内容简介:CppCheck是一个静态语法扫描器,官方介绍:Static analysis of C/C++ code. Checks for: memory leaks, mismatching allocation-deallocation, buffer overrun, and many more. The goal is 0% false positives. SeeCppCheck是一个开源工程,要对其进行修改,最好还是理清楚它的工作流程。首先,让我们对一个常见的问题进行检查,代码如下:
Static analysis of C/C++ code. Checks for: memory leaks, mismatching allocation-deallocation, buffer overrun, and many more. The goal is 0% false positives. See http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net for more information.
int a[10];
a[10] = 0;
> cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBufferOverrun::arrayIndexOutOfBoundsError(const Token * tok, const CheckBufferOverrun::ArrayInfo & arrayInfo, const std::vector<ValueFlow::Value,std::allocator<ValueFlow::Value> > & index) 行 142 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBufferOverrun::valueFlowCheckArrayIndex(const Token * const tok, const CheckBufferOverrun::ArrayInfo & arrayInfo) 行 878 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBufferOverrun::bufferOverrun() 行 1593 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBufferOverrun::runChecks(const Tokenizer * tokenizer, const Settings * settings, ErrorLogger * errorLogger) 行 91 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CppCheck::checkNormalTokens(const Tokenizer & tokenizer) 行 563 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CppCheck::checkFile(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & filename, const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & cfgname, std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char> > & fileStream) 行 416 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CppCheck::check(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & path) 行 83 C++ cppcheck.exe!CppCheckExecutor::check_internal(CppCheck & cppcheck, int __formal, const char * const * argv) 行 871 C++ cppcheck.exe!CppCheckExecutor::check(int argc, const char * const * argv) 行 198 C++ cppcheck.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) 行 95 C++
cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBufferOverrun::runChecks(const Tokenizer * tokenizer, const Settings * settings, ErrorLogger * errorLogger) 行 91 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!CppCheck::checkNormalTokens(const Tokenizer & tokenizer) 行 563 C++ > cppcheck-core.dll!CppCheck::checkFile(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & filename, const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & cfgname, std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char> > & fileStream) 行 416 C++
void CppCheck::checkNormalTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { // call all "runChecks" in all registered Check classes for (std::list<Check *>::const_iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) { if (mSettings.terminated()) return; if (tokenizer.isMaxTime()) return; Timer timerRunChecks((*it)->name() + "::runChecks", mSettings.showtime, &S_timerResults); (*it)->runChecks(&tokenizer, &mSettings, this); }
名称 值 类型 ▶ [0] 0x01557438 {cppcheck-core.dll!Check64BitPortability instance} {...} Check * {Check64BitPortability} ▶ [1] 0x01557494 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckAssert instance} {...} Check * {CheckAssert} ▶ [2] 0x015574ec {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckAutoVariables instance} {...} Check * {CheckAutoVariables} ▶ [3] 0x01557550 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBool instance} {...} Check * {CheckBool} ▶ [4] 0x015575b8 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBoost instance} {...} Check * {CheckBoost} ▶ [5] 0x01557614 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckBufferOverrun instance} {...} Check * {CheckBufferOverrun} ▶ [6] 0x01557774 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckFunctions instance} {...} Check * {CheckFunctions} ▶ [7] 0x0155768c {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckClass instance} {mSymbolDatabase=0x00000000 <NULL> } Check * {CheckClass} ▶ [8] 0x0155771c {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckCondition instance} {...} Check * {CheckCondition} ▶ [9] 0x01557864 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckExceptionSafety instance} {...} Check * {CheckExceptionSafety} ▶ [10] 0x015578bc {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckIO instance} {...} Check * {CheckIO} ▶ [11] 0x01557974 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckLeakAutoVar instance} {...} Check * {CheckLeakAutoVar} ▶ [12] 0x01557a7c {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckMemoryLeakNoVar instance4} {...} Check * {CheckMemoryLeakNoVar} ▶ [13] 0x01557a0c {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckMemoryLeakInClass instance2} {...} Check * {CheckMemoryLeakInClass} ▶ [14] 0x015579d4 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckMemoryLeakInFunction instance1} {...} Check * {CheckMemoryLeakInFunction} ▶ [15] 0x01557a44 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckMemoryLeakStructMember instance3} {...} Check * {CheckMemoryLeakStructMember} ▶ [16] 0x01557b34 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckNullPointer instance} {...} Check * {CheckNullPointer} ▶ [17] 0x01557bb0 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckOther instance} {...} Check * {CheckOther} ▶ [18] 0x01557d20 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckStl instance} {...} Check * {CheckStl} ▶ [19] 0x01557cbc {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckSizeof instance} {...} Check * {CheckSizeof} ▶ [20] 0x015577ec {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckString instance} {...} Check * {CheckString} ▶ [21] 0x01557e98 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckType instance} {...} Check * {CheckType} ▶ [22] 0x01557f00 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckUninitVar instance} {...} Check * {CheckUninitVar} ▶ [23] 0x01557f70 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckUnusedFunctions CheckUnusedFunctions::instance} {mFunctions={ size=0 } ...} Check * {CheckUnusedFunctions} ▶ [24] 0x01557ff8 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckUnusedVar instance} {mIsRecordTypeWithoutSideEffectsMap={ size=0 } ...} Check * {CheckUnusedVar} ▶ [25] 0x01557c64 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckPostfixOperator instance} {...} Check * {CheckPostfixOperator} ▶ [26] 0x01558070 {cppcheck-core.dll!CheckVaarg instance} {...} Check * {CheckVaarg}
std::list<Check *> &Check::instances() { #ifdef __SVR4 // Under Solaris, destructors are called in wrong order which causes a segmentation fault. // This fix ensures pointer remains valid and reachable until program terminates. static std::list<Check *> *_instances= new std::list<Check *>; return *_instances; #else static std::list<Check *> _instances; return _instances; #endif }
Check::Check(const std::string &aname) : mTokenizer(nullptr), mSettings(nullptr), mErrorLogger(nullptr), mName(aname) { for (std::list<Check*>::iterator i = instances().begin(); i != instances().end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() > aname) { instances().insert(i, this); return; } } instances().push_back(this); }
cppcheck-core.dll!Check::Check(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & aname) 行 30 C++ cppcheck-core.dll!Check64BitPortability::Check64BitPortability() 行 46 C++ > cppcheck-core.dll!`anonymous namespace'::`dynamic initializer for 'instance''() 行 41 C++
// Register this check class (by creating a static instance of it) namespace { Check64BitPortability instance; }
class CPPCHECKLIB Check64BitPortability : public Check { public: /** This constructor is used when registering the Check64BitPortability */ Check64BitPortability() : Check(myName()) { }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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