset! implementation [GH-10399]
- core: Limit number of automatic box update checks [GH-10359]
- host/windows: Remove PATH check in WSL detection [GH-10313]
- providers/hyperv: Disable automatic checkpoints before deletion [GH-10406]
- providers/virtualbox: Add `automount` flag if specified with synced_folder [GH-10326]
- providers/virtualbox: Refactor host only network settings [GH-7699]
- providers/virtualbox: Support setting default NIC type for network adapters [GH-10383]
- providers/virtualbox: Update ssh_port helper to handle multiple matches [GH-10409]
- provisioners/shell: Add :reset option to allow communicator reset [GH-10399]
- synced_folders/smb: Allow for 'default' smb_username in prompt if set [GH-10319]
- util/network_ip: Simplify `network_address` helper [GH-7693]
- util/platform: Prevent hard failure during hyper-v enabled check [GH-10332]
- command/login: Only show deprecation warning when command is invoked [GH-10374]
- core: Fallback to Vagrantfile defined box information [GH-10368]
- core/bundler: Update source ordering to properly resolve with new RubyGems [GH-10364]
- core/triggers: Only split inline script if host is non-Windows [GH-10405]
- communicator/winrm: Prepend computer name to username when running elevated commands [GH-10387]
- guest/debian: Fix halting issue when setting hostname by restarting networking on guest [GH-10301, GH-10330]
- guest/linux: Fix vagrant user access to docker after install [GH-10399]
- guest/windows: Add reboot capability to fix hostname race condition [GH-10347]
- guest/windows: Allow for reading key paths with spaces [GH-10389]
- host/windows: Fix powershell to properly handle paths with spaces [GH-10390]
- providers/docker: Deterministic host VM synced folder location for Docker VM [GH-10311]
- providers/hyperv: Fix network vlan configuration script [GH-10366]
- providers/hyperv: Properly output error message on failed guest import [GH-10404]
- providers/hyperv: Fix typo in network configuration detection script [GH-10410]
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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