内容简介:Apache Maven 3.6.0 已发布,Apache Maven 是一个项目管理和构建工具。基于项目对象模型(POM)的概念, Maven 可以从中心位置管理项目的构建、报告和文档。 更新内容: 修复 MNG-6311 - Maven intolerably slow ...
Apache Maven 3.6.0 已发布,Apache Maven 是一个项目管理和构建工具。基于项目对象模型(POM)的概念, Maven 可以从中心位置管理项目的构建、报告和文档。
MNG-6311 - Maven intolerably slow when import scope used heavily in large project
MNG-6358 - Maven build should not require access to apache.org
MNG-6383 - ProjectBuilder unnecessarily rebuilds modules with ci-friendly versions
MNG-6412 - Exceeding project discovery time when using CI friendly versions
MNG-6415 - Project Artifacts Cache does not retain the order of classpath entries.
MNG-6472 - Mockito cannot mock this class: interface org.eclipse.aether.impl.RepositoryEventDispatcher
MNG-6490 - Maven shall not fail reporting circular dependency when the dependency is a classified secondary artifact
MNG-4508 - No way to avoid adding artifactId to site urls
MNG-5951 - add an option to avoid path addition to inherited URLs
MNG-6164 - Collections inconsistently immutable
MNG-6391 - Printout version of last built module in reactor build
MNG-6414 - Add more Apache license header patterns to skip downloading Apache license
MNG-6467 - Remove plugin definition from pom file which is inherited
MNG-6480 - Eclipse.org site is down, and you are unable to build Maven?
MNG-6492 - Minor improvement on Array construction, converson
MNG-6475 - Remove guava dependencies
MNG-6424 - Upgrade plexus-interpolation to 1.25
MNG-6449 - Upgrade parent to 32
MNG-6473 - Update Mockito to 2.21.0
MNG-6478 - Upgrade parent to 33 for sha512 checksum on release
MNG-6479 - Upgrade XMLUnit to 2.2.1
MNG-6486 - Upgrade to Wagon 3.2.0
MNG-6489 - Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.3.0
MNG-6491 - Upgrade commons-lang3 to 3.8.1
MNG-6496 - Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.3.1
MNG-6497 - Upgrade guice to 4.2.1
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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猜你喜欢:- Maven 3.5.2 发布,项目管理和构建工具
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- Apache Maven 3.5.4. 发布,项目管理和构建工具
- Apache Maven 3.8.1 发布,项目管理和构建工具
- Apache Maven 3.6.0 发布,项目管理和构建工具
- Apache Maven 3.6.1 发布,项目管理和构建工具
Beginning Java Objects中文版从概念到代码
巴克 / 万波 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2007-1 / 78.00元
《Beginning Java Objects中文版从概念到代码(第2版)》是关于软件对象和Java的,但并不是纯粹地介绍Java语言,而是强调如何从对象模型转换到功能完整的Java应用程序。书中讲述了对象基础、对象建模和模型的实现。《Beginning Java Objects中文版从概念到代码(第2版)》除了用学生注册系统(SRS)示例贯穿全书之外,还在附录中给出三个附加的案例,这些案例是每章......一起来看看 《Beginning Java Objects中文版从概念到代码》 这本书的介绍吧!