内容简介:Angular 7.0.3 和 7.1.0-beta.2 已发布,Angular 是一款十分流行且好用的 Web 前端框架,目前由 Google 维护。Bug Fixes
Angular 7.0.3 和 7.1.0-beta.2 已发布,Angular 是一款十分流行且好用的 Web 前端框架,目前由 Google 维护。
7.1.0-beta.2 (2018-11-07)
Bug Fixes
bazel:unknown replay compiler error in windows ( #26711 ) ( aed95fd )
core:ensure that
is available in flat-file formats ( #26403 ) ( a64859b ) -
router:remove type bludgeoning of context and outlet when running CanDeactivate ( #26496 ) ( 496372d ), closes #18253
service-worker:add typing to public api guard and fix lint errors ( #25860 ) ( 1061875 )
upgrade:improve downgrading-related error messages ( #26217 ) ( 7dbc103 )
upgrade:make typings compatible with older AngularJS typings ( #26880 ) ( 64647af ), closes #26420
compiler:ability to mark an InvokeFunctionExpr as pure ( #26860 ) ( 4dfa71f )
forms:add updateOn option to FormBuilder ( #24599 ) ( e9e804f )
router:allow guards to return UrlTree as well as boolean ( #26521 ) ( 081f95c )
router:allow redirect from guards by returning UrlTree ( #26521 ) ( 152ca66 )
router:guard returning UrlTree cancels current navigation and redirects ( #26521 ) ( 4e9f2e5 ), closes #24618
service-worker:add typing for messagesClicked in SwPush service ( #25860 ) ( c78c221 )
service-worker:close notifications and focus window on click ( #25860 ) ( f5d5a3d )
service-worker:handle 'notificationclick' events ( #25860 ) ( cf6ea28 ), closes #20956 #22311
upgrade:support downgrading multiple modules ( #26217 ) ( 93837e9 ), closes #26062
7.0.3 (2018-11-07)
Bug Fixes
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
【美】Brian Overland(布莱恩.奥弗兰德) / 卢涛、李颖 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-8 / 109.00
《写给大忙人看的C++》全面介绍了C++语言知识,既提供了学习C++语言最新功能的捷径,也为快速找到特定问题的答案提供了便利。《写给大忙人看的C++》简明地描述了C++核心语言和标准库中几乎所有的函数、对象和运算符,一目了然地显示了语法、结构和重要函数的信息,内容组织形式便于快速查找信息。《写给大忙人看的C++》精选了实用的例子来深入地讲解概念,还提供了富有挑战性的练习及参考答案,便于读者举一反三......一起来看看 《写给大忙人看的C++》 这本书的介绍吧!